Losing My Mind

Okay so, I just want to explain something and this will most likely be lengthy so sorry about that. I don't think you could consider this as a spoiler but if you hate them THAT much then go ahead and read on but don't blame me if you get super confused. Okay then, so if you haven't noticed all ready we got some weird twitching happening to countries whenever a territory has been taken over. This is to show that they are either loosing or gaining land. I have said that this has been happening to the 'Mystery' country and England (and Argentina last chapter). Well, it will take longer for the twitching to effect the country loosing the land. So England will not twitch until later on in the timeline of the 'mystery' country taking The Overseas British Territories, since they belong to England. This is because the territory has to be FULLY conquered before it effects the country that originally owned the land. So it will not effect the original country until the new owner of the land has for example: Set up laws, chosen the human in charge of the land, set up the military, taxes, deciding what happens to the people already living there, etcetera. I hope this was easy to understand if not feel free to ask a question in the comments and I'll explain as best as I can...

I also may be picking on England in this chapter so I'm very sorry if it offends you but it is for the purpose of this story...

Now let's continue...


England's POV

I don't quite understand what is happening...Everyone just seems to... hate me? I suppose... well, not everyone I still have Wales and North and the original 6 countries America and Canada introduced me and Scotland to on our first day...Oh Scotland... I don't know what he feels about me. We haven't really talked unless needed and my heart still flutters when near him and it's starting to piss me off. Why does my love have to be to the one country who probably despises me the most! Well... maybe not the most. Ireland seems to hate me a lot as well. That's who Scotland's been hanging out with at school now. He still hangs out with us for sure and it's painful to see him but know that I can't have what I desire. It's even more painful that Japan and South Korea have caught up on their relationship and talks about how cute they are. Nobody else knows about what I told Scotland, although I'm guessing Scotland told Ireland with how he acts towards me. But that's a little off subject I guess. These past school days have just gone... horrible...

I don't know how the rumours started or who started them but once that one little lie was said, that one little sentence that was whispered into someone's ear was heard; it spread like wild fire. About how I was the one that started UK's colonisation of most of the world and how I was planning to do it again... and not to mention people started to talk about the horrible torture done to the colonised countries and the people living there. How I was a cold hearted, blood-thirsty country that hated all and wanted to rule the world. I can't deny this. There was a time in which this was my mindset and I cannot begin to explain... how much I regret it... I wish if I had known what the hell I was doing, if I just had some slight bit of common sense and had known just how much it was going to effect me in the future, I wish I could take it all back... I dearly wish I could.

I hate walking through the dreaded school halls and to see fear in some countries eyes at the sight of me. Some countries look as though they want to beat me to a pulp and I have to admit: that's a scary thing to think about. I'm not the strong country I used to be as The UK. I got knocked out from a volleyball for goodness sake! What do they think I'm gonna do to them?! The rumours keep on spreading and some of them are fake and only make me seem worse. Guess anybody will believe anything even though they don't have solid evidence of me ever doing some of those fake rumours. But some are all to familiar... Things I had forgotten only to be cursed with having to see and hear them again...

My head aches with the sound and stress of the whispering of rumours. Nobody really talks to me apart from the countries I mentioned earlier of course but even some of them seem to be doubtful of talking to me. If I get pared with another country(s) in a project they either make me do all the work because I "Deserve it after all the horrible labour I put countries and their people through" or they do all the work themselves without saying a single word to me just giving me a slight nervous glance before continuing to work, refusing my offers to help.

...I hate this...

I want it to stop. I'm not who they picture me as. This has been going on for days and my head is going to explode and I want to punch anyone who so dares to whisper something as I walk by. I resist after having already done it, gotten in trouble with UN after my claims of rumours being spread were denied because "I'm sorry but, Majority rules" yeah right UN, and then the rumours proceeded to become worse saying how hostile and violent I was to have hurt another country. All I did was leave a non-fatal punch in the back of the head but the country acted like it had given them a concussion. What people will do for attention, huh? And they don't think about how it will affect the people around them do they? Oh, no, no, no......
...I'm loosing my fucking mind...

Falklands POV

The red and white country hasn't done much these past few days although I don't even know what day it is. There are no windows to tell when it's day or night the red and white country just walks down the metal hallway and yells "It's night now and if any of you lot make an ounce of noise that wakes me up... you will be punished..." and marches off through the long twisting hallways.

However, I've been planning an escape with what resources I have. I would go over it but it's not full proof yet and sometimes I end up confusing myself just talking about it. So I'll wait until I can think about it without getting confused before I execute it.

I've eavesdropped as much as I can whenever I can but it's still a proven difficulty and I can only make up certain parts of the conversation. But from what I've heard, this red and white country is taking a break from conquering other territories and is planning how he's going to invade Great Britain and Northern Ireland and it does not sound good. Apparently the plan of "Breaking England" is slowly proving successful. I feel so guilty about it. It's my fault he's going through that if I just didn't send that damm note...

Speaking of notes, they made me write one to England about how everything went smoothly and I was okay. I kept on ripping the paper and scribbling over it refusing to write anything down until the red and white country went and grabbed poor little Montserrat and dragged her all the way to his office. He kneeled her in front of the table I was meant to write the letter on and aimed a gun to her head. He told me to write the letter or he'll shoot. Of course I wrote the letter. Montserrat never flinched, though I could tell she was scared by the look in her eyes. She was brave and I had to hug her afterwards, that would of been so scary especially with how young and small she is. This red and white country is a psychopath and needs to at least have some anger management classes.

...I hope this will all end soon...

The 'Mystery' country decide to take a two week break before continuing their master plan... It has been a week and a day since this decision...

The rumours started on Monday... It is now a week and a day later on Tuesday... And the rumours haven't gotten any better...

No ones POV

The guest room was silent. Three countries were in the room, two sleeping peacefully and one sitting. Thinking. A depressed and almost dead expression on their face. This country would be England. Although I'm sure he doesn't want us to focus on him in this story right now. He's not of importance of course. Just a horrible. Inhumane. Ruthless. Deceitful. Unreliable. Insane country. At least that's what others are saying about him.

The two countries still sleeping would be the small Wales and Northern Ireland. They share a big bed separated by a divider of pillows. There were meant to be four countries in the room but the fourth one left a while ago due to nightmares that they had once again developed. That would be Scotland. He's obtained these nightmares again most likely because of having no one there to comfort him, one country in particular, I bet, could take his nightmares away instantly.

The silence is broken by the slight yawn of Wales. She sits up in the bed and stretches out her wings just barely missing smacking Northern Ireland in the face, although sometimes she would do that on purpose and act like it was accidental then snicker about it later. Wales finishes stretching and rubs her eyes before looking tiredly around the room to see if anyone else was awake. She sees England sitting at the edge of his air bed sadly. She frowns. She hates seeing other upset countries. Seeing them like that makes her upset.

She gently crawls off the bed, trying not to disturb North. Her feet hit the floor and she walks over to England. He has a hoodie on him with the hood up like a true depressed teenager. As that's what he is at the end of the day. A young country being bullied for the mistakes that many, many other countries have done as well. It just doesn't seem to be fair but that's how life is. Unfair.

Wales sits down next to England on the air bed. She's a lot shorter next to him.
England looks at Wales but doesn't say anything. He has bags under his eyes and his glasses sit wonkily on his face.
"I'm worried about you, Lloegr. You are not acting like yourself at all. And I hate seeing you upset like this...... it's about the rumours isn't it?" Wales sits waiting for a response.
England slowly nods his head and adjusts his glasses to a straighter angle. Wales looks at England sadly. She wraps her right wing around him. England seems pretty surprised at the sudden warmth and comfort but still doesn't say anything.
"Lloegr, some of those rumours aren't even true! I know words are damaging sometimes more than other people can comprehend but you are more than those rubbish words... You've changed so much England that was past you and you've made mistakes, sure, but haven't we all? Every single country, heck, even every human has stuff they wish they could so dearly take back. But please, Lloegr, be strong. That's who you are, smart strong and passionate please don't make other people change you..."

England looks at Wales. Wales could of sworn he was on the verge of crying but no tears came out of his eyes.
"T-Thank You, Wales. You always know what to say and how to make others happy..."

'It's just too bad it didn't work for me...'

Wales smiles at England.
"Well, come on grumpy you need to eat some breakfast." She says putting on her best mother acting skills.
England gives a small smile and they both stand up. Wales goes up to North and wakes him up.
"What do you want..." He says tiredly
"For you to get up and eat breakfast. We've got school to get ready for as well." Said Wales.
North let's out a sigh before clambering off the bed. The trio of countries then walks down the hallway towards the dinning room.

                       -Time skip-

The countries were once again walking to school. England dreaded every step. Wales cheerfully stretched out her wings. Northern Ireland was trying to push Wales's wings out of his face. America was begging Canada for math homework answers. Australia and New Zealand we're naming all the animals they could spot. Scotland walked along quickly with the thought of seeing his boyfriend soon. What a weird looking bunch.

They eventually got to the school. The Primary's split away from the High-schoolers as they went to meet their friends in the playground. England got a few fearful or nasty looks but he ignored them even though he could feel their eyes burning into the back of his head. The High-Schoolers eventually made it to their part of the school and went to meet their friend group in the canteen, even thought there was no food waiting there.

"Hey everyone!" America yelled and ran up to the lot, the others slowly following behind.
England could already here the whispering of others. They may seem quiet to everyone else but to him they were as loud as ever. He tries his best to shut them out and just focus on those who haven't left him yet.
"You okay Angleterre?"
England turns his head to look at who spoke. It was Canada.
"Um yeah, Canada, Just feeling a bit sick I suppose..." England responds.
Canada gives a concerned expression. "Do you want to tell a teacher? Maybe ask them to go home?"
England gives Canada a smile but shakes his head. "It's fine... I'll be...fine." He says quietly.
Canada nods his head but isn't convinced. He decides he's going to watch England today and make sure he's okay.

The group chat together until.
"Dia duit gach duine."
Everyone turns to see Ireland. Scotland instantly goes up to Ireland and hugs him with Ireland hugging tightly back. This was the usual greeting they would give each other so no one found it strange. Japan and South Korea both smile and slightly squeal at the scene. They think it's cute when two people love each other. They always find it fascinating how two countries can have such a strong bond. England, however, was dealing with the pain of having his heart shattered...again. He wanted to hurt somebody. Calm down... he managed to get over it but he still felt an annoying pain tugging at his stomach.

They all continue to talk with Canada trying to bring England into the conversation a couple times but he only answered in short replies. The school bell eventually rang and they all headed to their classes.

Hey, guess what I'm doing.
That's right.
-Time skip-

Rumours are horrible things aren't they?
One person says one thing, another says another and you've got a whole bucket full appearing almost every day. But... Does anyone actually think about the things they say? Do they think of the consequences? Or do they just want that little bit of attention? Do they just want to bond with their friends on something they don't know will effect someone else dearly?...
Or do they want to cause the pain... do they want to see the suffering of another for their own enjoyment...
...Think about the things you say before you say it...

The day went smoothly for most countries. School isn't always the most enjoyable thing and can be pretty tiring too. It was now the second last class of the day in high school and the Primary countries were almost allowed to leave. For this next part in the story we'll follow England and Scotland's class. Which would be good old Science. Chemistry to be specific.

England sat in the class watching as Yemen did most of the experiment they were meant to be working on together. Yemen slightly confused England. Yemen was a bright and happy country and got on quite well with his bordering countries but... Yemen's country seems to be in ruins. You can see it through him. He's skinny from not eating, he doesn't always have enough money to buy things and his country always seems to be at war and random bruisers appear on him. It's a sad sight but talking about it just seems to make Yemen sadder than he already looks. He still manages to be a happy country though and I think everyone could learn about happiness from him.

"Are you sure you don't need any help?" England asks Yemen. Yemen looks towards him slightly nervous.
"You could... write some notes on how the experiments going?" Yemen asks as though it's one of the worlds hardest quiz questions.
England looks slightly surprised. Usually he would just be dismissed but Yemen actually suggested a proper job that he could do. England nods his head and begins to scribble down notes into his science jotter. Yemen sighs and continues with the experiment.

"Ah!" Yemen yelps.
England looks up quickly. "Are you okay?"
Yemen looks at England slightly surprised at the concern after all the rumours being spread about England being cold hearted.
"Um, Y-Yeah I'm fine, it was just...um...nothing important..." Yemen replies, saying the last part so quietly England probably wouldn't of heard it if he wasn't so used to hearing people whispering around him.
England can already guess Yemen yelped because of something happening in his country and decides not to question it for Yemen's sanity. He continues to write in the jotter quite bored of it. He looks up for a little bit and looks at the other countries helping each other on the experiments and having fun watching the chemical reactions taking place. England sighs. Yemen watches this and sighs himself. Come on Yemen he seemed generally concerned about you. Sure UK owned part of you before but that was UK not England specifically I suppose... Be the happy country you are...
"H-Hey um إنكلترا," Yemen begins.
England looks towards Yemen. Arabic confuses him but he at least understands how his name sounds when it's spoken.
"You...You wanna help me with this next one?"
England's eyes widen and he smiles.
"Sure. What do I do?" He asks.
"Well, First you need to get your safety goggles on and then we can start,"
"Ah right, safety first." England says and slips down his safety goggles to cover his eyes as they sit awkwardly on his glasses. It's so annoying having to wear glasses and safety goggles at the same time.
"So first we need to..."

Haha, you thought I was gonna write the actual experiment, nope. I'm trying to make sure chapters don't get so long now and we're already above 3300 words so that's totally working... anyway...

Haha, me from the future when I finished this chapter. It actually turned out to be the longest chapter I've written so far... So great job Jazz...

-Small Time Skip-

England and Yemen finished their experiment and began to both summarise what happened and what they learnt in their science jotters. England helped get Yemen started with the notes he already had when he started to feel slightly sick. He ignored it and just held onto his stomach for a bit hoping that it would pass but he started to feel dizzy as well. Of course Yemen noticed as England began to sway from the dizziness.

"إنكلترا, are you okay?" Yemen asks concerned.
This caused countries in the room to stare as they were surprised to hear someone concerned for England after all the things that he had done that everyone was talking about. England shakes his head no and Yemen puts his hand up in the air.
"Yes, Yemen?" Asked the teacher (I don't know what country to put as the teacher so yeah)
"England is not feeling too well, could he possibly have a break?" Yemen asks for England who does not look in shape for asking the question himself.
"You can head to the toilet England and see if you feel better but try not to take too long, remember it might all just be something in your country." The teacher says.
England nods his head and walks out the classroom swiftly, shutting the door behind him as he leaves.
"Probably faking it..." the teacher mutters before going back to marking papers.

England's POV

I walk through the corridors swiftly heading to the closest bathroom. I enter into the males and head into a stall and lock the door. I lean against the wall and take deep breaths. What the hell is going on with me? I feel so sick. I lean other the toilet and begin to cough. I eventually cough out a small amount of...

    ...Black liquid...

Holy shit... what the hell?! I suddenly let out a harsh growl before violently twitching. What is it with this damm twitching?! And why the hell am I coughing up this black liquid if I'm not a union like UK? And I'm not being invaded I would of known if this was an invasion...

I sit on the floor not caring for the possible bacteria. I hold my hand on my head and breath heavy. I think about everything that's been said about me... I think about everything that's happening right now... I think about Scotland... I think about North... and I think about what Wales said... I'm sorry Wales but I'm not the strong country you think I am...
...I begin to cry...

I don't know why but that's all I can do. I let the tears flow as my head throbs with the pain of my experiences. Of my mistakes. Of the sickness I feel right now. I cry for a while. The sickness slightly surpasses but the pain certainly doesn't. I cry until I hear the bathroom door open.


-A couple minutes ago-

Scotland's POV

I look towards the clock in the room. The class is almost about to end and England still hasn't come back yet. I can't help but feel a bit worried. I've heard the rumours. People have walked up to me and said "Be careful, Scotland, England's dangerous and could invade you at any time..." I usually stop them at that point fed up of their inaccurate claims. I tap my pencil on the desk thinking of what to do. I sigh before raising my hand.

"Yes, Scotland?" The teacher asks annoyed.
"England has nae been back fer a while noo, dae yer want me ta go check on him?"
The teacher looks confused. I sighed annoyed and clear my throat trying to put on my best English accent. "England hasn't been back for a while now do you want me to go check on him?"
The teacher finally catches on. I didn't think it was that hard to understand.
"Um, someone should go check on him but how about someone other than you, Scotland?" The teacher says.
I'm confused at his words at first before I understand why he said that. It fuels me with a slight burning anger. I stand up from my seat letting it screech loudly on the floor. I walk round my shared desk and towards the door.
"Scotland, what do you think you're doing?" The teacher asks me angrily.
I turn around to him annoyed. I clear my throat again and put on the dumb english accent. "I'm assuming you said someone other then me because the rumours have gotten to you too, correct?"
The teacher almost looks guilty at the way I say it.
"I'll take your expression as a yes. Well, I know our history isn't the greatest and we fight a lot but it's just how we are. Sorta like... a love, hate relationship I suppose. And some of these dumb rumours are fake and very damaging to England's self esteem which I can tell you right now is very sensitive. So please excuse me but I am leaving to make sure that the country I have lived with for most of my life and hasn't done anything wrong for years, is ok..." I finish on that note and leave the room.

I think about my words as I walk through the corridors. Did I really just say that? It probably wouldn't of been awkward if I hadn't of known that England actually has a crush on me but oh well. I reach a bathroom and open the door.

"Sasainn?" I ask.

-No ones POV-
Lots of No no words coming up

England is silent as he processes what he heard.
"S-Scotland?" He whispers to himself. He thought he did it quietly but Scotland heard him and the bathroom door shuts behind him as he fully walks in to the room.
"Sasainn, I know you're in here. Fit's going on with yer?" Scotland said as he began walking towards the stalls.
England lets out a small cry before slowly standing up. Scotland hears this and Walks towards the stall where he heard England. He knocks on the stall.
"Sasainn, I heard fit's happening with the rumours..."
England lets out a sigh. "It's horrible, Scotland. I don't know what the fuck is happening with me but my world is falling apart and I'm so sad and mad and... sick-"
"Fit dae yer mean by sick?" Scotland instantly asks. One thing Scotland was good at was spotting countries emotions. He may not be good with his own feelings but one of his training methods was learning how other countries act and how to tell their emotions. This is so he could find their weak spot and use it against them. By the way England said this he could tell it was bothering him the most.
"I-I......The black Liquid..." England says quietly.
Scotland instantly feels a feeling building in his chest. He thinks about it before identifying it as worry.
"Sasainn, please open the stall door. This is serious noo."
England hesitantly unlocks the stall and opens it. Scotland looks at England's distraught and weak state. England, one of the most polite, posh and well-dressed countries Scotland has ever met, stands in front of him looking like a sick tramp.
"Sasainn what the fuck happened?" He asks seriously.
England looks up at Scotland staring into his eyes and his heart flutters before he painfully shoves the emotion away. He tries to say something but nothing but a whimper comes out.
"Sasainn, I will nae know how ta help until yer tell me." Scotland says becoming inpatient at the silence.
England is surprised at his words. Scotland? Help me? "But I thought you hated me..." he looks up quickly realising he said the last part out loud and he begins to tear up. He feels so emotional today and it's really effecting him.
Scotland shakes his head and crosses his arms. "I know I act like it but I dae nae hate yer just... dislike? Yer..." he's not sure if that helped.
England begins to have more tears flow down his cheeks. "But you do hate me!" He shouts, surprising Scotland in the sudden raise of volume. "I did so many horrible things to you and everyone else and you act like you forgive me but I know you hate me... everyone hates me and no one ever thought about how I feel about it... no one ever thought that I might regret it, that I might hate myself for it. But no. Nobody cares everyone just hates me!" England puts his head into his hands as he begins to cry more.

Scotland stares at him feeling a bit awkward at his words and reaction. He eventually covers up this feeling with a bit of annoyance as his usual defence. He thinks of something he can do to calm this distressed country down. He thinks of something, not too fond of doing it.
"I cannae believe I'm doing this..." he says.
England wiped away a few of his tears as he looks up confused.
"W-wha-" Is all he can get out before Scotland pulls him into a light hug. England doesn't know how to react at first but soon hugs on tighter to Scotland as the tears start flowing from his eyes once again.
"I-I'm Sorry S-Scotland I-I really a-am," he speaks in between sobs.
Scotland nods his head feeling slightly awkward. 'If Ireland saw me right now...' he thought to himself.
"We dae nae all hate yer, Sasainn. There are many countries oot there that care for yer. As family, as friends, as partners, hey! Yer even made pals with Yemen in science today," Scotland begins to say as he pats England's back. He feels so awkward but ignores it and tries his best to comfort this unstable country. "I know what you're experiencing can be confusing an' upsetting but that is something yer are meant ta experience in life. That is how life works. Sometimes it's amazing and sometimes it's utter shite and yer just want ta give up. But when yer overcome those moments yer feel so much better and yer realise how amazing the journey yer took ta get there was. How strong yer were, how hard yer tried and yer did it. Some countries are cruel and will want ta see your failure but just imagine fit it will be like when yer prove them wrong. If yer dae nae try there is no way yer will succeed. So Sasainn, I want yer ta try your hardest and tell all those dumbass countries ta fuck off because we all make mistakes but I'm the only aon that gets ta make fun of yer for them." Scotland finishes hoping for a good result. He really just through in any inspirational talk he could think of.
This just about makes England feel a ton of a lot better and he smiles with a slight choked laugh as he embraces Scotland tighter.
This just makes Scotland feel a little bit more awkward.
"Come off when yer feel like it, but please dae it soon," he says.
England soon lets go and gives a gentle smile to Scotland.
"Thanks Scotland..." he says quietly but much happier now...
"Nae bother," Scotland replies with a smile. "Yer wanna just head home?"
England nods his head fed up of being in school for today.


Holy guacamole, I was literally thanking you guys for 6K reads in the last chapter and you're gonna come back and get it to

7K reads! You're all insane for reading this mess and for the people that have gotten this far— +Respect

Welsh Translations:

French Translations:

Irish Translations:
•Dia duit gach duine=Hello Everybody/Everyone

Arabic Translations:
(It won't let me switch them around because Arabic is written from the right to left, I think. Sorry if I got this wrong)

Scots Gaelic Translations:

Welp, hope you enjoyed this chapter! Stay safe and

Have a nice life!

Word count; 5302
Holy llamas, that's a lot of words
