Chapter 13: Fever

Sanzu's P.O.V

(Y/n) sneezed I touched her forehead but her fever just won't go down, I sighed squeezing the towel that was on the basin then I put it on her forehead.

She got sick after the rain incident, she always had a weak body ever since, she would get sick and sometimes she would end up in the hospital. I sighed, staring at her figure

I took the basin, about to leave but I felt a hand on my wrist stopping me.

"Haru-kun, don't go" She weakly stated, I put the basin down, taking her hand off my wrist, caressing her hand.

"I have to go and get some food" I said, looking at her fingers, I turned to her, my eyes widened when I saw her tears on her eyes.

"No.. please stay with me" She sobbed

"W-Why are you crying?" I panicked then I wiped her tears using my thumb.

"Haru-kun.. Stay please" Her voice croaked, I hesitated then I sighed pulling my phone out of my pocket, her hand still on mine, I dialed Koko in this situation Koko is someone I can trust, unlike them.

If I call Ran, he would be the one snuggling up with her and I don't want that!

If I call Rindou it's still the same as Ran.

And If I call Mochi, well he's fine but still a no.

Kakucho? Nahh he's too serious

Akashi, hmm no, he likes her so no. Well who am I kidding they all loved her and I don't want Mikey to be pressure.

So Kokonoi is the best choice. I dialed his number which he quickly answered.

"What do you want?" Koko says

"Koko, I want you to cook something for (Y/n), I'll pay you later" I said

"Why what happened to (Y/n)-chan?" He asked

"Well, this idiot got wet because of the rain, now she's got a very high fever" I answered

"I'll be there" He says hanging up, I put my phone on the bedside table. Then I climbed on the bed she moved to the side giving me some space, when I lied down she wrapped her arm around me.

"Dummy, why would go out when you knew it was raining hard?" I said, gently stroking her hair, but she just stayed silent. I could hear her snoring silently.

I sighed then I gazed at her sleeping face, she had this long lashes then her lips was so pink she looked like sleeping beauty. But she still sleep with her mouth open a bit.

Like when we were still dating, she used to sleep like this in my lap.

What an idiot, I smirked.

"Having a fun time fantasizing Sanzu?" I jolted up, my eyes landing on the door that was open and Ran was leaning on the door frame

"Oi! Why are they here Koko??" I asked then Koko just shrugged,

"I told them to stay but they came with me, they were worried about her y'know" Koko says turning to (Y/n) then Ran walked towards the bed looking at her figure.

"Hey! She's sick! Stay away from her you virus" I spat but then Ran just smirked.

"We didn't come here for you to hurt our feelings, We came here to help her" Ran grinned.

"I'll be cooking her soup and the others are going to watch her" Ran says now walking away.

"Why didn't you look after her?" Mikey says glaring at me, she walked towards the bed reaching (Y/n)'s forehead

"She's burning hot" Mikey says taking his hands off of her

"Keep an eye on her, we'll do the cleaning" Mikey says putting his hands on his pocket going outside the room.

I sighed, looking at (Y/n), I got out of the bed then head towards her wardrobe.

I grabbed the comfortable pajamas and long sleeves, then put it on top of the bed. I went to the bathroom turning the faucet on, after a few minutes sa bathtub was full of warm water already so I turned the faucet off

She has to take a warm bath.

I grabbed the towel slinging it on my shoulders. I walked towards her and gently took her T-shirt off.

"H-Haru-Kun what are you doing?" She weakly asked

"Oh your awake, I'm going to put you in the bathtub" I said pulling her pajamas.

"B-But Haru-kun!!!" She got up grabbing her pajamas back, I stare at her raising a brow

"What?" I asked then she went red

"Your fevers getting higher" I said touching her forehead

(Y/n)'s P.O.V

Haru-kun touched my forehead, I clutched the pajamas, madly blushing.

I was only on my brassiere now Haru-kun is taking off my pajama.

"Haru-kun! I-I'll just do this myself!" I exclaimed, but all I just received was a flick on the forehead

"No, you know you're far too weak to walk all by yourself right?" He reminded, right! I can't walk properly when i'm sick! Arghh what to do.

"Don't tell me... You're scared that I would see you naked?" He looked at me right in the eyes, I averted my gaze

"W-Well who wouldn't!" I stuttered,

"Well, I already seen your body so let go" He said pulling my pajamas.

"H-Haru-Kun!!" I pulled the blanket to cover my self.

"What do you mean you seen my body?!!" I blushed madly

"When you were unconscious when you first arrived here" He said, I'm about to faint, this is embarrasing!!

"Haru-kun! Pervert!" I yell

"W-What?!! If I didn't do that you would stink!" He exclaimed

"If you're not going to bath then you're gonna stink!" He added

"I-I...." I stuttered


Haru-kun carried me towards the bathroom, I averted my gaze, not looking at him.

I was naked in his arms, this is so embarassing! He gently put me on the tub, my skin touching the warm water

He even tied my hair into a bun earlier.

"Your fever is even getting worse" He says touching my forehead.

'No Haru-kun.. It's embarrassment!' I cried in my mind.

He gently scrubbed my back. I covered my breast with my hand looking to the side.

"What are you so embarrassed about? I've already seen your body" He says, my eyebrows twitched

"H-Haru-Kun! Don't say that!!" I said slapping his shoulders but he just laugh.

"If you say that again I'll.... I'll kill you!" I yell closing my eyes, when I opened my eyes his face was close to mine.

"Then, do it" He smirked, I stared deep into his eyes.

I gulped nervously, I could smell his minty breath.

I raised my hand pushing his chest the I looked away.

'That was close!' I hugged my knees then I could hear him giggle.


He gently put me on the bed then he puts my underwear on me, then he puts the brassiere next, after that my long sleeve and pajamas.

"Lie down for a bit, I'm going to grab your food" He said then I lied down.


Author's Note

Hello Guys I hope you like todays chapter!! By the way how are you guys today? I hope you're having a wonderful day!

And by the way thanks for the 4.08k reads💖
