Sex Kinks

Steve: Domination.

Steve loves to be in control, often manhandling you. He loves it when you address him with "sir" or "captain" in bed. It heats up way too much when you counter him and try to dominate him.

He also loves hickeys and so do you. There are hardly any days when a hickey or two aren't peeping from either of your shirts and they seldom go unnoticed by the rest of the team.

Tony: Exhibitionism and Voyeurism.

Tony loves to see and be seen. You two have quite a few sex tapes online and had Tony not been as rich and influential that he is, you two would probably be in jail under public nudity and public sex.

Thor: Roleplay.

Thor loves different kinds of roleplays.

~ He's the prince and you're a royal servant who fancies him and vice versa.
~ He's a masseuse and you're a client with an exceptionally sore body.
~ You two hate each other but are forced into an arranged marriage.
~ He breaks into your house as a thief.
~ The good ol' Alpha-Omega roleplay.
~Your add-ons?

Clint: Age play.

He loves playing the older one and being called daddy. More so, he loves sex toys. You have all sorts of swings and toys stashed in your closet.

Unfortunately, Steve accidentally discovered your swing collection when he was looking for a shirt you had borrowed from him and trying to spare yourself from the embarrassment, you lied to him saying they were mere recreational room swings.

What happened after? Let's just say he still has one of your swings in his room which he often reads books on.
