6- BloodShed

 The night occurred, so did the monsters. They surrounded a women and were going to attack her. But boop threw his sword and distracted them. He jumped off the pedestal he was standing on and started fighting.

He told the woman to run away. He fought against the monsters but his sword was not having enough strength. When he used the storm technique his sword broke. He cried out in anger when the monster grabbed the sword and slashed him and he fell and fell and fell. Then he blacked out.When he woke up, he was in the shed and saw the woman was gone and then he found some bandages wrapped around him. He looked up and saw Erika was standing infront of him.

He asked Erika about what happened and she said some guy in black suit who calls himself "Shadow" came and killed the monsters. He understood who came to save him.

He came out of the shed and saw BloodShed all over the place. He puked. 
