Chapter 3: Hair Tie

(Y/n)'s P.O.V

As I lay on the bed with my husband hugging me from behind, I couldn't stop thinking about Haru-kun, I was glad that I get to meet Haru-kun but the thought of avoiding Haru-kun breaks my heart. I sighed as I slowly took Dazai-kun's hand off, standing up and walking towards the balcony.

As my hair flowed with the wind, I closed my eyes, lifting my head up, smiling as I keep thinking about Haru-kun.

Haru-kun is alread a man now, and he's handsome now too but he's still a bit shy, I chuckled silently.

I walked out of the room, shutting the door silently as I head to the couch and pulled a Pink Hair tie that had a ribbon


"What are you doing?" I jumped as I heard a voice, I turned behind me and saw Haru-kun looking at the papers in front of me.

"I'm trying to solve this equation, it's our homework!" I beamed and he just stared at me, flicking my forehead, I winced as I touched my forehead,

"Damn, that's giving me headaches" He said as he sat beside me leaning at the bench.

"What are you doing today Haru-kun?" I asked as I put all my papers on the bag.

"Nothing" He uttered staring at me with a bored gaze. I chuckled, as my hair kept on distracting my view, I pushed my hair behind my ear as I groaned softly.

"My hair's getting long" I mumbled as the wind blew hard, my hair flowing with the wind.

Haru-kun slowly stood up going behind me, he gently tied my hair, as I flinched, fidgeting with my fingers, when he was done I looked up at him and he looked down at me,

"Your hair's so annoying so I bought a hair tie" He stated as I smiled, He flicked my forehead as I groaned softly, making him chuckle.

It was really relaxing now, my hair is tied up very neatly.

"Thank you, Haru-kun" I said as I smiled.

End of Flashback

Sanzu's P.O.V

While I was walking on the streets, looking for a shop, to buy Mikey his Dorayaki, when I saw (Y/n) picking something, I looked at her hair. She still doesn't tied her hair, I smirked as I looked at her figure. When something caught my attention, A Pink hair tie with a ribbon was wrapped on her hand.

She still had that tie?

I was absent mindedly walking towards her, when she saw me, she smiled.

"Haru-kun!" She skipped towards me with a smile on her face, "What a coincidence!" She pats my arm, pulling my arm.

"Haru-kun, what do you think looks good?" She asked as I looked at the hair tie, well, maybe she's gonna pick a new one. Since the Hair tie I gave her was too old now.

I picked the blue one with a heart, then she smiled and picked the blue hair tie up, paying the seller.

She pulled me running towards the park while I followed behind her. As soon as we arrived, She sat me down, going behind me then, she gently grabbed my hair, tying my hair up.

"Hey!" I groaned but I didn't move. She just chuckled, when she was done, she went infront of me, smiling like a kid, clasping her hands together.

"Yey!" She cheered happily, as I gazed at her,

"I'm glad I saw you today!" She says as she sat beside me, her hand in front of me, "Give me your phone" She asked.

I gave her my phone and she typed some numbers there and then she gave it back to me.

"I saved my number to your phone" She says as she looked at the sky leaning back, letting a sigh out.

"Haru-kun, you're still silent like before" she said chuckling softly.

"Shouldn't you be with your husband?" I asked then she turned to me and smiled

"He's busy at work, well he was always busy at work" She answered. Then for the next minute it was silence, until she spoke

"Haru-kun, do you have a girlfriend?" I looked at her then she stare at me back expecting for an answer, I gulped averting my gaze.

"Yeah" I lied, she smiled at me as she stood up.

"I'm glad, Haru-kun is really a man now" She pat my head and I looked up at her.

"Why? You think I couldn't get a girlfriend?" I sarcastically said as she laughed.

"Well, Haru-kun is handsome and kind but Haru-kun is always shy and silent" She said gazing at me with those big (e/c) orbs

"Treat her well Okay!" She beamed as she looked at the sky.

"I think I have to go now, time flies so fast~~" She chimes,

"Bye, Haru-kun!!" She walked away waving her hand as I waved my hand back.

I stood up when she disappeared and looked at the sky.


Third Person P.O.V

"(Y/n)-chan, do you know how to answer this?" A girl asked then (Y/n) just pulled her paper then answered it.

Everyone likes (Y/n) not just because she's pretty but she's pretty smart too, everyone in her school likes her, some even confessed to her and ask her on a date but she kept on rejecting them, Her priorities were study, study, study! And she never know what love is, it was alien to her.

But ever since she met Sanzu, there was always a weird feeling on her chest, that she couldn't understand.

"Haru-kun!!!" She called out as she waved her hand and ran towards Sanzu, she was always excited when school's over, she always look at the clock and then when the bell rings she would dash away.

"You're full of sweats" Sanzu says as he took an handkerchief and wiped her sweats, she just smiled and averted her gaze.

'Why is my heart beating faster?!! Calm down! Calm down!' she thoughts breathing in and out.

'Haru-kun is so handsome, why does he always wear a mask? I wish I could see his face' She absent mindedly raised her hand putting it on Sanzu's mask

"Haru-kun can I?" She asked but then Sanzu hold her hand that was on his face and looked away.

"Don't" He coldly answers, making (Y/n) removed her hand slowly,

"I'm sorry, I was curious" She said looking away, the sun's rays hitting her face.

"Why do you wear a mask?" She asked gazing at Sanzu then Sanzu looked at her and spoke.

"Because I have a scary face" He answered and (Y/n) just smiled and walks to the bench.

"I don't think Haru-kun is scary!" She proudly says as she sits on the bench, and Sanzu walked towards her.

"I think Haru-kun is handsome" she said with a closed eyes smile.

'If you just knew, then you wouldn't be saying those thing, If you just saw my face' Sanzu thoughts looking (Y/n) who was smiling.
