
the first day we met, i didn't know it yet, but that's when i truly started living.

September 22nd, 2014

      SHE MADE her way down the street, hearing her feet crunch leaves that were scattered across the concrete. lila was on her way to her favourite book store. every month, she'd buy a book or two that she has never heard of, just to try new things. lila loved trying new things. ever since she started college she made a pact with herself that every other weekend she would try something different. just to get out there and do something.

      lila did not believe that you can truly live life with just sitting at home, doing nothing but stuffing your face and watching tv. lila wanted to be out there doing something whether it'd be something old or something new, she just wanted to do something.

      autumn was the exception, autumn was her season. autumn was when the cold air struck her warm face and the coloured leaves fell from the trees around her. autumn was the season for new discoveries; discoveries as in books, music, or movies.

      autumn was her favourite season. she loved every single thing about the beautiful season. lila loved almost everything but anything that had to do with autumn she loved the most.

      lila smiled lightly at all the different people roaming the streets. there were couples, families, and even just people who were by themselves. she looked up at the sky which had a light blue-grey sense to it. it was also filled with small, fluffy clouds which had a light grey tint to them. she looked back to her front as she opened the door of her favourite book store. the familiar smell of pumpkin filled her nose. no matter what time of year it was, that book store always had a delightful smell of pumpkin.

      "wonderful fall day it is, ain't it charlie?" lila smiled at the owner of the store. she was really close with him as he was her late father's bestfriend.

      "as always lila." charlie replied, not even having to look up from his computer screen to know that it was lila.

"got anything new for me?" lila asked. she had always asked just incase he got any new books that she'd be interested to read. he usually always did.

"not today. but i'm sure you'll find something." he said, looking up at her face with a simple smile.

"i always do." lila chuckled a bit. she left her purse with charlie and made her way towards the many rows of books.

she looked at all the names of all the different books on the shelves. she spotted one that she hadn't seen since she was an adolescent in eighth grade. she grabbed it and looked at the nice copy. she flipped threw the pages, trying to think back and remember what happened in the book.

"the catcher in the rye. such a classic." an unfamiliar voice said, making lila jump. she turned seeing a boy with green eyes and curly hair.

she smiled and laughed a bit, "yeah i haven't read this since i was a young teen. i can't believe i forgot about this book."

"i've read that about a hundred or more times. ever since the first time i read it, i just fell in love with it." the boy smiled. lila nodded, understanding how that is.

"the name's harry. harry styles." he held his hand out for her to shake. she smiled and shook the boy's soft hand.

"lila marvins."

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