Chapter 7

Aurora's P.O.V

"What are you doing here?" I asked my dad moving to stand by Scott, "You two are still as close as when you were little." He smiled completely skipping over my question. "Yeah." Scott mumbled putting his arm around my shoulder instinctively. "So uh why are you here?" He added on, our dad looked at us for a minute, "I'm investigating Sheriff Stilinski." He said, I stared at him wide eyed. "Why?!" I asked panicking, "The department has had too many unsolved cases." He said, I shook my head looking up at Scott, who looked nervous as well.

"Well, maybe you should get to work then." I muttered just wanting to spend the rest of my Sunday relaxing. "Yes, I should actually. I'll see you guys later." He said smiling, I smiled trying to be polite, Scott doing the same. Shortly after he left, Scott left too. Sighing I trudged upstairs, I groaned swinging Brett's door open and falling face first on to his bed. "So what did he say?" Brett asked, laughing slightly at me. I picked my head up and glared at him, "He's in town to investigate Sheriff Stilinski." I sighed. "Why?" He asked moving to lay next to me, "Too many unsolved cases." I muttered. He scoffed, "That's stupid." He replied. "Yeah." I said sitting up, "I kind of just want to go home, I feel like Scott needs someone there for him right now because of everything." I whispered, not wanting to disappoint Brett.

"It's okay." He said hearing the apologetic tone in my voice, "I'll drive you." He added on, standing up.

"Thanks, babe." I said, smiling at him as I leaned over to give him a kiss. "I love you." He whispered cupping my face with his hands, I smiled my eyes still closed after I pulled back, I opened my eyes to see him staring at me. "I love you too." I said opening my car door, "Bye." I added on stepping out of the car, "Bye." He called starting his car and pulling out of the driveway.

"Scott?" I shouted into the quiet house, "Oh, hi." I said walking into the living room to see Scott and our dad talking, "Hey." Scott said motioning for me to sit. "What are you doing?" I asked looking back and forth between them, "Just talking, about what's been going on." Scott answered, I looked at him confused. "He was telling me about lacrosse." Our dad said, I nodded, "Mr. Team Captain." I said laughing slightly at Scott, our dad smiled at us. "What things have you been doing?" He asked me. "Oh you know, trying to master my banshee skills." I thought to myself, "I really like music but I'm focusing on my school work." I mumbled, Scott sighed knowing I turned down the music program at school this year.

"That's good.." He trailed off, Scott and I both looked at him skeptically, I raised my eyebrows in shock at his next question directed at Scott, "So, Scott. You approve of her uh boyfriend?" He asked not bothering to remember Brett's name. I looked at Scott waiting to hear his answer, he stuttered over his words not knowing how to answer, I know he approves of Brett, he's told me time and time again that he does. "Yes, he does. Why do you ask?" I asked looking at our dad for an answer. "He just seems I don't know, like he's just there." He answered, looking at me surprised with my attitude.

"I don't want to come off as rude." I paused gathering my words, "But where do you think you have the right to come back after years and judge my boyfriend?" I asked, putting it as gently as possible. "I'm your father that's why." He answered, his eyebrows raising warningly. I rolled my eyes, "Okay." I said standing up and starting to go to my room, Scott watching the both of us astonished by our small outbursts. "Mom." I said seeing her opening the front door, I rushed over to her hugging her immediately, "Well hello." She chuckled, I felt her tense slightly seeing our dad in the living room, Scott smiled at her coming over to greet her as well. I sniffled pulling away, yeah I'm that mad at how he's talking about Brett.

"Maybe you should just go, we can talk tomorrow after they get home from school." She said to him as Scott and I stood by her. He sighed nodding and walking out of the front door like he did years ago. "Mom, do you like Brett? For me I mean." I asked, she nodded enthusiastically, "Yes, of course. He's such a nice boy." She smiled pushing my hair behind my ears. "Why don't you go take a shower and calm down a little bit." She stated, "Okay." I sighed, the idea of a long warm shower relaxed me. I heard Scott and mom start talking as I walked upstairs, turning the shower on I locked the bathroom door and removed my clothes.

Instantly relaxing as I felt the warm water running down my back, I heard my phone ding, I groaned, "I'll check it when I'm done." I whispered to myself.

Wrapping the towel around myself, I finally stepped out of the shower, I laughed softly realizing I've been in there for at least twenty minutes.

Message from Stiles: I'm still sorry for how I acted the other day, I've got my feelings straight and honestly I think of you as a sister. I don't know what got into me, I think I was just annoyed because you and Scott are my family and when you two start dating someone you stop hanging out with me.

"I never meant to stop hanging out with you Stiles, I love you like a brother and that will never change. I promise to start being around you more, but you might want to explain everything to Brett. I don't want this to make him mad. Okay?"

Message from Stiles: Okay, I'll talk to him now.

"Thank you."

Smiling I held the towel tightly around me to go to my room, I shrieked as I bumped into someone. "Liam! Oh my god!" I said rushing into my room to put some clothes on, "What are you doing roaming around the hallway like that!" I scolded to him through my bedroom door, "Scott wanted me to come over so he could talk to me, I went to use the bathroom and then you walked right into me." He defended himself. I opened my door, now having proper clothes, "Aw, little Liam is blushing!" I cooed looking at him, he coughed awkwardly, I laughed, "You didn't see anything, don't worry. I think you'll live." I told him before I went downstairs to get a drink.

"You what?!" I heard Scott ask from upstairs, I laughed making my face turn red, "I didn't see anything!" Liam defended again, "Scott! It's fine don't worry!" I shouted up to them. "Thank you!" Liam shouted at the same time Scott shouted, "No it's not!"

I walked up to his room, "Scott." I scolded, "It is fine." I said and walked to my room, leaving the door open so I could hear them. "Helloooooooo." I sang answering my phone after I saw Brett calling. "Stiles talked to me." He stated plainly, "And?" I asked, he sighed deeply, "I don't know, it was just weird, he sounded so sorry compared to how he sounded the other day." He explained, I nodded even though he couldn't see me, "Yeah, but Stiles is Stiles." I stated, he hummed, "That he is." He laughed, I laughed softly, "What are you doing?" He asked trying pass time, "Nothing." I laughed, "Are you ready for the lacrosse game tomorrow?" I added on.

"As ready as I can be." He said, "Not to make you more nervous for the game but my dad is supposed to be there." I said putting an emphasis on 'supposed'. "Okay, did you talk to him since you my house?" He asked, "Uhhhh." I hummed not really knowing if I should tell him or not, "What did he do?" He asked knowingly, "He doesn't approve of you, which is stupid and I lashed out on him about how he has no right to not like you." I said, getting annoyed all over again. "I'm sorry." He mumbled, "It's okay, I don't care if he likes you or not, Scott and my mom like you and that's all that matters." I told him. I could imagine the smile on his face when I said that, "You're amazing, you know that?" He said.

"I do." I said a devious smirk on my face, "Way to ruin my sweet gesture." He laughed, "Sorry." I said a giggle falling from my lips. "Why is Scott texting me and saying to be mad at Liam?" He asked after a little while. "Hang on." I told him, I moved the phone away from me, "Scott!" I shrieked to get his attention, seconds later Scott and Liam came running in. "What happened? Are you okay!?" Scott asked, I laughed, "I'm fine, stop telling Brett to be mad at Liam." I told him going to grab my phone.

"Is that Brett?" He asked before snatching my phone, "Yeah, Brett. Liam almost saw Aurora naked!" Scott rushed out and handed me my phone, "What?!" Brett asked loudly, "Thanks a lot Scott!" I shouted to him in his room, I heard Liam and Scott both laugh. "What is he talking about Aurora?" Brett asked again, I laughed at him, "I took a shower and I was walking to my room with a towel around me, Liam didn't see me and walked into me almost making my towel fall." I said emphasis on "almost".

"This kid isn't making it easy to like him." He sighed, "It was an accident, babe. It's okay." I said with a small smile on my face, "Yeah, yeah." He replied a small laugh coming out, I yawned, "Go to sleep." He stated upon hearing that, "I think I will." I laughed another yawn escaping my mouth. "Goodnight beautiful." He said, "Goodnight handsome." I replied, he laughed before hanging up.

I smiled to myself letting my layers of sheets and blankets give me a comforted feeling, "Goodnight!" I shouted to Scott and Liam, "Goodnight!" They chorused in return.
