The Battle Begins

This chapter and book is not meant to be offensive to anyone, I'm sorry if it comes off that way!

There is also a bit of violent talk, if that makes sense, just, not a nice friendly conversation. Lots of death threats.
And you know what that means, death threats mean bad language!
So yeah, be aware of that if ya don't like it.

No Ones POV

The countries all glare at each other. Standing still. The atmosphere tense.
"Why." England says, more demanding than questioning.
"Who doesn't want to go down as the country who took down the remains of the biggest empire in history?" Turkey simply says.
"Our empire ended years ago." Scotland states coldly.
"It doesn't end till you're all dead." Turkey says in a cold tone with a death glare towards Scotland.
Scotland returns the glare, holding himself back from charging at the country.
"You're as dumb as you come off." England says in response to Turkey.
"I could say the same for you." Turkey replies in irritation to England. "But you know what a real smart thing for you to do would be?" Turkey continues. "Surrender... or just hand me the little dragon country and I'll continue my business later with you three."
"I'd rather cut aff yer heed." Scotland states, his words harshly cold.
Turkey stays silent staring at the country not sure how to act at the words. He decides to ignore it, he didn't quite understand the accent anyway.
"Maybe not that harsh," Says England glancing towards Scotland. "But I'm certainly not doing any of the things you said." He says, turning back to Turkey.
Turkey hums in response.
"Have it your way then." Turkey says.
He quickly lifts up his small gun,
(I don't really know what guns to give them so you can just imagine any gun.)
Which had been hidden to the other countries and fires.

The bullet flies towards Wales but before the bullet can hit Scotland pulls Wales out of the way, causing it to miss and glide further into the distance.
"Damn you." Turkey says and aims for Scotland next.
Scotland positions himself as Turkey pulls the trigger. A bullet yet again flies out the gun in the direction of Scotland. Scotland, however, moves the sword he holds with speed and precision and it takes the blow of the bullet, deflecting it.
"How...?" Turkey mutters.
"When ye hate guns with a passion because they're so damn hard ta use an a certain someone made fun of ye far it most of yer life ye develop the will power ta practice many days on parrying bullets. Yer gun is useless against ma sword." Scotland says with slight pride.
"That's not even your sword-"
"Huh, well, maybe when I take your land I'll keep you alive and you can teach me how to do that." Turkey says.
"If I try ta teach yer dumbass how yer'll stab yerself in the foot an I will nae help." Scotland reply's.
"Hey, you didn't say no." Turkey says with a smug look and shrug of his shoulders.
Scotland glares at Turkey.
"Ahm done with ye."
Scotland lifts his swords and swings it down at Turkey. Turkey dodges it but as Scotland brings down the sword he curves it, now heading for Turkeys legs. Turkey just moves out the way in time to only receive a graze from the sword. Turkey lets out a sharp hiss and soon aims his gun at Scotland once again. Except, he isn't the first one to fire this time. The gunshot echos loudly as Turkeys gun is blown from his hand.
"Argh!" Turkey exclaims and brings his hand to his chest, clinging onto it.
He wasn't injured but his gun is another story. Turkey glares towards England who still points his gun at him.
"Nice move, but not nice enough." Turkey says.
He pulls out another gun the same as before and instantly fires at England.
The bullet hits his left arm.

"SHIT!" He yells and clenches onto his arm.
"Lloegr!" Wales hella and rushes over to him.
"It's always good to carry spares."
Turkey aims for england again but his leg is greeted by a sword.
Turkey bites his lip in attempt not to scream, drawing blood from it. He falls down, not able to deal with the pressure of standing on his injured leg. He looks at Scotland directly in the eyes who darkly stares back at him.
"You bitch." Scotland mutters.
He pushes the sword deeper into Turkeys leg. Turkey hisses in pain but looks up to Scotland.
"You idiot." He says with a smile.
Another gunshot echoes.
Scotland falls back and down on the ground. Catching himself with his hands. He looks at his bleeding leg, as if processing it. He then begins to chuckle which grows into a laugh. Every country looks at him in concern and fear except England. England has seen this little act enough to know but even then he can't deny its a little chilling.
It's an intimidating method. Scotland continues his partially fake laugh until tears begin to form but that's more so from the bullet wound than the laugh itself.
"Fucking psychopath..." mutters Turkey, who had finished bandaging his leg with his own shirt fabric.
Scotland slowly stops his laugh and looks towards Turkey.
"What? Ye scared noo?" He says intimidatingly.
Turkey says nothing and reaches for his gun that lays down next to him.

He's stopped when Northern Ireland pins him to the ground, smacking the gun out of his hand as he does so.  North felt like the only country that could do something in that moment as Wales was bandaging Englands arm with some ripped shirt fabric and Scotland probably wouldn't be able to move at that particular moment with his bleeding leg, he was starting to get a bit faint too with the laughing and bleeding.
Turkey scowls at Northern Ireland who stares confidently back—though certainly not feeling confident. Turkey, having both his arms pinned to the ground with the small country on top of him, thinks of a way to get out of this situation. With his legs being free, he knees North in the stomach. North let's out a pained gasp as he crosses his arms over his stomach. Turkey then kicks the country fully away.
He turns to grab his gun which still lays on the floor. Inches away from grabbing it and he's pulled back painfully by his hair. He grits his teeth as he twists round and tackles the country who grabbed him. It was England, his arm properly bandaged. The two countries get into a wrestling match.

Landing punches, kicking each other, grasping and pulling, both with an injured limb that was the target for either of the two countries.
Wales took the opportunity to help Scotland who was now visibly getting dizzy. Wales has always been good with healing. She knew which herbs to use in different medical needs including which were edible and not. She may not be a fully experienced fighter but she's an amazing medic. Where she learned all this stuff? Only the Brits can guess.
North was taking a small break to recover from being winded while watching the fighting of the other two countries.

England slammed Turkey against the ground hard. Turkey lets out a sharp yelp at the force, but it just makes him angry. He grabs England by his shirt and pulls hard. England gets swung about like a rag doll as Turkey stands up dragging him along with surprising speed that gives England no time to really react. Turkey stops by a tree and yanks England up so he's standing as well before beginning to bash him into the tree. Turkey repeatedly bashes him with England trying to fight back but Turkeys grip is too strong on him. England begins to struggle to think with Turkey now mainly bashing his head. The pain is throbbing and England seems to be almost shutting down.
Turkey is suddenly pulled away himself by the collar of his shirt and slammed into another nearby tree. He glares at the country who did so before the glare slightly falls at the sight of who it is. Scotland death stares at Turkey and honestly, Turkey can't help but feel a bit scared. Who wouldn't be? The man got shot and started laughing like a maniac.
Scotland's tactics are weird and sometimes seem psychotic but they certainly work.

"Ye know, ye asked us if we want ta surrender but ye never let us ask you." Scotland says harshly quietly to Turkey. "So?"
"No." Turkey answers darkly.
Scotland puts both his hands on Turkey's collar and slowly rises him up, using the tree as support. Turkey gasps at the sudden action as his feet leave the floor and it becomes difficult to breathe.
"Dae. Ye. Surrender?" Scotland asks again, a lot harsher than before.
"N-No-" Turkey chokes.
Scotland presses onto Turkeys throat against the tree. Turkeys eyes widen as he attempts to struggle.
"Yr Alban stop..." Wales says.
This surprised Scotland and his grip loosens slightly because of that but not enough for Turkey to escape.
"No. He deserves it." Scotland says.
"But he never killed anyone—"
"He invaded yer country an has hurt everyone here." Scotland interrupts.
"I don't want to be the enemy." Wales said. "Taking a life is not something ever to be proud of."
Scotland stays silent but soon lets out an annoyed sigh and throws Turkey to the ground.
Turkey coughs and gasps for air, rubbing his sore throat.
"A'Chuimrigh," Scotland said.
"Yeah?" Wales said looking towards him.
"It's nice that you're nice but nae everyone is so I want ye tae dae something far me." Scotland says strictly.
"What do you want me to do?" Wales says coming off slightly worried.
"Help me." Scotland states.
Wales is cut silent as she watches Turkey stab Scotland in the back with a dagger. Scotland stays dead still knowing fine well that the placement in which the dagger has gone into his back means him moving will only cause more damage. He keeps his mouth shut not wanting to give this country the satisfaction of him being in pain.

Turkey seizes Scotland by the chin.
"You're not the only one with a sword you know." He says coldly and pushes the dagger in deeper to which Scotland bites his lip. He glances towards Wales.
"See this as normal training," He begins, as if completely ignoring the situation he's in. "I'm being stabbed in the back, what dae ye dae tae help?"
Turkey drives the dagger in deeper, as if telling Scotland to shut up.
"It's a deep wound, so ye need tae act quick." Scotland adds on.
A bunch of ways of helping flash through Wales's mind though she picks one. Wales runs off into the forest. Scotland lets out a sigh, whether it be of relief or dread is uncertain.
Turkey chuckles.
"Who's gonna help you now? You know you can't move because of where I've stabbed you, which I'm impressed you know. So, tell me who? İngiltere is barely awake with Kuzey Irlanda trying to treat his head wounds, where as the other one is too much of a coward and has ran away." Turkey says with a villainous smile. 
"She is nae a coward." Scotland hisses, glaring at the country as best he can.
"Really? She's the only one that hasn't fought and the moment you need her she runs away, that seems very cowardly to me." Turkey says.
"Call er a coward aon more time and I promise I'll slit yer throat." Scotland says with venom in his words.
"Oh really?" Turkey says and grips tighter onto the dagger.
He slowly drags the dagger down Scotland's back three inches down(Seven centimetres). Scotland takes in a deep breath and bites his lip hard.
"I think I can drag this sword all the way down your back sooner." Turkey whispers threateningly in Scotland's ear.
Scotland's in a lot of pain, so he decides to do something to deal with that pain. Laugh. Scotland slowly chuckles. It doesn't grow into full on laughter as he feels that may lead to the dagger going further down his back, so he keeps it to a bone chilling chuckle. Scotland doesn't quite know why but it strangely does seem to help his pain, or at least it hides it. It is like his mask that not only fills those around him but fools himself as well.
It effectively scares Turkey and when you think about it, effectively distracts him too.

Wales, seeing her chance, quietly glides down. She does it with such grace landing almost silently on the ground, the little noise she did make masked by Scotland's chuckle. Wales quickly and deeply thinks about her options. She could easily take out this country, but is that right? She did give him a second chance and he proved he did not care and was far from having learnt his lesson, so is it deserved? Wales slowly positions her hands ready for a quick attack. She breaths as heavily as she can for the country not realising, which isn't very heavy at all.
Wales grabs Turkeys hand which holds the dagger and digs her nails deep into his red skin. Once Turkey gasps out with pain and has safely let go of the dagger with that coming pain, Wales pulls him back with her other arm as well, grabbing him strongly by the shoulder and putting him into a neck lock. Wales sacredly holds onto the country who struggles in her surprisingly strong grip.
"Thanks A'Chuimrigh..." Scotland says with a weak smile towards her and slowly and carefully sits down on the ground.
Wales becomes concerned for Scotland. She flinches at the hand that touches her shoulder. She looks to see England with shirt fabric bandaged over his head. Blood stains visibly coming through on it.
"You go help him." He says.
Wales nods and lets go of the still struggling Turkey who instantly tries to get his revenge and attack her but is caught and held back by England. Wales runs to assist Scotland and his badly wounded back.

England and Turkey get into another wrestling-like fight. First Turkey grabs England by his hair and pulls hard ripping out a handful. England stops him by elbowing Turkey in the stomach closely following punching him in the eye. Turkey grunts in pain before going for a right hook at England which he dodges. Turkey leaves no space after this dodge and claws at England with his other hand. The attack is very successful for Turkey and leaves a deep scar on Englands face. It resembles three claw marks on England. He covers a hand over the scar which sits just above his left eye, the blood dripping through the cracks of his white fingers. Turkey laughs at his victorious move, however, it's England's turn now. Turkey stares England directly in the eye, his left one being slightly covered by his hand, so England decides to kick at Turkey. To his success, he kicks Turkey there. Turkey yelps quite loudly and he falls to his knees. England doesn't stop there as that's what Turkey did with clawing above his eye, and he grabs Turkey by his head slamming him down on the ground. England now sits on his knees on the ground while Turkey lays still conscious but now with a throbbing headache.

Wales sits with Scotland who breathes quite heavily.
"Ahm bleeding quite badly." Scotland says with an exasperated laugh.
"I see that." Wales says concernedly but calm.
She carefully rips the bottom of her shirt, having used both her arm sleeves to bandage England and Scotland's bullet wounds, her shirt now appearing more like a crop-top. This doesn't sit well with Scotland but he can talk about that in another moment and situation that is maybe a bit calmer than this one.
"Ye sure you're going tae be able tae bandage it well enough?" Scotland asks Wales.
"You don't believe in me?" Wales responds.
"Nae what Ah meant at all, it's just quite a big job," Scotland says.
Wales frowns at that. Scotland sees that she doesn't get his point so he elaborates.
"A brave job. Being the medic is aon of the hardest jobs. Ye see a lot of messed up stuff yet work through it bravely an calmly far the wounded which is just fit they need in a situation such as that. You're very brave A'Chuimrigh, an Ahm proud of ye far that." Scotland says.
"Stop with all this flattery talk like you're not going to have a chance to say it because you'll die." Wales says. "After all," Wales looks Scotland in the eyes. "You're not going to die if I'm the brave medic."
Scotland weakly smiles at Wales.
"Ye need an explanation on how tae take the sword oot or are ye good?" Scotland asks.
"Um, I'm good, but maybe go through it anyway just for reassurance." Wales says with an awkward smile.
"Okay... First..."

Both these events happen at the same time. Each country distracted in their own event, not paying attention to another event that's about to unfold. They all realised it with the sound of a scream followed by a thud. They all turn to see North who had screamed in pain after being stabbed in the arm and had them been knocked out, falling down to the ground with a thud. A country standing above them with the same knife they'd use to stab a British Overseas Territories in the arm with before, in a city called Stanley.

"Arjantin, finally, it took you long enough."


Well I died for a bit didn't I?
Don't worry I'm back and alive now and am finally writing again, yay!
Heh, I really don't do good under stress and the stress of going back to school really did have a pretty big and negative effect on me and I just couldn't seem to write for too long without loosing motivation fast. So sorry about that, but here is the long awaited chapter.

We've now got 17K reads on this book which is super cool!
I still can't imagine that many people actually reading my book like—

Okay, Translations time!

Welsh Translations:
•Yr Alban=Scotland

Scottish Gaelic Translations:

Turkish Translations:
•Kuzey Irlanda=Northern Ireland

As always, sorry if I got anything wrong!

Don't have much to say or I just can't remember but anyways...
Stay Safe and...

Have A Nice Life!

Word Count: 3125
