Chapter 7

(Sans's P.O.V.) 

I ran through the Snowdin forest, only knowing that I was going in the right direction because of the footprints in the snow. I was so angry with Papyrus, why would he say things like that? Didn't he see that she was trying? I sigh as I continue to run, maybe he did see that... Papyrus never really liked change. When I became part of the royal guard, he said he was proud of me but I could tell that he was upset. He wouldn't talk to me for a while. I looked forward, hopefully Frisk was alright, she took it pretty hard.

I stopped when the footprints guiding me stopped too. I looked around, but didn't see her anywhere. I sighed in annoyance, she didn't make things easy... Then, I heard slight sobbing, like someone was trying to hide that they were crying. I looked up and saw her on a strong branch of a tree. "Frisk!" I called to her. "Go away, Sans... I'm a bad person, you shouldn't talk to me..." I silently climb the tree and sit beside her. She sighs and looks at me, "Why?" I look at her in confusion, "Why? Why what?" She looks away again, "Why do you try...? You know all the awful things I've done Sans. You shouldn't like me... you just shouldn't..." I sigh, Papyrus did make her feel bad. 

I hate...

I hate it when she talks about herself like that...

Lies, all of them...

"You're not a bad person." I say, Stop... She laughs, "You can't help me, Sans... No one can. I'm too far gone..." Stop it!  I say nothing, clinching my fists in my lap. "I can't even help me, anymore. I'm so useless... So... I don't even know anymore." "No..." I whispered. She turned her head back to me, "What? Did you say something?" "NO!" I shouted, angry that she couldn't see what I saw. "You are none of those things, Frisk! You are smart, funny, and so talented! You are not nothing..." I saw her face, she was startled and scared, so I lowered my voice, "at least not to me... I'm sorry... I just-" I stopped when she laid her head on my shoulder. After a few seconds of silence, she says, "I'm so tired, Sans... I'm so afraid, Sans..." I could hear her voice break as she says, "I'm so alone, Sans..." I sigh as I move her head into my lap. I can feel her shake as she starts crying. Did I do that? I...I didn't mean to! Well, might as well make her feel better... 

I start to stroke her hair slightly and softly. At first, she tenses up but immediately relaxes at my touch. With each stroke, I could feel her relax more and more, until I couldn't hear her cry anymore. Actually, I couldn't really hear her breathe at all...


Then, I saw her chest rise and fall as she took a breath. I sighed with relief, good, I didn't kill her... She was asleep now. She must have not slept very long... Poor Frisk. Well, now I am going to sit here with her and make sure that she will get as much sleep as she needs! No more nightmares on my watch!!!

Ending there, I hope you enjoy the story so far. If you have any ideas on how this story should go, let me know! I would love to get some feedback! 

-Muffin Out
