11- Practicing with Erika

 "Like this?" asked Erika

Boop replied, "No no, hold it tightly and keep it a bit up."

"Like this?"

"Arghh, no, alright allow me to touch your hand so I can teach you like that."

Erika thinks, "Hehe now he will touch my hand and teach me like that and he will fall in love with m-"

Erika said, "Yes I allo-"

Boop said, "Oh wait, this is perfect, you did it perfectly."

"But you said tha-"

"Yea but it's perfect for you 5'2" height"

"You didn't had to mention my height!!"

"um sorry I guess"

Erika thinks again, "Arghhh again he didn't touch me grrrr"

"Now, you've learnt the basics and you can fight." said boop

"Alright then fight me!" Replied Erika

"Well are you sure?"

"Damn sure"

She thinks again, "Heh now I can fake that I got hurt too much and he will come to me helping and touch me and I'll put my head near him so that he'll fall in love with me habahaha"

She is laughing and boop saw her in her funny face amd asked, "what happened?"

"ummm nothing, now cmon fight me!"

"um alright"

They stand opposite to each other. The wind started to blow. The velocity was increasing (velocity is inversely proportional to pressure).

They started fighting, their swords collide. Boop intended to win. Suddenly Zykare glowed and gave a push back to boop and he fell and Erika won.

Erika said, "What the- are you okay?"

"erm yea, looks like you're too strong" Replied boop

"umm yea but winning wasn't what I inte-"

They hear a roar. 
