Chapter 1

(Frisk's P.O.V)

I sighed as I looked at the ceiling, "Here we go again..." I whispered to myself. It had been a while since I went genocide using Chara's body, but she soon forgave me and we became friends quickly. When I got introduced as her friends, everyone was super nice to me... Of course, they couldn't remember anything I did because of a reset, so... Anyways, I was not ready to see one person... Papyrus. He always glares at me with hate and mistrust, he obviously remembers what I did. At first, I didn't care what he thought of me... But, it soon sunk in. When the same person just glares and hates you... It hurts... My thoughts were cut off by knocking at the door. 

I rose quickly, "Who is it?" I asked, maybe it was Dad. "Hey, Frisk. Can I come in?" It was Chara. I sighed and said, "Sure... Why not?" My door opened slowly and she walked in with a soft smile, "Hey," she greeted, "me and Sans were going to hang out today..." "And?" I asked, why would I care? "Well, he was wondering if you'd like to join us." "He did?" I asked with an eyebrow raised. She smiled, "Yeah, he said that he felt bad that you were left out, that sweetheart..." I groaned, "Gross..." She sighed, "Come on Frisk! Ever since the reset, you've just been a sorrysack and it isn't you. Could you just please try to have fun?" I growled, "Fine! I'll go! There, you  happy?" I crossed my arms and snarled. She smiled widely, "Yes, thank you!" We quickly went downstairs. "Oh, good morning, my child." Asgore greeted, I just called him Dad. "Morning, Dad." I replied, Chara was pulling my arm getting me to move, "Bye, Dad." I said before walking out of the door. "We just have to get through the ruins." Chara said, still holding my arm, "Sans said that he would meet us at the entrance of Snowdin."

**Time Skip Because I Can**

(Blueberry's P.O.V) 

I was waiting for Chara. She was taking forever again. Maybe she was convincing Frisk to join us. I sighed as I thought about her. Papyrus always told me to stay away from her because she was evil, but I never believed him. There was always something different about her, a good different. Maybe if I could help her, then she could change. Will she let me help her is the question, though. 

I turned my head to the Ruin door as it opened slowly. It was Chara! "Human!" I greeted while waving. She smiled widely, "Hey Sans! You'll never believe who came with me." Frisk slowly came out from behind her, she was annoyed. I smiled, she did come! It made this day a lot better! "Frisk! It's good to see you!" I greeted while walking closer. She rolled her eyes, sighed and said, "It's good to see you too, Sans." I ran and hugged her, not too rough because she didn't like it. I felt her tense up, Uh oh, did I squeeze her too tight again? I thought as I stood there, if I did she would let me know. But, she relaxed and did something that she never did before...

 She hugged me back! Was this a sign that she was changing? Could I help her? "Sans..." Frisk started, "Too tight..." Oh, I must've hugged tighter when I was thinking. "Sorry," I apologized, but I didn't let go. I could hear her heartbeat, it was slow. She began to push me off, "Alright, that's enough, Sans." She told me. I didn't want to, but I did what she told me to do. I slowly unwrapped my arms from her waist and stepped back, remembering the boundaries lessons from Asgore. She takes a deep breath and dusts herself off. Suddenly, Chara's phone rings. She picks it up, "Hello...? Oh, hey Papyrus!... You need help?... Alright I'll tell him..." She hangs up the phone and turns to me, "I know that I promised that we'd hang out today, but Papyrus just asked me to help him with something. I'm sorry, but I have to help him, but you guys can do something!"

 My eyes slide to Frisk's, who is staring at Chara in disbelief. "No way! If this was planned, Chara, I swear..."  Chara placed her hand over Frisk's mouth, turns to me and says, "Excuse us..." She then drags Frisk to a corner where I can't hear them. I'm confused, why doesn't Frisk want to hang out with me? I didn't do anything wrong to her, right? I look again to the two girls, who were now arguing. I could tell because Frisk moves her hands when she tries to make a point, she does it all the time with Papyrus.

**Time Skip to After the Argument**

(Frisk P.O.V)

Me and Chara walked back to Sans. Now, I was in a bad mood. She won the argument and now I was forced to spend time with Sans, ALONE. He was annoying when I was with him with other people, but alone? It had to be 100 times worse! Sans was still standing there with a distant look on his face, like he was thinking of something. "Sans! We're back!" Chara seemed to yell at the top of her lungs. I groaned in annoyance. Sans snapped himself out of his trance, "Oh... hello, Human." She starts to push me closer to him, and I sighed and just let her do it. "So... you guys have fun! I'm going to Papyrus's house, okay?" she said. "Okay Human, we will!" Sans waves as she runs away. Now we were alone, Sans turns back to me and says, "So, Frisk, what do you want to do?" Run away from you and never look back? I thought, but didn't say. If I did run from him, he would give chase, he always did. "I don't know..." I replied, crossing my arms. Sans thinks for a moment before saying. "How about we just walk and talk?" I smiled slightly, "Sure, just... don't touch me anymore, okay?" I replied. He just nodded and began to walk, and I followed quickly...
