Runaway Llama

Well, would you look at that title.

Tuesday—No ones POV

The Mystery Country punches the wall hard. Anguilla steps back in slight fear.
"You let them leave. Falklands and Pitcairn... you know how useful they could of been if they accepted life here? I had hopes for them, but you messed it all up as you always do." They say harshly.
"I tried my best—"
"But you failed..." They mumble coldly, turning towards Anguilla.
Anguilla looks as though she's going to tear up.
"I thought I'd finally stopped this side of you but obviously not."
"They knocked me out!" Anguilla slightly shouts.
"Proceeding to raise your voice at me." The country glares at Anguilla.
"No food." The country states harshly and strictly.
Anguilla stays silent, knowing speaking will only rise the anger in this country.
Without a second of hesitation, Anguilla speed walks away to the office to go down the slope into the bending metal hallways.
The country lets out an annoyed sigh. They walk into their living room, as their real office is far down in the metal hallways. They sit down on the sofa and begin to talk to themselves.
"It'll be fine, I still have their land... yeah, what could they possibly do? They left two of the other disobedient countries, although British Indian Ocean territory is starting to act up... I'm just too stressed with planning on how we're going to attack Wales......"
The country stays silent for a bit before going back to the thought of Falklands and Pitcairn.
"It doesn't matter, I can deal with them. What if they do do something, though? But what?"
The country thinks to themselves, but is unable to think of anything.
"Nothing. They can't hide from me for long, anyway. Was I too harsh on Anguilla then?"
The country lets out another sigh.
"I'll go and tell her I take back what I said..."
With that the country gets up and heads to the slope leading to the, I suppose you could call, underground lair

Still No Ones POV

Falklands and Pitcairn walk along the stone pathways of many of the small grouped neighbourhoods on Patriam Island. They had been walking most of the night and the sun was now shining in the sky.

Falklands looks towards Pitcairn as they walk.
"Where are we going to go?" She asks.
Pitcairn looks towards her then away for a bit as he thinks.
"I'm not too sure..." he says eventually.
There is a small silence. The only sound being their footsteps and the occasional bird singing a small song.
"I'm sure we'll find somewh— Is that a Llama?" Falklands asks getting completely distracted by the sight in front of her.
Pitcairn looks to where Falklands looks and sure enough there is a llama running towards them further in the distance.
"What the—"
Falklands smacks Pitcairn.
"No swearing."
"MANSO!" A voice shouts from further back behind the llama.
"¡REGRESA AQUÍ!" Another voice shouts.
The llama continues to run, ignoring the shouting.
"Seems like it's a Runaway Llama." Pitcairn says.
"Yeah..." Falklands says slightly confused at what she's witnessing. It's not something you see everyday.
"And it's running straight towards us." Pitcairn sighs. "Get ready to catch it."
"What? Shouldn't we just leave it?" Falklands asks even more confused.
"If we help them maybe they can give us something helpful or tell us the direction to England." Pitcairn says with a shrug.
"Good point." Falklands says. "Also, were not going to catch it as in grabbing it, that will only hurt the poor animal."
"How else are we gonna catch it then?" Pitcairn asks.
"With this." Falklands says and pulls out an apple from her coat.
"I stole it." Falklands interrupts Pitcairn.
"I know that you stole it, I was going to ask how do you know the llama even likes that stuff?"
"Oh, sorry." Falklands apologises before continuing. "It's an animal. Even if it doesn't like the food it will stop to check it out."
"I suppose that's correct. Gough would of known if he was here..." Pitcairn says remembering the small territory that they left behind.
His island was uninhabited, as said before, so the territory had grown close to the animals on the island. He learned how to tame them and basically fathered them. He was good with any animal, it seemed. If you were to ever ask him about plastic pollution, he could tell you exactly how it affects the animals—and never in a good way.
Falklands slightly frowns.
"I'm sad about that too, but that gives us more reason to keep on trying so we can see him again and Gibraltar and everyone else too." She tries to say encouragingly. "Now let's catch a llama."

The llama should spot the apple as it runs nearer to them, that's what Pitcairn and Falklands hope, anyway.
Falklands holds the apple in a way she thinks the llama could easily see it—on top of her outstretched hand, on her palm. The llama is getting closer and the two voices repeatedly shout at it in their own language. The llama gets closer to Pitcairn and Falklands and it begins to slow down as it spots the red apple in Falklands hands. It stops fully at her and leans closer to the apple, inspecting it, before deciding to take a bite of it.
"Heya buddy." Falklands says and slowly puts her hand out to stroke the llama.
The llama doesn't flinch and Falklands happily strokes it.
Pitcairn looks back to where the llama came from to see the two countries that were shouting. They both run, clearly out of breath.

One wears a unique looking hat and a brown jumper with no pockets or zips and has basic black trousers. They have two plain red parallel lines on their face with another plain white parallel line in between with—what looks to be—their coat of arms in the middle.
The other country running beside them has a basic short sleeve white shirt with a single yellow stripe at the end of both sleeves and another one at the lower part of their torso on their shirt, near the hip. They wear dark blue jeans. Their hair is long and appears to be bothering them by continually smacking them in the face as they run. Their face has a thin red line at the bottom with a blue one above and a much bigger yellow line above the blue one, a strange way to proportion your flag as most flags have even lines. In the middle of their face, like the other country, sits their own coat of arms.

The two countries eventually meets them.
"¡Gracias!" The red and white one shouts. "¡Muchas gracias!"
They put their hands on their knees, hunched over and out of breath.
"Oh, no hay problema." Falklands says with a smile as she pets the llama.
The mostly yellow country looks towards Falklands.
"¿Tu hablas español?" She asks.
"Si," Falklands replies. "Pero solo una pequeña cantidad."
Pitcairn feels left out in this situation as he has no idea what anyone is saying and is quite confused.
"Uh, Falklands?" He says. "I don't understand?"
Falklands turns to him.
"Sorry, Pitcairn. They're speaking Spanish, I just understand it because... you know... and about 10% of my population speaks it." Falklands explains.
"Oh..." Pitcairn says in understanding.
The only languages he knows is English and Pitkern, the second one isn't that world widely spoken either, from what he knows of.
"El no habla español?" The same country as before asks, the red and white one still out of breath in the background.
"No." Falklands replies, shaking her head.
"Would it be easier if we spoke in English?" The country asks.
"Yes." Pitcairn replies before Falklands can. "If you can, that would be very helpful." He adds on, not wanting to sound too impolite or that.
"Sure, we have to speak English a lot with others anyway so it's no problem." The country replies to Pitcairn.
"Yes." The red and white country finally speaks, now standing up straight from their hunched over position before. "That will be fine. Thank you for catching Manso." He says going to stroke the llama.
Falklands just realised her hand only has the core of the apple left, as the llama had eaten the rest and was no longer interested. She looks towards the two countries.
"No problem. Apples are okay for llamas right?"
"Oh yeah, as a treat and usually sliced."
"Oh, it wasn't sliced." Falklands says quite worriedly.
"Well Manso didn't choke. He took small bites?" The red and white country asks.
"I think so, I was a bit distracted." Falklands replies.
"We'll see, but he's raided our kitchen before so I'm sure it's fine." He reassures.
"Okay, I was kind of worried there." Falklands says in relief. "Anyways, we should introduce ourselves. I'm Falklands and this is Pitcairn." Falklands says pointing to herself and then Pitcairn.
"Nice to meet you." The mostly yellow country says. "I'm Ecuador, this is Peru and this is Manso." She points to herself, the red and white country and then the llama.
"Nice to meet you, too." Pitcairn says.

"Say, I don't think I've ever seen you two here before?" Peru questions.
"Um, well, it's kind of hard to explain..." Falklands says, she looks towards Pitcairn as if to say she doesn't want to do the explaining.
"We're Overseas Territories." He states. "However, we have been treated wrong and have nowhere to stay."
"Treated wrong?" Ecuador asks.
"It's...... it's not something to really be discussed. I'm sure you're aware that not all countries treat their territories—or colonies—with the greatest respect... Abuse was ensued, in fits of rage, mentally and physically..." Pitcairn keeps it to the shortest description.
"I'm so sorry." Ecuador says sadly.
It's apparent she doesn't like it when others are hurt.
"Some countries do need to realise the advancement of the present time." Peru says, his attention on petting Manso.
"Yeah, that's the truth..." Falklands says, staring at the ground slightly.
"I'm guessing what you're emplying is you ran away?" Peru says turning to face the two territories.
"Uh... yeah?" Falklands says unsure if that would be seen as a bad or a good thing.
Peru hums to himself in thought as he turns back to Manso.
"You can stay with us." He says.
Falklands and Pitcairn both look at Peru.
"Really?" They say in sync.
"I think that would be cool." Ecuador says happily.
"Well, we are trying to find a specific country so if it would be okay if we stayed with you until we found them, then we would really appreciate that." Pitcairn says.
Ecuador and Peru look to each other as if they're telepathically communicating before both nodding their heads.
"That'll be fine." Ecuador says.
"¡Gracias!" Falklands says cheerfully.
"Yes, thank you." Pitcairn says, assuming that's what gracias means.
"Least we could do with you catching Manso for us." Peru says to both the territories.
"Why do you have a pet llama?" Falklands asks the countries curiously.
"They're cute." Ecuador says with a shrug. "We have three, Manso included, there is an animal pen for them so don't worry. When they get out they sometimes do a runner, as you can see." Ecuador gestures towards Manso. "But they're usually well behaved, mostly when being given attention."
"They do look cute." Falklands says stroking Manso.
"I'm impressed you can take care of so many." Pitcairn says looking at Manso.
"We just have a way with them, I guess." Peru says. "Although they can still be a pain."
"We should probably head home, though. Before the others escape, too." Ecuador says.
"Okay, lead the way." Falklands says.
The two countries and two territories continue to talk between each other as they begin walking to their destination. Manso almost seeming displeased with the fact he is no longer being petted.

Tuesday—Northern Ireland's POV

I was just standing with Wales and our other friends in the playground since it was lunch, when something caught my eye. I was a bit bored in the group, as I wasn't too involved in the conversation, so I decided to sneak off and see what it was.

I had spotted what looked like a figure going behind the school. I know it sounds like some suspicious thing from a book or movie or that but I can't help my curiosity. I will be cautious though. I don't have any weapons on me so I take my crown off my head. I know it's all flashy and other countries probably think I'm full of myself but it's actually quite precious to me. I've had it for so long it's hard for me to even remember where I got it but I just know I've always had it and it's going to stay that way. Point is, it's got sharp points on it—like a knife—so, it should be fine for protection, right? If it's sharp like a knife, it can most likely stab like a knife.
Great life knowledge right there.

I turn round the corner. Which leads to the back of the school to see someone putting items in the recycling bins. Nothing strange. I decide to instead of make myself known, just stay completely silent, as a gut feeling was telling me so. I could of just left, as it doesn't seem like anything, but I don't. The country continues along the bins, emptying stuff from a tub they carry. The country then takes what looks to be the last item out of the tub. A book by the looks of it. They chuck into a grey bin. Except it's a bin that's never emptied. I know this because I was put on the job of recycling the paper in the class we had used when doing oragami and the teacher told me nothing goes in that bin. I thought it was kind of weird but apparently it's broken or something like that? I can't remember right now, I just know it's not used. Maybe they just don't know it's never emptied? I watch the country seem satisfied with what they've done. Instead of leaving the way they came they continue to go forward, the opposite way to where I stand. I wait until they are out of sight—which takes a while with how big the school is—before going to the apparently broken bin.

I put my crown back on my head as I walk. I look down into the bin. It was a book that they threw in their. Actually—there's more than one. I take the books out of the bin, reading their titles before piling them on the ground.
(Get ready for some crappy book titles)

Meanings Behind Country Illnesses
Colonies Over The Seas
The History Of Colonialism
Overseas Territories and Crowned Dependancies
Invasions and the Effects
Illnesses Of Countries: Definitions and Effects
A Guide to Overseas Territories
Colonies: A Guide
(There, crappy book titles)

They all sound like boring non-fiction books. I quickly read the blurbs on the back and flip through the pages. Nothing seems wrong with these books, why are they being thrown out?
The school bell ringing pierces through my thoughts. I slightly panic and just shove the books into my school bag, quickly checking the bin to make sure I got them all. Yep. I run from around the school quickly catching onto Wales and Kazakhstan with their wings and swiftly run over to them.
"Oh there you are, I was wondering where you went." Wales says as I reach the group.
"Yeah sorry, something caught my eye and I went to check it out." I say, catching my breath a bit.
We begin to walk back to the school with the rest of the students as the conversation continues.
"What was it?" Wales asks me.
I was going to tell her the truth but thought otherwise.
"Just a cat." I say as a quick excuse.
"Aw, cute." Wales says in reply.
The talk on that subject ends as we enter the school.

-Time Skip-

Still North's POV

Me and Wales we're playing noughts and crosses (tic tac toe) on the living room floor, when the front door opened telling us everyone else has finally come home from school. Me and Wales continue to play our game. Wales soon gets me into a situation of which she wins no matter what. I sigh and just put my cross in a random spot. Wales excitedly plays her turn getting three noughts in a row and exclaiming excitedly.
"I win!"
And her wings rise up above her head.
I can't feel bad about loosing with Wales's happy celebration, so I just smile in defeat. I decide to go and greet the others, leaving Wales to begin a match against New Zealand.

As usual during most days now, Scotland and England have set themselves up at the dining table reading through books. They sit opposite each other.
"Reading again?" I ask them both.
They both respond still looking at the books.
"Can never seem to find the right type of book in the schools library, though." England says, looking up to me for a little bit.
The school library! Oh I completely forgot to see if those books should go back into the library! Dammit...
"Actually, I found some books but forgot to take them back to the library. Do you think if I left them with you two you could take them back?" I ask.
Scotland sighs.
"Aye, go get em..."
I hurriedly go to my shared room to grab my school bag. Once I've got it, I run back through to the dinning room, dumping the bag on an empty spot on the table. I begin to take the books out of the bag, piling them up evenly the heaviest and thickest placed at the bottom.
"That's a lot of books, North." England says looking at the pile.
He takes one I just put down—Overseas Territories and Crowned Dependancies—and inspects it. His eyes widen as he reads the title. He reads the blurb quickly then opens the book going to the index and scanning down it.
"Scot, this is it." He says.
Scotland looks up from the book he's reading. It must be important because Scotland hates being called nicknames by England.

I continue to watch as he gets up from his seat to head round and look at the book England holds.
"Took North ta find a book we've been looking for for ages..." he says looking up to me.
I smile awkwardly, not fully understanding. Scotland picks up another book from the pile. Meanings Behind Country Illnesses. As soon as he reads the title he immediately goes to the index, finding the thing he was looking for, before going to that page and quickly skimming through it, all while keeping a blank expression. He places the book down in front of England.
"You'll want ta read that." He says.
He walks over to the pile of books and picks them up reading each title and sometimes blurb, before putting them down again.
"Where did ya find these books?" Scotland asks me, placing the last book down on the pile.
"Some country put them in the bin that's never emptied behind the school. I went to put them in the right bin but they seemed perfectly fine to me. I was going to put them back in the library but completely forgot to, like I said earlier." I explain to Scotland.
"I knew there were no books there for a reason." England says, still reading the book Scotland placed in front of him. "The question is why the country was doing it."
"Ahm sure we'll find oot the reason when we read the books." Scotland responds.
"That's true." England says.
"Thanks North, we'll be reading through these noo so feel free ta go an hangoot with A'Chuimrigh again, she remains undefeated by the sounds of it." Scotland says to me.
That's true, you can here Wales's constant shouts of her victories.
"Okay, glad I could help."
Even though I'm not sure what I helped with.


Yay, another chapter... wait, am I starting on daily chapters again without even realising... dammit, I am...

We've got Translations again, guys.
Sorry if they're incorrect.
I fully blame Google Translate.

Spanish Translations:
•¡Gracias!=Thank you!
•¡Muchas Gracias!=Thank you very much!
•No hay problema=No problem
•¿Tu hablas español?=You speak Spanish?
•Pero solo una pequeña cantidad=But only a small amount
•¿El no habla español?=He does not speak Spanish?

Scottish Gaelic Translations:

That's all I've got to say for now, I guess.
Stay safe and...

Have A Nice Life!

Word Count; 3488
