4- Season of Fall

 After Arthur's death, Boop had been lonely. There was no one left there for him, he was all alone, practicing hard.

Few days later after Arthur's funeral, Boop saw a beautiful girl in Arthur's house. Thinking it's a stranger he went in with his sword and kept it on her neck. He asked, "Who are you, miss?" and she replied, "I am his son's daughter, you are boop boko right? He used to talk to me about you. Though we are of the same age, you seem little bit immature to me when you put your sword over my neck." He replied, "Yea I am sorry for that, I don't know you." She said, "It's alright." He lowered his sword and they started talking. He got to know that her name was Erika. He spoke about Arthur and how he managed boop. He also told about his life before, how he lost both his parents and now he has no friends. She asked, "Why haven't you become friends with anyone yet?" "That's because whenever I make friends or love someone they always end up dying, like my parents and your grandpa." She hugged him tightly and said "We can be friends" but he declined it as he was worried about her dying. She got sad and left. Meeting Erika was nothing much for boop but for Erika it was like season of fall. She fell in love with him.
