Chapter 33: Babysitting

Third Person's P.O.V

"Where's Mommy Baby?" Ran says as he carried the baby in his arms

"Ran that's not your baby" Rindou says as he boredly looked at his brother

"It was supposed to be!" Ran says as he smiled looking at the baby

"Hey! Give me back my baby!" Sanzu says as he glared at Ran.

"Come here Megumi" Mikey says as Ran handed Megumi to him carefully

The baby was still closing her eyes as she slept in Mikey's arms.

'How cute' Sanzu thoughts as he stares at Mikey carrying Megumi.

"Haru-kun!!" (Y/n) called as she went down the stairs.

"Can you please babysit Megumi I have to go somewhere" She says as the eight of them nodded

"Do you want someone to go with you?" Ran asked then she shook her head as she smiled "No i'll be fine, my brother will be there" She went to Mikey as she looked at her baby.

"I'll be going Megumi, your dad and your uncles are gonna look after you" She says as she pecked the baby's forehead.

Then she turned to them I'll be going now, Sanzu who was standing beside her hold her wrist as he stares at her.

"What is it?" She asked as she curiously stares at Sanzu who was staring at her as if telling her she was forgetting something.

"Did I forget something?" She asked raising a brow then Sanzu was about to nod when Ran lightly pushed him away

"You forgot nothing so you have to go" Ran smiled as she went out.

When she was out Sanzu turned to Ran "You!!" He glared

"What?" Ran acted like it was nothing as he walked towards the baby.

"What are the thing's that we need to do?" Rindou asked as Sanzu took the notes that she wrote

"Taking care of a baby is nothing and it's easy!" Ran says as he smiled proudly.

"This little fella is just an easy job!" He added.

(Y/n)'s P.O.V

As we arrived at the police station.

"Good morning Ma'am" the police greeted.

"We're already putting out papers on the street to know if anyone saw him" the police said

"How can you let them escape?!" Kirito exclaimed as he slammed his hand on the table.

"We're very sorry but we're doing our best to find them" the police said

"You have to find them! And put them back in jail!" I calmed Kirito down as I pat his back.

"Do you want someone to guard you Ma'am?" He asked as I shook my head.

"No I'll be fine but I need someone to guard my parents house" I said then he nodded

"Are you sure Nee-san?" Kirito asked then I nodded assuring him

"They'll be back for revenge and I want you guys to be safe I'm sure they're gonna come for me" I said.

Where could they be hiding?

So it's still not done I guess.. that means there's no peace yet.

Third Person's P.O.V

Meanwhile at Sanzu's House

"RAN WHERE'S THE MILK?!" Rindou yells as he tried to hush the baby down

"HER DIAPER IS FULL!!" He added as panicked

"SHE'S CRYING TOO!!" Mochi yells

"HERE'S THE MILK!" Sanzu yells as he panicked when he bumped into Ran who was running looking for a Diaper and the milk flew out of his hand spilling on the floor

"Watch idiot!" Ran yells as Sanzu glared at him and they started to wrestle

"Here I made another milk!" Akashi says handing it to Rindou who sat down on the couch making the baby suck the milk.

"It stopped crying" Rindou let out a sigh of relief as he looked at the baby's peaceful face.

"And now" Akashi took a slipper hitting Sanzu and Ran's head

"I thought we're just gonna babysit one kid but why are there three instead?!" Akashi says glaring at them.

"He started it!" Sanzu groaned then Ran turned to him "You started it!" Before they could start again Akashi hit them again right in their heads

"Shut up! The baby is sleeping!" Mikey says as they both shut their nouths.

"Where's the diaper?" Mochi asked as Sanzu stood up with the diaper in his hand.

"I'll change her diaper" He said as Rindou gently puts the baby on the couch.

Then Sanzu took the Diaper as he changed it into a new one. Then he threw away the dirty one.

"Let's put her in the crib" Kakucho says as he took the baby about to put her in the crib when the baby started to cry.

"Get the milk!" Kakucho commanded as Rindou grabbed the milk about to put it to her mouth when the baby pushed his hand away.

"She's used to sleep with (Y/n) singing for her" Sanzu says

"I don't know how to sing!" Kakucho exclaimed.

"We'll just hum I guess" Ran said

(Y/n)'s P.O.V

I sat on the couch, thinking about Miya and Dazai escaping.

"(Y/n)-chan? Are you still thinking about it?" Mom says as she sat next to me

"We'll be fine here and are you sure you don't want a police to protect you?" She asked then I nodded as I sighed

"I'm just worried about you guys" I said as I looked at her

"If anything happens call me Mom and Don't go out in the house too!" I said as I stood up grabbing my bag as I turned to my watch.

"It's already late, I have to go" I said as Mom smiled.

"So When are you planning to get married??" Mom asked as I smiled

"That would be up to Haru-kun!" I grinned as I walked away, I heard her giggling behind me.

It was Seven Months ago when Haru-kun proposed to me


We were having a family dinner at a fancy restaurant and the girls were all staring at Haru-kun, they were all sexy and pretty.

I get that I'm pregnant but I can't help but feel insecure

I sat on the chair as they ate but I just stare at the food.

"Why aren't you eating?" Haru-kun asked then I turned to him then I looked back at my arms, I was turning fat.

"Are you worried of gaining weight?" Mom asked then I gulped

"N-No" I stuttered as I ate the food.

But yes I am worried, maybe Haru-kun would get disgusted and he wouldn't want me anymore.

I'm worried he would look for another girl..

"Gaining weight is part of being pregnant dear! When I had you I also gained weight" She smiled as she assured me.

When we were done eating we went out as we went inside the house.

"Are you okay? You've been so silent?" He asked then I averted my gaze "It's nothing" I said, then he smiled as he walked towards me as he rubbed my belly

"I still can't believe it that soon we're gonna have a little us running around the house" He said as he kissed my belly.

"Yeah" I smiled lowly as I pat Haru-kun's head

He stood up as he pecked my lips

"Were you insecure?" He asked "What? Why would I?" I lied as I averted my gaze.

"Tell me" He smiled as I sighed

"Yes I am.. I understand that I'm pregnant but I can't help but feel insecure when I see sexy girls looking at you cause what if..." I paused as I gulped

"What if you leave me and find a new girl" I said tears were forming on my eyes

"Well, that won't happen because I don't care if you're fat or not if you're ugly or beautiful.. I love you for who you are" He said as he planted a kiss on my forehead.

"And" He pulled something from his pocket as he took a step back then he kneeled down in one knee as he looked up at me.

"This might be sudden but I really planned this for so long! Since I met you at the park when we were still teens." He cleared his throat as I stood in shock.

"Even though sometimes I'm such a dumbass and sometimes I hurt you, you still stood by my side.. Even though I killed people you still stayed with me and you accepted me for who I was"

"And now that we're gonna have a little us, I promise that I would be a great father to this child and I would protect both of you cause you're my family" He took the little box as he opened it

"Will you (Y/n) (L/n) marry me?" He asked as tears fell from my eyes

"Yes!" I answered as he slid the ring in my finger, he stood up as he kissed me passionately.

End of Flashback

I opened the door to our room and found Haru-kun with Megumi in his arms. The two were sleeping on the couch. The others must've went home.

I walked towards the two as I watched them, Like father like daughter.

I pecked on Haru-kun's forehead as I grabbed Megumi gently, putting her inside her crib.

After that I saw her smiling as she sleep.

I felt a hand snake on my waist as I flinched I turned to see Haru-kun

"Did I woke you up?" I asked then he shook his head.

"Babysitting isn't easy" He sighed as I giggled "But we enjoyed it" He smiled as I turned to him

"You did a great job! And as a reward" I pecked his lips.

I was about to walk when he suddenly grabbed my wrist.

"Was that all?" He asked as I raised a brow "Why?" I asked but then he pulled me and he kissed me on the lips passionately.

"Well that was short for a reward" He smirked as I blushed

And we had a long night.


Author's Note

Hi guys! How are you today?? How was your day??

Did you enjoy the chapter??

Anyways take care everyone and drink lots of water too and don't stay up at night too💖💖
