Chapter 1

A/N: I'm going to tweak it a bit and take parts from different episodes and scenes

Aurora's P.O.V

I groaned at my older brother rushing me to get downstairs for school. "I'm coming!" I shouted. I'm a banshee which is odd, you'd think I wouldn't be anything close to the supernatural considering Scott was bitten. That's far from the case, I'm a horrible banshee, I might as well not be one. I know when something bad is going to happen because my ears start ringing to the point where I think blood is going to come out. I just can't seem to master the screaming part, Lydia has tried helping me but I just can't seem to do it, the only time I've done it was when Allison died.

"It's about time!" Scott said when I reached him, I rolled my eyes, "Yeah, whatever." I muttered and made a run for his bike. I heard him laugh at me, "It's not nice to laugh at your little sister." I said putting my helmet on. "But it's fun." He smirked getting on his dirt bike, I sighed climbing on behind him. I don't particularly care for riding it but it's that or take the bus so.

"Liam!" I shouted out to my best friend, "Hey." He said grumpily as I reached him. "What's up with you?" I asked, confusion lacing my voice. "Do you know who we're playing against tonight?" He asked, a look of realization flashed across my face and I nodded, "I'm sorry, I forgot." I admitted sheepishly, we had just talked about it last night, he told me why this 'Brett' guy doesn't like him. "Just stay calm, okay? I don't need to explain how you are a werewolf to the whole school." I joked. "Shush." He said placing his hand over my mouth, I licked the palm of his hand causing him to pull it away and wipe it on my shirt, "Gross." He mumbled.

"Hello, little Stilinski." I said reaching Stiles. "Hello little McCall." He smirked, I rolled my eyes and was about to say something but the bell cut me off causing me to go into a panic about being late, "I've got to go! Bye!" I said to them as they stared at me rushing off, I passed Scott and Kira kissing, I made a mental note to tease him about it later. I smiled sitting in my seat in class, "Here we go." I mumbled to myself opening my textbook.

"Aurora!" Mason said getting my attention as soon as I came out of my class. "What?!" I asked jumping as he startled me. "Brett, Liam, crowd." He said grabbing my hand and dragging me along with him. "Crap." I muttered seeing the crowd, "Come on." I said this time me pulling him along, I got to the front of the crowd and watched after Liam hadn't said something I was going to step forward but Mason grabbed my shoulder and pulled me back, Brett smirked at me, "Is this your little friend? Coming to save the day were you?" Brett asked looking me up and down, "First of all my eyes are up here, Liam, come on. We don't need to waste our time." I said stepping forward and pulling Liam along with me.

"Thanks." Liam said after I calmed him down, "No problem." I smiled seeing his eyes normally colored eyes again. "You should get to your next class, I know you hate being late." He said, "Thanks." I said and made my way to class, "Sorry, Lydia." I said after bumping into her, "It's okay. I'll see you later!" She said continuing on her way. "Hi, Mr. Hewitt." I said sitting next to Mason, "Hello, Miss. McCall." He replied in a posh tone. I laughed quietly, "Mason my dear, would you care to accompany me to the lacrosse game this evening?" I asked laughing, "Of course." He laughed. The teacher shushed us and started teaching the class.

"Hey! You guys ready for this?" I asked Scott, Stiles and Liam as I saw them before I went to the bleachers. "As ready as I can be." Liam said, Scott and Stiles agreeing, "You guys will do great." I assured, "I'm going to go find Mason." I added on so they could finish getting ready. "Sorry." I said looking up after I yet again bumped into someone, "Oh." I said noticing it was Brett. "If it isn't miss sunshine herself." He scoffed, "I have no time for your attempts at insults, now if you'll excuse me, I'm going to go get a good spot to watch our team beat you guys." I said a giant smile on my face, "Jerk." I mumbled to myself as I walked off, I thought I heard him stop walking when I said that but I thought wrong as I turned and saw that he was already on the other side of the field.

"What was that?" Mason asked as I sat down, "Just him being him." I said a small laugh at the end. "I hate how he's so rude yet so hot." He said peeking over my shoulder, I turned and saw Brett changing his shirt, he smirked and looked over at me. I blushed and looked back at Mason, who was smirking. "You'll end up together somehow, I'm sure." He said. I raised my brows, "Really?" I asked, he started cheering and I looked and saw everyone going onto the field, "Go Scott!" I cheered, Scott smiled at me and the game started.

"Ow." I said clutching Mason's arm. "What? Are your ears ringing?" He asked urgently. I nodded, "Scott, Liam... Brett." I said my eyes widening, I could make out bits and pieces of who was going to get hurt. "Come on!" I said running off, Mason following. I went straight to the locker rooms. It got louder as we reached the locker room, "Violet!" I yelled my voice cracking, she turned to look and that caused me to see Scott and Brett both being chocked. I fell to the ground gripping my ears. As quickly as it  grew louder, it stopped. "Aurora!" I started to hear, "Aurora!" I heard clearly this time, I opened my eyes and saw Scott in front of me, that's when I lost it.

"Scott!" I cried throwing myself on him, he hugged me back. "Are you okay?" He asked pulling back and looking me over, "I'm fine, are you okay?" I asked, he nodded. "Brett, are you okay?" I asked looking up at him, he was leaning against the lockers, his eyes turned back to normal. "What the hell was going on with you?" He answered confused, "She's a banshee." Scott replied for me, "Not a very good one." I added on, I let a nervous laugh escape my lips. "What the?" I heard someone say from the doorway, "Stiles." I sighed seeing him there. "Are you guys okay?" He asked seeing the thrown over lockers and a not so happy looking violet tied up.

"We're good." I answered. "Where's Liam?!" I asked immediately after I realized he isn't in here. Scott looked at me, "What? What is it?" He asked, you could hear the urgency in his voice. "I don't know, when I came in here I saw something about Liam." I stuttered out, Brett know standing by Stiles, I heard him asking about me. "Scott! Aurora!" I heard someone calling from down the hallway. I stood up running out of the locker room, "Liam!" I called seeing him. He turned around, "There you are I was lo-" He stopped with a oomph when I reached him, "Hey, hey, what's wrong?" He asked feeling my death grip on him. "I saw something and it was you Scott and Brett." I said into his chest, "I found Scott and Brett, they're okay now and then I didn't see you so I started to freak out, I thought something happened to you." I rushed out quickly.

"I'm okay, don't worry." He said rubbing my back, "Are they together?" I heard Brett ask, I pulled away from Liam. "No!" We all chorused, Scott, Mason and Stiles included. "Okay, okay, sorry I asked jeez." Brett said quietly, I smiled slightly, finding it cute. I mentally scolded myself on thinking that, followed by blushing at the thought of Liam and I. Sighing I started walking over to them - Liam following- I have some feelings for Liam, nothing I would act on. It does hurt a little bit seeing him fall for Hayden but it's nothing I can't handle.

"Can we go home now?" I asked Scott tiredly, after the police showed up, we had to stay to answer questions, which was difficult seeing as they don't know about the supernatural. "Yes." He sighed after getting the okay from Sheriff Stilinski. "I -uh- can I talk to you for a minute?" Brett asked stopping me, "I'll be right there." I told Scott before I turned to Brett. "What's up?" I asked, not wanting to be rude again. "I'm sorry for earlier, I was a jerk to you and Liam." He said rubbing the back of his neck. "It's okay, I wasn't exactly friendly either." I said, a small smile tugging on my lips. "Can I have your number?" He blurted out causing me to laugh at his embarrassed face. "Yeah." I said holding my hand out for his phone, I quickly put my number in with the contact name, Aurora The Jewel, he laughed seeing the name. "I should get going, bye Brett." I said softly, "Bye Aurora." He said in the same tone as me.
