Chapter 5- Frisk's Backstory Pt. 1

"Frisk! Frisk, come inside, now!" Frisk heard the sirens go off and her caregiver shriek. She knew what was going to happen next, she grabbed the arm of her teddy bear and race to the door of the orphanage. Before she could even reach the door, her caregiver scooped her up in her arms and ran into the basement where the other children waited, most of them were crying and hiding under the pillows that the other caregivers brought for them. Frisk, however, was a little annoyed that they were interrupting tea time with her teddy, Sebastian. She had been here for a long time, since before the sirens went off. She was one of the first children to be here, since her mother gave her to the caregivers. 

She never understood why Mommy gave her away, at first she thought that Mommy was going somewhere that she couldn't. That was until she asked one of her caregivers, April. "She isn't coming back, you're here forever, now move, the babies need to be fed." After she said that, Frisk gave up on the idea of ever going home... which she couldn't remember now. She did remember her father, however, he was good to her, and she liked him a lot. She remembered when he came home one day, he was wearing a strange outfit. He said out loud that he joined the Army, whatever that meant. Mommy was shocked and started yelling, then started crying. Frisk remembered him saying, " It's okay... I'm not going to get hurt... nothing's been going on, no enemies..." Everything was muffled after that. 

After that, Daddy would be gone for a long time, then come home. Frisk would wait by the door everyday to hug him when he would come. Usually, when he came, he would bring her gifts. Sebastian was one of them.

One day, Frisk was playing with Sebastian, when there was a knock at the door. She jolted up, Daddy? She thought as she walked around the corner. But, it wasn't Daddy. It was another man, who Mommy was talking to. He also was wearing a strange outfit that Daddy wore. She couldn't hear what they were saying, but Mommy suddenly shrieked and collapsed onto her knees. Frisk ran up to her, "Mommy? Why are you sad? Why are you crying?" Mommy said nothing but grabbed her and cried into her. 

After that, Frisk waited...

And waited.......

And waited....

.... But Daddy never came...

Did he not like her anymore? Was she a bad kid? She would change! She would.... be good.... Tears fell from her eyes, why was she so bad? It's all your fault! She scolded herself as she brushed Sebastian.  Mommy came into her room, " Frisk, put on your jacket, we're going to go somewhere special!" 

Frisk couldn't really remember after that, and she woke up here. The caregiver were nice to her, the only other child that was there was a boy, his name was Asher. Her and Asher played all the time, and they talked about home, too. 

...That was until the sirens started going off...

The first time Frisk heard it, it scared her. She was frozen, she couldn't move. She could hear her caretaker yelling, but she didn't understand what she was saying. Asher grabbed her arm and pulled her back into the orphanage. She was quickly picked up and taken into the basement. There, she hid with Asher, crying, not understanding what was happening. Even though, Asher was comforting her, she could tell that him was as scared as she was.

After that, the sirens would keep happening. So many times... She wouldn't be scared of them anymore, and, with time,  she became annoyed with them. As for Asher... 

....He went away too....

She didn't know why he left her, too. And, after some time, her caregivers weren't nice to her either...

It was her, wasn't it?




I'll end there for this part. 

Thanks to Poketale51 for the idea! 
