Introduction - Steve

"Alright, students." Your teacher at the Avengers academy stole everyone's attention with his loud and clear voice that boomed across the room. "I have someone very special that wants to meet the tomorrow's agents of SHIELD." He said. And so came a well built and tall blonde in a solid blue shirt and suit pants. Boy did he look nervous.

You weren't the one to cat call passers by but this one in particular was for sure a treat. So you whistled.

"Y/N! Behave yourself!" Your teacher hissed at you as the blonde turned red and looked anywhere but you, fidgeting with his fingers. That made the whole class burst out in laughter. And so they laughed. Until the teacher introduced the stranger, of course.

He cleared his throat, "Class, meet Steven Rogers. Best known as the Captain America."

"Woah, Y/N. You made Captain America blush!" A fellow classmate cheered from the other corner of the room, making the others chuckle. You couldn't help but chuckle a little as well. Once your eyes turned back to the front of the room, they locked with an unimaginably captivating blue ones.

You didn't even notice when you started blushing. But Steve did. He smirked. Boy was it an ugly smirk. He was so trying to be cool.

You sighed and shook your head. 'Well, played.' You mouthed to him silently without the others noticing, making him grin only wider before he started with his lesson for the class.


"Hey." You ran upto Steve after the class. You were going to your car in the parking when you saw him boarding his bike.

"Ah. Y/N, is it?" Steve turned to look at you.

"Yeah, well..." you rubbed the back of your neck nervously. "I just wanted to apologise. For how I acted." He said.

Steve raised a brow at your curiously before a smile crept to his face, "It's alright." He said. "No damage done." It was a lie of course. The stomach quenching, heart tingling feeling he was getting by the mere sight of you was more than damage enough.

"Maybe I can make it up for you? Coffee?" You asked. Steve thought about it for a while. He did have the rest of the day free.

"Alright, come on." He said and put on his biker helmet.

"Wait, no. We're going on that?" You looked at him, as baffled as one could see on your face.

That made Steve grin wider, "What, you're scared?" He teased.

"Of course not." You frowned. Reluctantly, you sat behind him and wrapped your arms around Steve's torso. "But if I die, I'm so going to kill you." You mumbled, making Steve laugh louder as he started the engine and hit the road.
