Chapter 3

Aurora's P.O.V

"She's still sleeping." I heard someone say outside my door, "But it's already noon." I heard another voice say. "Why are you here anyways?" Scott said. I sat up so I could hear them better. "Because Liam and I are taking her out with us later and I needed to talk to her about it." Mason said. I got out of bed smoothing my hair out a little bit, I opened my door. "Well, good afternoon sleeping beauty." Mason said walking into my room. I rolled my eyes at him, "What are you doing here?" I asked him after Scott went downstairs.

"You need to where something mildly hot tonight." He said grinning. "What? Why?" I asked raising my eyebrows. "I'm taking Liam as my wingman to a club thing and I'm taking you because you need to have some fun." He said giving in. "Mason." I whined, he pouted, "Please, it will be fun. You might even meet someone." He said enthusiastically, "Fine." I gave in, "I'm forcing you to sit here well I pick an outfit because you woke me up." I said sassily. "Okay?" He said, "Was that supposed to bother me? Why do you think I came here instead of just calling you." He added on laughing.

I smiled to myself when I found what I think is the perfect outfit, "Don't move." I ordered to him as I went to the bathroom to change. I put my hair in a messy bun to get it out of my face, I pulled the tank top on followed by tugging the skirt up. Putting my shoes on I smiled happily with the outfit consisting of a white low cut tank top with a pair of red lips on it, a red bandeau underneath and a black leather skirt that stopped mid thigh and black ankle boots. "Well?" I asked stepping out of the bathroom. "Yes, flat out yes." He answered immediately, "That was easy." I said laughing, I went back into the bathroom and changed into lazy clothes until later.

"Does Liam know I'm coming?" I asked plopping down next to him on my bed, he groaned stretching his arms out, "Maybe." He said. "Why doesn't he know?" I asked, "Because you know he's going to flip out." He stated truthfully. "Isn't that Scott's job?" I asked sarcastically, "Yep." He replied popping the p. "I'm calling Liam." I said picking up my phone, "Have fun." He said getting on his phone, probably checking Instagram, he's an addict. "Hello." Liam said, "Hey, I'm going out with you and Mason tonight." I stated simply, "What!? I don't want you to go there." He whined. I started laughing, "Well I'm sorry but Mason has insisted and I'm already set on going." I replied grinning.

"I'm going to bring my freakin lacrosse jersey to cover your outfit." He said, "How do you know what I'm wearing?" I asked confused, "Mason sent a picture." He said. I reached over and smacked Mason's arm, "Oh and no you're not its not that bad, now I've got to go I'll see you tonight." I said and hung up after he said okay. "Mason." I groaned, "Sorry." He admitted sheepishly, I rolled my eyes, "Whatever, now why don't you go home and then you guys can just come get me later, what time?" I asked pulling him behind me downstairs and to the front door, we passed Scott and Kira watching a movie. "Hi." I said smiling and continued pulling Mason along, "8:00?" He asked, "Sounds good, bye." I sung, "Bye." He replied. I shut the door and went back to my room.

Brett Talbot added you.

I saw the snapchat notification across my phone screen, I smiled and opened the app adding him back. I took a selfie with half of my face showing, going out with baes tonight! I captioned it, sighing as I was watching everyone's stories. I blushed seeing a video of Brett in the gym on his story. I took a picture of me making a weird face, Nice story. I sent with a laughing emoji to Brett.

Snapchat from Brett

I opened it and laughed taking a screenshot of his picture, he was making an equally weird face captioned I try.
I didn't bother replying, sighing I walked downstairs to get some food, "Mason and Liam are picking me up at 8:00." I told Scott before I went back to my room to waste my day away. I laughed seeing a spam of snapchats from Brett, I giggled going through them.


"And the fun begins." I said finishing with my hair straightener. Happy with my hair I unplugged the straightener and started on my makeup, you know the routine for the glamour look. Primer, concealer, foundation, powder, eyes, lips. That's without going into detail, once finishing that I changed and took the opportunity to get some pictures, one because I needed to waste a little bit of time and two because I'm not going to let all this work go unnoticed. Feeling good! I captioned my snapchat mirror shot. "Aurora! Mason and Liam are here!" Scott shouted, "Coming!" I replied, I quickly made my way down the stairs.

"Ready?" I asked walking to them, "Yeah." They chorused, "Bye, Scott." I said, "Where are you going dressed like that?" He asked, "I'll let Mason tell you. Bye." I said going outside, leaving Mason standing there well me and Liam were outside laughing. "I hate you." Mason said walking to us, "What'd you tell him?" I asked smiling at him, "I told him the truth, he was about to come drag you inside but somehow I convinced him not too." He said leading the way, I shook my head, "Thanks." I said, he nodded.

"Hayden?" Liam asked seeing her open the door to the club, she scoffed and started shutting the door, "Wait!" I said grabbing the door, "What?" She asked looking at us, "Please we just want to have a good time." I pleaded, I saw Mason hold out some money. "Fine." She snapped taking the money, I grinned walking in followed by the boys. Liam didn't look to pleased to be here, "Come on Liam!" I shouted over the music, I grabbed his hand pulling him to dance with me, "Just let loose!" I said running my fingers through my hair and jumping around, I sighed happily getting into the rhythm of the music.

"I'm going to go get a drink!" He shouted to me, "Okay!" I replied. I looked around and saw Mason dancing with someone, I smirked and kept looking, I saw Brett dancing by himself. I got a boost of confidence and went up to him, "Wanna dance?" I asked walking in front of him, "Aurora! What are you doing here?" He shouted over the music, "Mason made Liam and I come with him, they kind of abandoned me well I was dancing!" I shouted back swaying my hips to the music. "Come on! I know you're not that shy!" I said grabbing his hands and placing them on my hips, I turned around in his grasp and started dancing, him doing the same.

"You look amazing tonight." He said into my ear, "Not so bad yourself." I said turning my head to look at him. I saw Mason give me a thumbs up as he went behind the curtain behind us, I laughed at him as he was being pulled along by that guy. "You can dance too." Brett said a small smirk gracing his lips, "I try." I said mocking him from earlier, "Can I do something?" He asked turning me around, I smiled putting my arms around his shoulders, "Yeah." I answered, I tensed when he put his lips on mine but soon started to relax moving my lips in sync with his. "Wow! Hot and you can kiss!" I said to him after we pulled away for air, he smirked.

He was about to kiss me again but I thought I heard something so I turned my head causing him to kiss my cheek, he pulled back and looked where I was staring, "What is it?" He asked, I grabbed his arm pulling him with me, I pulled the curtain open enough to go through and saw Mason on the ground against a wall, "Mason!" I said worriedly getting down next to him, "Are you okay?" I asked immediately, "I'm fine. That guy, I don't know what he is but it looks like he's part scorpion." He said and winced grabbing his head, "Brett!" He shouted looking behind me, I turned and looked seeing him attack Brett, he fought back as quickly as possible, it wasn't soon enough because he was getting hit left and right, getting cut by what ever those things were on that guy.

"Hey!" I heard someone growl, I looked and saw Scott with Kira and Liam. The guy had his eyes set on them now and flung Brett back cutting his stomach in the process, "Brett!" I said going over to him, "Are you okay?!" I rushed out looking at his cuts, "I'll be fine, don't worry." He said wincing as he touched the cuts. "Don't close your eyes." I said grabbing his hand as he started closing his eyes. He nodded looking at me. "Kira! No!" I heard Scott yell, I whipped my head around and saw him grab her arms just before she almost killed that guy. I stared wide eyed but turned back to Brett, "We're going to get you some help." I assured. "Okay." He said, I bit my lip hearing the pain in his voice.

"Scott." I called out, "Is he okay?" Scott asked me coming over, "I don't know, he needs to see Deaton." I said nervously, he nodded agreeing, "Liam!" He said motioning for him to help him get Brett up, "Come on Mason." I said going to help him up well they took Brett, "Are you dizzy?" I asked him, he shook his head, "No I'm good." He assured me, "Come on." He said motioning to all of them starting to walk with Brett, Kira still looked slightly shocked at what she almost did, "Kira." Scott called her as he was walking, she snapped out of it and followed us.

"What's wrong with him?" I asked Deaton as Brett laid basically passed out on the table. "I'm not sure, why don't you all just go home, come back in the morning." Deaton said, more like demanded knowing I wouldn't want to leave. I looked at Scott questionably, he nodded, "Come on." He said coming over to me, I sighed walking out as everyone followed us. "Night guys." I said to them before following Scott to his dirt bike.

"Will you take me to see him in the morning?" I asked tiredly as Scott walked me up to my room, "Yes." He paused, "You know, you guys don't do a very good job at hiding that you like each other." He added on, I blushed, "I don't want to hear the normal big brother speech, oh he's not good enough for you, oh he's not a good guy." I said mocking him. He chuckled, "You're not going to, I approve of this one." He said and left to go to his room. I stared where he was just standing, "Yes!" I cheered to myself as I climbed into bed after changing.

Next morning

"Scott!" I whined as he purposely took forever to get ready, "Hang on!" He replied laughing from the other side of his bathroom door. "I'll be downstairs." I said and walked down to the living room. I went through my various social medias well I waited, "Finally." I said after Scott appeared in front of me. "Come on." He said laughing, "Oh hi Stiles." I said seeing him outside, "I'm going with you guys to see Brett." He shrugged, "Thank gosh, I don't wave to ride on his death trap of a dirt bike." I said pointing at Scott. "Just for that you're sitting in the back." Scott said, I shrugged, "Don't care, I just want to go." I stated simply, I climbed in the back so Scott could get in and we could leave.

I smiled upon entering the clinic and hearing Brett talking, "Hey." I said walking in there, "Hi." Brett smiled, Deaton walked out leaving us alone, "How are you?" I asked seeing a couple of patches on his cuts. "Better." He said staring at me, "What are you looking at?" I asked glancing at him a blush forming on my cheeks. "You." He whispered leaning in, I smiled closing the gap between us. "What?!" I heard Stiles shout causing me and Brett to jump and pull apart, "What the heck Stiles!?" I said placing my hand on my chest, "Scott? Isn't this where you're supposed to oh I don't know freak out!" Stiles said looking at Scott expectantly. I smirked knowing Scott wouldn't freak out, "Brett's a good guy." Scott said and shrugged walking back out.

Stiles groaned and followed Scott out after throwing a glare at Brett, I laughed walking back to Brett, "Just so you know, you might as well say Stiles is my brother, so you have another brother to get the okay from." I said into his shoulder, "I think I can manage." He laughed. "What are we?" I whispered, "I wouldn't mind calling you my girlfriend." He said trailing off, "Mr. Talbot, I'm afraid you have a question to ask then." I smirked, "Aurora, will you be my girlfriend?" He asked, "Yes!" I said smiling, I looked around quickly, "Such a romantic place." I laughed. "Yes, it is." He said pausing, "It's a good thing I got the all clear to leave this morning." He said, he smiled seeing my giant smile. "Good." I said.

"I was so scared." I admitted quietly, "But I'm fine, so don't go and get all sad on me." He joked getting up, I handed him his shirt, even though it had rips in it, it was better than nothing. "We'll drop you off at your house." I told him as we walked out to Scott and Stiles, he nodded. "Stiles, you're dropping him off at his house." I said and pointed to Brett, "Hi, I'm him." He said sarcastically waving. I rolled my eyes and followed Scott and Stiles to the jeep.

"Bye." I said to Brett before he got out of the car, "Bye." He replied kissing me quickly and getting out. I smiled the rest of the way home. I sighed realizing how lonely it must be for him and his sister in there by themselves.
