
 They were walking through a forest. It was dark. Erika was scared so she came near boop. Suddenly a Wolf came out and scratched Erika's back. Boop took out his katana, ran behind the wolf and attacked him piercing its heart. Erika was breathing fast as she was scared and in pain.

Boop started a fire as it was nighttime and used a piece of his clothings to close her wound. She thanked him.

Boop aggressively said, "I told you not to follow me but you don't listen to me at all, if you've had listened, you wouldn't be hurt! he angrily said.

Erika replied calmly, "Well, you're being too harsh. Besides I'm not a weakling. And who knows if you need my help ever??!! I even stole a knife and an old wine bottle from the blacksmith for safety purposes."

Boop replied, "No, you didn't steal it, or I must say we didn't steal those weapons, 'we borrowed those' would sound better"

"ummm alright I guess?"

"Nevermind so where was I? Oh yea. STOP FOLLOWING ME AND GO BACK HOME!" He said.

She replied, "But I-"

A loud howling sound came from the forest. Erika got scared and held boop's hand. Boop said, "We should move on and please, Don't touch me."

"Oh! I'm sorry I was scared..."

"It's fine, let's move"

Erika thinks, "I almost told him that, hope he forgets what I said."

Boop says, "Oh by the way what were you going to say?"

Erika thought to herself, "Fuck💀💀"

Erika said, "Well it was nothing, you know we should keep moving or those wolf might attack us again"

"Facts" He said.

They seemed to be getting close to each other. 
