Things You Hate About Them

Steve: He loves authority.

He loves ordering things around and having people obey him. I mean, it's cool and sexy on the bed and everything but the man just won't stop bossing people around.

"Y/N, I want a milkshake!"

"Y/N, love, you're not going to wear that. Are you? I love the blue one way better."

"I'll take the kitchen and bedroom, you get the living room and bathroom. Come on, I want this house spotless by the evening."

"Y/N, don't put your feet on the table."

"No, weren't not having Chinese food again. It's America, for God's sake. Grab a burger."

"Y/N, stop eating ice cream! It's six in the morning and we have to go running!"

Tony: He tries to look tough.

He hates showing emotions and will hide them as much as he can. It didn't bother you a lot but sometimes it sure was annoying.

Thor: His endless love for cuddling.

Not a bad thing? Think again.

The man simply cannot stay in the room as you and not cuddle you. And that wasn't even the bad part of it, of course. The thing that annoyed you was that he was spontaneous. You'd be sitting in an Avengers' meeting and the next moment, he scoots his chair closer to you and pulls you onto his.

One time, you were at the dentist when Thor who was sitting next to you holding your hand scared both you and the dentist when he suddenly jumped on the dental chair to lie down next to you.

The other time, he was sleeping in the car as you were driving. Suddenly, he shifted in his sleep and moved to put his arms around you and put all of his weight on you. Fortunately, you somehow managed to park safely before waking up the giant and nothing disastrous happened.

Clint: He disappears a lot.

One moment, he could be sitting on the couch watching TV and the next, you'd find him at the shooting range.

One time, you woke up in the middle of the night to find out that Clint was missing. He was nowhere to be found and after looking around, you went outside to see if the cars were still there. That was when you found Clint perched on a tree, sleeping. He had had a nightmare and had gotten out to give himself space to think and didn't want to wake you.

After asking him many times, he made it a habit to leave you a note the next time he disappeared to somewhere. But honestly, it was more fun to look for the the dumbass all around.
