Chapter 41: Wedding Gown

(Y/n)'s P.O.V

I lied down the bed facing the other side away from Haru-kun.

After teaching Megumi how to curse? I'll never forgive them!

"It's not my fault! Your Dad was the one who cursed not me!" 

"But still Megumi knows how to curse now and you can't take that back out from her mouth!" I protested as I sat up turning to him. He had this guilty face "Fine it's my fault I didn't keep my eyes on her and covered her ears I'm sorry!" He looked at me straight in the eyes as he apologized with sad eyes, He looked cute staring at me with his ocean blue eyes

Ba-bump... Ba-Bump.. Ba-Bump..

I looked away from him feeling a bit of heat on my cheeks. 

How could he be so cute while apologizing. I cleared my throat as I lied down. 

"F-Fine! Let's forget this and call it a day and let's go to sleep" I said as I close my eyes. I could feel an arm wrapped around my waist pulling me close to him I just let him pull me as I lowly smiled.

What could Haru-kun's reaction be when I tell him that we'll have another baby? But I'm pretty sure that this one's gonna be a boy! I've always prayed for it! Just like how I prayed for Megumi to be!

I wonder who this baby is gonna look like? Is it gonna be like Haru-kun or me? I'm excited.

The next morning I woke up as I moved Haru-kun's hand but then his grip got tight. 

"Mmm.. let's... sleep for.. a while" He muttered as he hugged me tight.. "It's morning wake up!" I turn my body to face him as I chuckle "But I'm still sleepy!" He groaned, I pecked his lips as he opened one eye "Let's get up" I smiled then he closed his eye "No" He hugged me even tighter placing a kiss on my forehead.

"Megumi must be up now y'know" I said then he let out a sigh as he loose his grip then I sat up as I poke his shoulders "Hey... Wake up" I shook his shoulder as he sat up. 

"Gosh you're so annoying!" He pulled me towards him hugging me by the waist as I sat, my back leaning on his chest. "Haru-kun want me to cook your favorite dish?" I asked then he looked down at me as I look up at him

"Do what you like" He smiled as he peck my lips.

After breakfast, I breastfed Megumi as I sat on the couch as I made Megumi sleep in my arms "The other's are gonna come and visit" Haru-kun says as he sat beside me leaning on the couch "I have to cook some snacks for them" I carefully pull my shirt down as I handed the sleeping baby to Haru-kun.

I made my way towards the kitchen and saw Mara who was arranging some glasses. "Are you fine there?" I asked offering a kind smile which she humbly returned "I can still notice that you're a bit shy" I giggled as I looked for the ingredients then I could see her awkwardly smiling.

"Are you scared about the guys?" I asked then he shyly nodded "Do they intimidate you that much?" I asked as I put the ingredients on the table. 

"Well they may look kinda intimidating but trust me if you get to know them they're good people!" I brightly smiled.

"Well, the other man kinda glares at me" She awkwardly smiled "But I kinda understand" 

Is it Mikey? Well maybe it's him..

"Is it Mikey? the one with the undercut?" I asked then she looked at me "Well when it was my first time meeting them that was his first impression" I giggled "But now they're slowly opening up to me"

"I can see that you're kinda like their mom" She softly says with a gentle smile plastered on her face. "Well they may act like a kid sometimes but I love those guys... They're the ones who saved me" I lowly smiled as I started to make some dorayaki.

When I was finished I went to the living room and saw the guys sitting down the couch talking but as soon as they heard my footsteps they all turned to me and I could see Mikey's eyes lighted up with Megumi in his arms. 

I put the bowl of Dorayaki down the table with Mara following behind me putting the bowl of cookies down the table.

And I could see Mikey kinda glaring at Mara.. See I knew it.

"Why don't we.. Uhmm" I turn to Mara who's eyes was cast downwards "Get to know each other! As you can see Mara is new and I know that you haven't know her yet" I said as I gently pull Mara who was a bit flustered as she shyly looked down sweat dropping.

"I'll go first!" I smiled as I turn to Mara "Let's start over again! I'm (Y/n) (L/n) and I like cleaning and cooking!" I introduced myself as I smiled at Mara who's face was kinda red.

I heard someone clearing their throat capturing our attention..

"Hi Mara I'm Ran Haitani" He charmingly smiled "Nice to meet you" He added as he cross his legs.

"I'm Sanzu Haruchiyo" Sanzu briefly introduced "I'm Rindou Haitani"

"Kokonoi Hajime"

"Mochizuku Kanji"

"Akashi Takeomi"



"Fufu" Megumi looked at Mara with a smile..

"I-I'm Mara Tanaka nice to meet you everyone" She lightly bowed

We had a fun day chatting and talking while Mikey was holding Megumi the whole time feeding her a dorayaki. 

And the next day I went to Mitsuya's place.

"Is this the gown?!" I gawked staring at the wonderfully made gown, it was really pretty!

(This is your wedding gown but if it's not your taste then just find a gown that suits your taste)

After trying the gown I turn around as the skirt followed to where I turn. 

"Mitsuya! This so pretty!! I love it so much!" I jumped to hug him then I pushed him "I love it! Thank you!" I smiled as he let out a chuckle.

"Well I did my best" He smiled as I turn around again.

"You look stunning" He complimented 

"I'm excited to wear this at the wedding... Finally my dreams are coming true" I smiled as I look at the ring which Haru-kun gave me when he proposed to me. 

Mitsuya's P.O.V

I looked at her figure out of the window as she went inside her car driving away.

She looked really beautiful in that gown, I wish I could see her walk down the aisle but maybe I can't watch cause it would break me seeing her with the man she really loved. So I'll just stay here and wait until she show me her wedding ring and tell me how happy she was


Author's Note

Hey guys! How are you? How was your day?

By the way the rest of the fanfic has already been publish BUT I'm still making the prologue so you can just add them to your list if you want.. 

But anyways! I hope you guys are doing great! and take care always you guys! Drink lots of water too Love yahh
