Prickly like a thistle, lucky like a clover

Wow that's a long title, just like this chapter!

Wale's POV

"Yr Alban yn aros!" I shout, chasing after Scotland.
He runs outside the door and I'm trying my best to keep up with him but my legs are too damm short. Oops, I didn't mean to swear. Shut up Wales this is more serious, your friend, that feels like family, is hurt and confused about his emotions again.
I feel bad that Scotland can't seem to understand his emotions, no matter how hard he tries. So I need to be there for him. To help him feel better and understand that it's alright to show your emotions and feel these things.

I slam the door open and run outside. Scotland is nearly out the car park already. I'm way too slow to keep up with him. On foot that is. I stretch out my wings and being to flap them up and down, letting them feel the air. I jump while pushing down with my wings beginning to fly off the ground. But before I even get one metre above the ground, Something grabs my wing and pulls me down. I land hard on the tarmac and I can feel a pain beginning to form in my tail bone.
"Owwww" I moan.
"I'm sorry Wales but it's not worth it."
I look up to see England looking down at me. I'm fed up with him at this point. He knows that Scotland hates lying unless he's got a good reason to lie, and I don't see any reason for him to lie about hurting another country. There were a few more countries standing behind him watching the show, North, Kiwi, Australia and France being in between them.

"First of all, that hurt. Please, don't do that again. Second of all, Yr Alban is innocent and you yourself know that!" I clenched my fists. I didn't mean to shout but I'm getting annoyed. I hate seeing countries upset. I even feel bad when I see upset humans.
"Wales, I know what you mean and I know that you care for Scotland and that's really good. But you know what he was like when we were with Britain. He was hostile and always trying to start a fight. He's dangerous and sometimes, just can't be trusted." England says. He doesn't even sound like he's trying to be sympathetic.
"You really don't trust him? I thought you both changed for the better? Remember that one day at school-I know I wasn't there specifically but Canada was telling me, since I asked him-after PE and when you got hurt with that volleyball, you two seemed to be getting along really well after that?" I looked at England like a puppy dog begging for food. I just want him to see the good in people for once. The good in Scotland. Scotland just doesn't know how to show his good side, that's all.
England looks at me, an unreadable expression on his face and I know I've hit him hard.
"Look, Wales I..." England pauses trying to find the right words to say. "I know that Scotland is practically family and I know that you and North love him like a brother but sometimes we just have to accept the fact that people aren't always who they say or appear to be,"
I look away from England and down at the ground. Is he right? No...he can't be right? I just don't know anymore too much is happening. I can feel myself trembling and my eyes are becoming wet with tears beginning to form.

I guess England sees my pained expression because he decides to say.
"I'm willing to give Scotland a second chance, Wales. After all, I suppose I love him like a brother as well, but I'm not admitting that. We'll give him time to himself and just not mention it. Okay?"
I look up at England with tears slowly rolling down my face. I force a small smile and nod my head. England stretches out his arm in an offer to help me up off the ground. I grab his hand and he pulls me up with more force than expected and because of my wings positioning, I fly off the ground for a couple seconds and then come back down. Once my feet hit the tarmac, I giggle slightly, much happier now.
"Can we possibly go home now?"
Me and England both turn to see an annoyed Northern Ireland looking back at us.
"I thought you were going to try and find your brother?" Questions England.
"I was but I'm too tired and hungry to even bother at this point." North replied.
Me and England chuckle. North is just so lazy sometimes.

"Are you all okay now?" I hear France ask quietly and sweetly.
I look towards her and can almost immediately tell she feels guilty about what she said to Scotland.
"Yeah Ffrainc we're okay and ready to go home now, if you are that is." I say as soothingly as I can.
France looks at me and smiles sweetly but weakly.
"I think I'm ready to go home as well, I just need to go and find Canada and Amérique, wherever them two- or more one troublemaker-are." Said France.
"I saw Kanata chasing after Amerika in the direction of the snack bar." Says Kiwi.
"We'll check there first then," France said, ruffling Kiwi's hair which made him giggle and I couldn't help but smile, I love to see countries happy and smiling and laughing, it always makes me happy.
"Angleterre, you are more than welcome to wait at the car, if you want."
England thinks for a moment before saying.
"Thank you France, I will accept your offer."
"We will go then, see you soon!" France Says and we all walk back into the tall building waving goodbye to England.

No ones POV

The small group of countries walk away from England into the tall, cleanly polished building, in search for the so called American troublemaker and the hockey loving Canadian.

England walks by himself to the car but stops halfway, in the middle of the carpark. He feels eyes looking upon him. The same feeling he had with Scotland when they were waiting for the meeting to begin. England lifts his head up looking around the car park. He doesn't see anything. Just a few countries leaving the building, getting into their cars, or still having a conversation. England does a full 360° turn. Slowly. Making sure to scan the area for any movement. He spots something.
A strange country looking at him.

The country mostly wears dark black clothing. A hood covers most of their face and they wear a mask to cover up any part that might of showed at the bottom. England can only see their eyes staring back at him. He's frozen with shock and curiosity, staring at the mystery country. The mystery country then lifts up their hand. They wear black leather gloves. Their hand reaches up to their mask. They grasp onto the mask and pull it down. England is too far away to see any of the colours of the countries flag and he's quite annoyed by it. The mystery country then gives him a evil, sharp toothed grin. They then mouths the words 'Watch out...'

England instantly turns his head to see a car coming straight at him. England thinks fast and jumps out of the way, landing hardly on his side, but he's too full of adrenaline to feel any pain at the moment. An angry blue, white and red country sticks their head out the window of the car. (good luck trying to figure out the country)
"¡Vigilancia los puto autos!" They yell angrily at England. (Translation below in this sentence ⬇️)
England ignores that comment, mostly because he knew Spanish from when Britain fought the Spanish empire, they told him to 'Watch the fucking cars' and to be honest he probably should of been. Good thing that mystery country warned him or he would of been flatter than a pancake...
The Mystery Country!
He looks to where he saw the mystery country, but they're gone.
England thinks to himself. He stands up and brushes himself down, dust particles flying off his neat suit. I'll need to put this in the laundry and have a shower when we get home.
England stretches and a pain travels all the way up his spine, causing him to hiss in pain and drop down his arms to a position in which doesn't hurt him. Who in the bloody hell was that?! England thinks to himself annoyed.

England walks to America and France's car. He doesn't have the keys so he just leans against America's car. His back and shoulder are aching and he wishes he could get into a hot shower to clean the tarmac dust off him and rest his mind. England then thinks back to when he was shouting at Scotland and he thinks about the country he just saw he remembers Scotland shouting back at him 'I did nae dae that! I was chasing the country that did dae that!' Then he connects the dots.
Damm it I was such an idiot!
England almost punches America's car out of rage but managed to stop himself before he could damage it. England lets out a sigh and brings his hand to his forehead thinking about this new information.
England you idiot! You hurt Scotland and you know he can't handle stuff like that because of his father! I've probably given him huge trauma or something and he has no one else to talk to! He has no family and you have no family, hell! No one United with Britain seems to have family, except North and he can't seem to ever get to talk to his brother because he's always somewhere else in the world!
England takes a deep breath calming himself down. He tastes blood in his mouth. He'd been biting his lip so hard he had bitten into it. He feels his lip with his pale fingers. The cut stings and he takes his hand away. He looks down to see his white fingertips now stained crimson with his blood. He sighs and leans his head against America's car. There is too much going on in his head right now.

Scotland's POV

I reach the edge of the forest completely out of breath. I don't even remember the journey here and my head is throbbing with thoughts, each one nastier than the last. One of the thoughts stand out more than the rest. It's an image of my dad. All I can hear is his voice.

'...Look at you...
...I taught you better...
...You let me down...
...I can't believe you're my son...
...You don't deserve independence...
...I told you to not show weakness and look what you did...'

"Stop!" I lean against one of the trees. "Please...stop..." I can feel tears forming in my eyes. I need to get to Nessie.

I stumble through the forest like a drunk person, tripping over branches and steadying myself against the trees. I was too distracted by the sound of the voices in my head to hear the sound of someone's footsteps close to me in the forest....

I see the small clearing and small lake and I run towards it. I stumble to my knees down by the water. I whistle the sweet tune......Nothing happens. I whistle the tune again......Nothing. Not even an air bubble. I begin to breath heavily.
"No...No...No,No,No,No,No," I mutter to myself. I try to whistle the tune but I'm panicking too much and I can't get the notes right. I begin to feel tears well up in my eyes and that just makes the voice of my dad mock me more.
'Not even your closest friend cares for you!'
He laughingly mocks me. I feel hopeless. I slowly drop down onto the ground, sniffling. What am I even feeling? I don't understand what's going on. I need to stop crying but I don't know how. If my dad was here he probably would of smacked me for showing weakness. I really did fail him. All I wanted to do was be like him. More tears fall down my face. I don't understand what is going on with me.

That voice. There's no way. I sit up within seconds and turn around, and sure enough, he's standing there.

Oooo what a nasty cliffhanger!

Welsh Translations:
•Mewn gwirionedd, mae'n rhy gas=In fact, it's too nasty

French Translations:
•Je t'ai bien=I got you good

Scots Gaelic Translations:
•Leanamaid=Let's continue

Also this is where the shipping begins if you do not like then you can stop reading, I will see you in the next chapter!

Well what are you waiting for?
Keep scrolling, you'll get their eventually. (・∀・)




I must be hallucinating or I'm mentally disordered. Probably both with the way I'm feeling right now.
"F-Fit are y-yer doing here?" I ask him. I try my hardest not to cry and it leaves a horrible feeling in my chest. I don't understand why this feeling won't go away. But there's another feeling there and it's confusing me even more.
"Albain, I saw everything that happened at that meeting. I...I wanted to make sure you were alright. So I followed you here. You can run really fast." He says the last part with a bit of a laugh and the other feeling I don't understand goes crazy and it feels like it's fizzing in my chest. I'm so confused by it.

"Well you don't look good at all. In fact. I don't think I've ever seen you cry before." He says.
I instantly have memories of the time my father would hit me when I cried saying
'No son of mine cries like a weakling.' If I'm being honest not even I can remember the last time I cried. The memories of my father hitting me for crying scares me and I think Ireland is about to do the same.
"M-Mas e do thoil e..." I mutter.
Ireland looks at me confused.
He starts walking towards me and I instinctively flinch.
"Albain..." Ireland stops. It's his father. He told me how badly he was treated by his father, I have to do this slowly.
I watch Ireland like a hawk. Getting ready to doge any attempt he makes at hitting me.
"Albain I'm not here to hurt yo-"
"Dae nae lie, yer dae nae trust me so I can nae trust yer." I interrupt him. I just want to be alone. I don't need anyone right now. It always ends with me getting hurt.
"That's not true Albain, just let me talk to you." Ireland begins taking slow steps towards me and my breathing instantly picks up pace.
"Hey, hey calm down." Ireland keeps walking towards me. I dig my fingers into the ground, wanting to take the fear away.
"Èirinn please stop." I slightly beg him and my dads voice instantly appears in my head.
'Begging? Pathetic.'
Ireland doesn't stop. He keeps on taking steps towards me.
"Èirinn stop!"
He keeps walking towards me.
He keeps getting closer and I try to move back but my hand goes straight into the water of the small lake.
"No Albain, I just need you to listen."
I'm really starting to panic. He's getting ever so closer and my chest is exploding with all these different emotions that I just don't understand and it's messing with my head. I just need Ireland to go away and the emotions will stop...right? But something inside me wants him to stay...
"Stad!" I shout at him.
He doesn't respond just keeps walking closer. A few more steps and he'll be above me.
"Stad!... Stad!... Stad!...Stad!" I shout over and over but he doesn't stop. I feel tears in my eyes. I don't know what's happening. I've never experienced anything like this before and I'm just so scared.
"Feuch an stad thu!" I shout and hear the water splashing behind me.

Before I know it I'm being lifted up by Nessie's tail away from Ireland. She places me on her back. I put my head on my knees and begin to cry.

Ireland's POV

I watch as the beast raises out the water. The famous Loch Ness Monster is right in front of my face. I blink a couple times not sure if what I'm seeing is quite real. Once the monster puts Scotland on its back, it swings its tail and splashes me with a wave of water. Yep. Definitely real. Oh, I know! What was it that Scotland called The Loch Ness Monster......Nessie!
"Wow, Albain. I never knew that the crazy story's that you went on about were true," I say.
He stops crying and I can tell I've got his attention. "I must say she's quite a magnificent animal."
"She's more than magnificent, Èirinn," Scotland says slightly looking up at me. "She's the only family that has nae broken me."

That hit me hard. 'The only family that has nae broken me' I repeat his words in my head. I feel bad for how long he was stuck with Britain. It must of been hard. I remember how sad I was when I left him and Britain but I tried to be close allies with Britain for him, just so that even though I couldn't see him, I knew that he was there, and that was enough to keep my heart beating strong.
"Her names Nessie, isn't it?" I slightly ask.
Scotland now fully looks up at me.
"Aye, just dae nae call her a monster or she'll give yer a trip ta the bottom of the Loch." He says the last bit with a slight smile. It doesn't last long, but it's a beautiful smile nonetheless.
"I see you talk from experience?" I ask smiling at him.
"Aye, except that was actually at Loch Ness n' that is way deeper than this wee lake." He says with a slight chuckle and I can't help but chuckle with him. I forgot what his laugh sounded like it's been so long.
"She must have quite the temper." I joke.
"Yer got that right." He says with a laugh.
I'm happy I've managed to calm him down, but he's still slightly shaking.
"What's it like sitting on her back?" I ask. I want to get up with him so I can comfort him more. I've been longing to do it since the day I saw he got his independence.
"It's quite amazing and she's surprisingly warm even though she's been in the cold water fer so long." He responds.
I stare at Nessie only to find that she's squinting her eyes at me, as though she's judging if I'm worthy. I didn't know she did that and it's quite intimidating, not gonna lie.
"She doesn't seem to trust me." I say quite anxiously.
Almost immediately Scotland and Nessie look at each other. It's almost as if their talking with their eyes. Nessie then leans her head closer to Scotland and he strokes her. They both look cute together and I must admit I'm slightly jealous.
"It's okay lass." I hear Scotland whisper to her.
Nessie hums in return. It's a mystical and mysterious hum, something you would expect from such a magical and rare creature.

Nessie moves her head and looks at me. She slowly brings her tail out of the water towards me. I am slightly panicking inside.
"Dae nae worry mate, she's very gentle." Scotland must have seen the slight panic on my face.
"I-If you say so..." I slightly stutter.
Nessie then wraps her tail around my waist. I can see what Scotland means about her being so warm even though the lake water is freezing. I should know, she splashed me with the cold water earlier on. Nessie lifts me high up into the air. I look down at the ground, watching as it turns from solid dirt and grass to the midnight blue waters of the small lake. I would of thought Nessie would place me down on her back gently, like she did with Scotland, but that was not the case. I'm still pretty high in the air above her back when she decides to drop me. I fall down. I land on her back, surprisingly, I land on my feet but because of the slippery skin of Nessie, combined with the water, I loose my balance and begin to fall.

I yelp, waving my arms as if I'm going to find something to grab onto. But before I fall any further my hand is quickly grabbed by none other than Scotland himself. We stare at each other and I can feel my face slightly heat up. Scotland then pulls me up. I stand steadily, getting used to being on this new surface. Scotland chuckles at the sight of me and I turn and give him a glare before slightly laughing myself. Scotland then walks to the edge of Nessie's back and sits down. I do have to say. Nessie is absolutely enormous. I walk over to where Scotland is and sit down next to him. We both stare at the rippling water as Nessie's fins push it back keeping us afloat. Scotland let's out a sigh and I look at him, slightly concerned.
"Tapadh leat a charaid." Scotland says.
The fact that he only called me a friend kind of upsets me, I feel like we have a much stronger bond than friends. Or at least I want to be more than friends because that's how I feel when I see or talk or even just think about Scotland.

No ones POV

Ireland puts a smile on his face.
"No problem, Albain."
Scotland looks at him and smiles. They both have a slight shade of pink on their faces.
"I..." Scotland begins to say but he seems hesitant to continue. "I'm sorry about what happened at that dumb meeting. There was too much going on in my head and I didn't know what to do...I guess the voices won this time."
Ireland looks sadly at Scotland. Scotland's head is hanging low with the guilt and sadness at the memories of the meeting.
"Albain, don't you dare say sorry!" Ireland says slightly angrily.
Scotland looks surprised at Ireland's anger.
"None of that was your fault. I know you don't tell lies, I don't think I've ever heard you lie. I also know for a fact that if you were to hurt another country it would be because they hurt someone you cared for, not because you just felt like it!" Ireland grabs Scotland's hand and places his hand on Scotland's cheek, making Scotland look at him. He's being really serious and wants to show Scotland that he cares and has cared all his life.
"And if those voices you're hearing dare to come back you tell me and I swear they will not speak again!"

Scotland and Ireland both stare at each other, their hands intertwined as they look into each other's eyes. Their chests fizz with butterflies neither one of them knowing what to do. The stars dance above them reflecting in both of their eyes making them sparkle. It's almost hypnotic. They both slowly lean closer, barely in control of their body's. Their heartbeats in sync. Their faces are only a few centimetres away from each other. Both lost in trance at the others sea blue and clover green eyes. Ireland uses up all the confidence he has and leans forward. Their lips crash together. At first Scotland's knocked back by the shock, having little to no experience and generally being confused, but he manages to become dominant, putting his hand behind Ireland's head as he pushes back against his sweet lips. They stay together a few more seconds before pulling away for air. Both look at each other dreamily.
"You have no idea how long I've been waiting to do that." Ireland says resting his hand on Scotland's cheek as he, once again, stares deeply into his eyes.
"I didn't know how much I needed to do that." Scotland says leaning into Ireland's hand on his cheek.
Nessie hums and the two love birds see her with an almost smug look on her face. She sprays them with a slight drizzle of water. Scotland and Ireland both giggle.
"I'm tired now." Scotland says.
Ireland chuckles and takes off his coat.
"Come on then." Ireland says.
Scotland leans on Ireland's shoulder and Ireland places his coat over him.
"But you're going to get cold." Scotland tells Ireland worriedly.
"Don't worry about me." Ireland says and strokes the side of Scotland's face with his hand.
"If you say so, but I'll make sure to hug you extra tight so you don't get cold." Scotland then wraps his arms around Ireland snuggling into his shoulder before closing his eyes. Ireland looks up at the stars one last time, a smile on his face. He then leans his head on top of Scotland.
"I'll protect you no matter what the other countries say." He whispers sweetly.
And he kisses Scotland on the forehead.


Well I tried to write a ship chapter, Hope you enjoyed it and this is not meant to offend anyone.

There's going to be so many translations.

Welsh Translations:
•"Yr Alban yn aros!"="Scotland wait!"

French Translations:

Maori Translations:

Irish Translations:

Scots Gaelic Translations:
•"M-Mas e do thoil e..."="P-Please..."
•"Feuch an stad thu!"="Please Stop!"
•"Tapadh leat a charaid."="Thank you friend."

Thank you for reading my book I hope you enjoyed this chapter it's a long one so please tell me if there are any mistakes, thank you!

Have a nice life!

Word count; 4362!
