Chapter 13- The Search For The Truth- Pt.2

Sans trudged along, seeming to be travelling for days. (A/N maybe a couple hours :>) He sighed, he finally made it to the castle. He wasn't going to lie, travelling through Hotland was the scariest thing ever, but... he made it. Maybe this whole thing was a bad idea, maybe he should turn around... he shook his head, no! He already came this far. 

Would Toriel even answer his questions, is really the question. Would she even talk about her children and... the accident? Sans huffed as he walked up to the castle's doors. It was now or never.

He placed his hand on the door, struggling to push it open. He walked down the long corridor, tensing, why was he so tense?! It wasn't like he was going to bring back painful memories....

OH GOD! What was he doing?!

"Sans?" a voice interrupted his thoughts, he turned. It was her. "My queen." he bowed out of respect. She laughed slightly, "We are friends. You do not have to address me like this." He shyly bent back up, "Of course, Toriel." "Did you need something?" she tilted her slightly. 

Sans clearly had a choice to make.... "Yes actually, can we talk?" "Of course, if you don't mind, I'll make some tea." "No, no, I don't mind at all..." 

I'm so sorry that I haven't been posting anymore! 

I've been super busy, but I have not forgotten this book!

I'll try to keep up with this.

Thank you so much for waiting for me <3 

