Chapter 44: Family

Third Person's P.O.V 

As soon as (Y/n) stepped on the rooftop she looked around finding the little child to see the baby on a seat crying. "Megumi! Mama is here don't cry" She yells with a soothing voice when suddenly she heard a click behind her. 

"Don't move or you're dead"

"Miya.. how low could you go? kidnapping an innocent child just for revenge?!" She said raising her tone.

"What the fuck do you care! Everything was fine and perfect until you showed up again!" Miya yells

"Miya, why do you hate me that much?! What did I ever do to you? I treated you like a family right! I trusted you like my sister! How could you betray me like that?!" (Y/n) yells back 

"You... You don't get it do you! I did it cause I love Dazai-kun!" She laughed "I... Yes I did it for-" When she was distracted by her thoughts (Y/n) quickly turn as she slapped her hand hard making the gun fly out of her hand. running towards the gun but then later on she was tackled by Miya down to the ground as they wrestled down the ground, Miya slapped (Y/n) pulling her hair harshly as (Y/n) punched her face making her groan then she kicked Miya off of her then she crawled towards the gun but then later on Miya dragged her by her hair.

Meanwhile, Sanzu and Dazai had an intense fight but Dazai couldn't stand a chance between Sanzu as he swing his fist but Sanzu just dodged his attacks as he slide his feet making Dazai fall then he punched the man at the face then Dazai pulled at knife out of his pocket stabbing Sanzu on the shoulders

"Argghh Shit!" Sanzu cursed under his breath as he took a step back pulling the knife out of his shoulders groaning as he threw the knife 

"This is all your fault Sanzu if only you didn't interfere with our life then none of these would happen!" Dazai yells as he stood up glaring at Sanzu.

"You were the one who ruined it in the first place! You tried to kill her damnit!" Sanzu retorted, Dazai fumed as he launched at Sanzu swinging his fist but Sanzu dodged as he punched Dazai right in the jaw  knocking him out in one blow.

"Arghh!" She groaned as she pull Miya's hand scratching her wrist making the woman scream "That hurt you fuck!" She yells but then (Y/n) tackle her down to the ground, she punched (Y/n) on the way but the woman dodged they started to wrestle until (Y/n) pulled her head headbutting it with hers and Miya fell unconscious.

She panted as she got up then she turn to Megumi who was still crying as she ran towards the child immediately unlocking the belt pulling Megumi out of the seat.

"Mama is here don't cry" (Y/n) says as she wiped the baby's face who smiled as soon as she saw her mother's lovely face. (Y/n) hugged her daughter as she sighed "I'm glad you're okay, Daddy's downstairs let's go" She ran out of the rooftop, climbing down the stairs with Megumi in her arms as soon as she arrived on the second floor she saw Sanzu sitting on the floor, patching his wound with his tore up shirt.

"Haru-kun!" (Y/n) called making Sanzu turn to her, She ran towards Sanzu who stood up. "How's Megumi?" Sanzu asked then Megumi smiled as she reached her hand towards her father, showing that she want to be with her father, and so (Y/n) handed Megumi to her.

"Kirito is gonna be here with the cops" Sanzu says "I'm glad Megumi is fine" Sanzu smiled "Yeah" (Y/n) smiled as she look at Megumi who was smiling in his fathers arms.

"We should go before they w-" Sanzu was cut off when the woman in front of her held his shoulders switching their positions as she lightly pushed Sanzu



"Mama" Megumi called her mother who smiled, with blood escaping from the sides of her mouth, Sanzu froze in his place, his lips trembled as he look at the sight of his bloody fiancee.


"(Y/N)-CHAN!!" Sanzu yells as his wife fell on the floor coughing, lying on her own pool of blood. Sanzu's knee's fell. 

"WHAT THE FUCK HAVE YOU DONE!" Sanzu yells tears escaping his eyes.

"Sanzu-" Ran who appeared saw (Y/n) on the ground full of blood. 

"You're next Sanzu" Dazai laughed but then Ran pull a gun out shooting Dazai right in the head. Then he ran towards them "Sanzu (Y/n)-chan!" Ran rushed to (Y/n)'s side and Sanzu fell on his knees as he look at his fiance who was coughing.

"Ran-san.. *Cough* Can you take Megumi out of here" (Y/n) turned to Ran who had tears brimming in his eyes. "I wan..t.. to talk.. to a..l.lone" She whispered, Ran hesitated at first but then he held her hand

"The police will be here and I'm gonna call an ambulance so promise me you'll make it okay?" Ran said as the woman smiled at him "Yes" with that reply Ran took Megumi as Megumi look at her mother 

"MAMA!" She called.

Leaving Sanzu and (Y/n) alone Sanzu puts her head on his arms. 

"Did you.. hear that? M.Megu..mi called me" She smiled at Sanzu who was holding back his tears "Haru-kun.. don't...c..cry" She weakly lifted her hands cupping Sanzu's cheeks wiping the tear that escaped his eyes with her thumb.

"You idiot! Why did you do that! I'm the one who should be protecting you not you protecting me" His voice croaked at the last sentence, crying as he held his wife. 

"B..But I don't want to lose you" Tears fell from the side of her face "And I don't want to lose you too!" Sanzu yelled, "I can't lose you!" He cried "I love you" 

Hearing this made the woman smile as she wiped the tears that were escaping his eyes, Sanzu puts his other hand on top of her hand. 

"Haru-kun... tell R..Ran I'm sorry I can't.. keep his.. promise" She coughed

"Tomorrow is our wedding remember? You can't die on me!" He choked as tears uncontrollably stream down his face "Don't leave me!" His voice trembled as he sobbed

"I'm not gonna leave.. you.. I'm still... here for.. you" She weakly smiled her lips were turning pale "Haru-kun I'm glad I met you" She smiled pulling Sanzu's face down as she kissed his lips, then after breaking out from the kiss she smiled.

"Haru-k-kun you're so warm" She smiled as Sanzu's lips parted his breath hitching on his throat "I'll just take.. a.. little break" She slowly close her eyes "No! Don't!" Sanzu panicked

"Haru-kun.. I'm.. glad that.. I'll be dying... in your.. arms" She smiled "I'll never regret this" She mumbled. Her hand that was on Sanzu's cheeks suddenly fell to her side as her body turned limp and cold.

"(Y/n)-chan! (Y/n)-chan!" Sanzu yells as he cried. 

The woman that he loved was in his arms cold and pale with a peaceful smile on her face.

He was devastated and again he felt alone.


Her funeral was held on her parents house. She laid down the casket with a peaceful face, it looked like she was sleeping as she wore the gown Mitsuya made for her wedding.

"I thought you were getting married? This isn't a wedding.. It's a funeral" Mitsuya weakly laughed but then it died down as tears fell from his eyes "You were suppose to show your wedding ring but why did you have to-" His voice trembled as he looked at the woman's peaceful face inside the casket.

Bonten was back and they became more dangerous and Miya committed suicide as she died beside Dazai after the cops could arrest them.
