Five In One, They're All Gone

Bro, I wrote this when it was late okay. That rhyme came into my head and I had to put it as the title. It's dumb but I don't care. It rhymes so that automatically makes it epic. I don't know, put some rhymes in the comments describing this chapter.
Yes, that shall be interesting.
Watch absolutely nobody do it—

Sunday—Pitcairn Islands POV

I feel a bit better now. I still feel occasionally sick due to radiation but I'm coping. Although I've become very paranoid. Any sound of a plane engine and I become very restless with fear. I don't want to be bombed again, but I know it will happen. I don't see the point in bombing me, I'd rather just be invaded. I suppose this insane country just wants to have some fun, if you can even call that fun. It's certainly not for me.

I was checking around the island, making sure everything was okay. I do this on a daily basis. I think it's important to make sure your islands are okay, I've just not been able to check my other islands. I could, but I get really anxious. What if a bomb hits the island that I'm on? I don't want anyone on any islands that aren't Pitcairn. It's for safety reasons. I at least think this country isn't insane enough to bomb the island where the whole small population is. At least I really hope so.

I'm going along my beaches when I get a feeling of dread. Of in depending doom. I begin to slightly panic. It's going to happen. I know it's going to happen. I need to get somewhere where I can cope with what's about to happen. I begin to run. Adamstown isn't too far away, I want to alert someone there before heading to my home. I ignore the path and just run through my forest. I know my land well, I know the shortcuts.

I feel like it's going to happen. I'm going to be bombed. I just feel it. That sense of dread, of doom, it just doesn't set right with what's happened. My legs begin to feel tired as I eventually see Adamstown ahead. I slow down just a little bit, so I don't become extremely exhausted. I reach the town and I instantly head to the one human I really trust. I reach their house and knock on their door really fast, non-stop, till they finally open the door.
"What is it Pitcairn?" They ask annoyed as always, one of the things I like about them.
Their expression soon changes to that of worry when they see my panicked state.
"I-It's going to happen. I know it. I feel it." I say worriedly.
"First of all calm down," the human says. "What do you want to do?"
"I-I-I..." I take a breath in. "I want to get to my house so I can cope with this attack and so I don't panic anyone on the island." I say.
"Okay then. You can get going and I'll take care of any issues raised for now, okay?" The human says.
"Okay." I say with a sigh.
"You're strong Pitcairn, I know you can take this. Now on you go." They say.
I nod my head and wave goodbye as I begin the trek towards my house.

I don't know when the attack will commence but I hope I can at least get to my house. After this though, I am going to contact the RAF. They can shoot down the bomber planes. I just fear how this country would retaliate to that. I also fear that the RAF won't get here on time. I am on the other side of the Earth in the South Pacific Ocean, of course. There is a lot of things which would be hard to tell. But all I can do is hope. Hope for something.

I soon make it to my house and I open the door with an exasperated sigh.
"It's going to happen soon..." I whisper to myself.

I shut my door, my feeling of dread only increasing. It's making me begin to feel sick. I set up my house so I have everything I think I would need in my grasp.




The feeling of dread is becoming almost unbearable and I'm breathing heavy. I go up to my bed.

And everything happens slowly...

My ears pierce with a loud sound and I clutch onto them. I can hear the bomb in my ears and it's painfully loud. I begin to stumble as pain stabs at my body. I bite my lip so I don't scream as my bones feel like they're breaking, like how my islands are breaking. Whenever I close my eyes I can see the light of explosion and my island being destroyed, which makes me painfully keep them wide open. I fall over onto my knees. I begin to get the sick feeling in my stomach and I clutch onto the bin I put by my bed. The black venom flows out my mouth. One. It represents that I've lost my land. The remains of it... gone. The pain stabs me and I can barely move. I hate bombs. I clutch onto the bin harder as the same step repeats. Two. Shit. It's Ducie and Acadia and the other islands around them. I ache in pain at the exertion of getting rid of what was once me. Here we go again. Three. My mouth burns with the vile taste and my throat itches. You can do this Pitcairn, just count it all down. I take deep slow breaths. I can feel the liquid rising up to my throat in a highly uncomfortable feeling as the process repeats yet again. Four. One more, one more, fuck man that's part of me. I just lost them... and so fast. I cry as the process repeats once again. Five... that's it... five islands gone... five parts of me... gone... the only thing representing them is the vile liquid before me, as I breath heavily other the bin. This is my punishment. I was suppose to lead and protect my land. The punishment for that, is the horrible thing I just experienced. It's meant to teach you, but I don't understand why it's such a harsh way of teaching. It can be hard to understand as well, but you get the message after a while. You failed at what you were put on the earth to do. You can't afford to fail. That's the tough life of being a country. A being vital to keep other beings alive...

Tears fall down my face as the pain soon returns with me being more aware to it. I put the bin down not wanting to stare into it's blackness any longer. I pull myself up onto the bed and lay down. I grab the glass of water I left on my bedside table and slowly down most of it. I take a deep breath after and get into a position in which I experience the least amount of pain. I clutch onto my stomach and close my eyes.
'You're strong Pitcairn. I know you can take this.'
I can do this. I will make it. I just need to rest and then do everything I can to protect my islands and people. For now, I just need to rest.

You know what, lets make this chapter longer :D

I don't want this conversation to happen on the weekend so lets skip a day and go to Monday!

England's POV

As promised, I have to talk to Scotland about last nights conversation. I am honestly not looking forward to it. Mostly to the fact that I have been feeling slightly sick and I have been doing that weird twitch thing, but it does feel a bit different this time so I'm not entirely sure if it has any relation to what I've been experiencing. The sickness I mean, not the twitching.

I walk through the hallways. We had to pick the one room we'd get piece and quiet and could use with no one else being there and that was the music rooms. I walked into music room 5 and Scotland was sitting on one of the seats in the room pressing random keys on an electric keyboard clearly uninterested. The room had a drum kit, piano, xylophone, three guitars on a stand, a few seats dotted around the room and- oh god no... bagpipes... It wasn't the biggest room but it was decent enough. The door slowly closes behind me with a loud thud which I should've of expected but didn't. Scotland looks up to me with a slightly annoyed expression.
"Took ye fucking long enough." He says in a bothered tone.
"Could we try and do this with less swearing." I ask him in the same tone.
He rolls his eyes at me and turns around in his seat to better face me. I pull a seat over as well and sit down and we stare annoyed at each other.
"We continue where we left off?" I ask.
"No Sasainn, lets talk aboot pink dancing lions on rainbows. Of..." Scotland stopped himself from swearing, even though it looked like it caused him general pain. He's unbelievable. "... course we talk where we left off... yer dumbass."
"That counts as swearing."
"Since when?!"
"Since I said so!"
Scotland glares annoyed at me.
"Well?" I say.
"Dae nae push it," Scotland says in a slightly intimidating way. "We were at the point of talking aboot the Overseas Territories and how yer just completely fu—... ignored the fact they were invaded."
"You just have to word it like that." I reply.
"Aye, I dae."
I sigh annoyed. "I'm sure they'll be fine."

(Yeah England, one of them's dealing with being bombed, totally fine.
I'm just trying to be comical, don't hate on England for that.)

"And it's hard to keep in good contact with them, so giving them easy access to support from my country was my first step and I haven't seen if it's proven to be helpful or not. So I want to at least wait to see how that goes first."
Scotland stares at me unimpressed.
"Yer nae worried in the slightest." He says.
"Well of course I'm worried! but I've also got England to worry about as well. I can't just give them my entire military." I say with many annoyed hand movements.
"Look Sasainn. I stopped with the swearing, so please stop with the hand movements. You look like an aggressive Italian." Scotland says.
And this is why I freaking fell in love with the psychopath... and I'm going down this route of depression again.
"Fine, I'll stop. You're just annoying me."
"I'm... annoying ye? Ha! Treat people how yer want ta be treated, Sasainn. Maybe then I'll stop annoying ye."
I put my hand on my forehead. "Can we just move on."

"Fine," Scotland says. "How're yer feeling today?"
"I thought we were talking about last night not having a normal conversation-"
"You're a damn idiot. We're talking about ye being sick an I need ta know if you're feeling sick today incase it leads ta anymore clues. Don't doubt me or that's where you'll fail finding the truth aboot things." Scotland reply's, very much annoyed.
"Oh... right... sorry. Yeah no, I haven't felt well today. I've been slightly sick but it feels different to what I've felt before so I think it might just be a normal sickness reaction." I say.
"Okay... if yer say so." Scotland says.
He adjusts himself in his seat before continuing.
"Do yer think someone could be behind this?"
"I'm not too sure if I'm being honest." I say.
Scotland thinks for a bit.
"Yer like reading an all that right?"
"Yes? Why is this important?"
"Fit did I say aboot- yer know whit, never mind. Then ye should got tae the library and read some books aboot stuff like what different sicknesses in countries mean... or reading up on Overseas Territories... stuff that has any wee bit of similarity ta our conversation, y'know. That's how yer find the answer ta something." Scotland says proudly.
"And why do I need to do this?" I ask Scotland.
"I'm nae a big on non-fiction, and your smart and like reading that kind of stuff so it would be a lot faster if ye were ta dae it."
"Flattery doesn't work on me Scotland." I say smugly at the fact he called me smart.
Scotland gives me a glare.
"Fine then, how aboot this. Yer a fat ass lazy bitch that needs to get yer arse up to that library and educate yerself on your own fucking country."
I feel hurt."
"That's the whole fucking point."
"Fine. I'll read the books you mean bastard."

I cross my arms and look to the one clock in the room.
"We've got a few more minutes left before classes."
"Aye, I know how ta spend em." Scotland says and stands up.
"And how would that be?" I say slightly scared but curious at the same time.
"Well we took up this music room and did nae play any music which I think is just wrong so~" Scotland says almost evilly as he quickly picks up something and swiftly gets it ready to play.
"This room is sound proof so nobody will hear the bagpipes or your screams of ear-bleeding pain," Scotland says with a smirk towards me. "Enjoy~."
"Of fuck, lord help me." Is the last thing I say before Scotland begins to play the bagpipes loud and proud.

I cover my ears as the sound that has haunted me every time I see Scotland fills the room. He's playing his national anthem... I'm going to cry. Not of beauty for the song, of pure torture of hearing this song so much—

Scotland POV

Today is a good day.


They say England is still crying from those sounds to this very day...

They would be right.

Scottish Gaelic Translations:

So you know how I was talking about a new book in the last chapter?
I published it! It's got the first three chapters already done and published!
It's called Met In The Snow and is  a UKxUSSR or BritSov ship book (don't kill me it's not historically accurate in anyway.) so if you like that then I would recommend reading it!
I'm really just repeating myself from last chapter—
Anyway... Be sure to check it out, if you want to of course.

Stay Safe and...

Have a nice life!

Word count; 2454
