10- Dream

 Boop opened his eyes, he saw a man. His face was not clear and boop saw himself stuck between some black tentacles glowing green(mha reference heh)

"Is this a dream?" Boop asked

The man replied, "Yes and it seems you're the one"

"I am the what?"

"One, You have to gain the ability to control the sword, soon you will be able to use it at its full potential"

"Wait, are you my sword?"

"No, I'm just your dream"

The tentacles started moving forward with boop as the man disappeared. Boop saw a huge door inside a temple type place.

Suddenly something came from behind, and boop woke up breathing fast.

"What is it?" asked Erika

"Just a weird dream, don't worry about it and go back to sleep"

"Sleep? It's like 12 pm right now"

"Oh, looks like I overslept."

"Yea, now wake up and teach me how to use this katana"

"Oh yea I forgot about it"

Erika said Angrily, "Yea and you'll soon forget about me too!"

Boop said, "Hey, am sorry I'll teach you today"


Boop sighed because of her load on him and started thinking about the man in his dream.
