
i loved it more than books, music, and even more than i loved autumn.

October 26th, 2014

SHE ENTERED the library with her mind set on finding the right books and just sitting down and reading. she was doing some procrastinated studying, as to which her language arts teacher said they will have a test the upcoming monday. it was sunday and lila did not study at all. and she had no desire to fail.

she walked into the place as the volume drastically changed from the loud noise of cars and chatter and wind to almost complete silence. lila liked that. she always loved the silence, it was always what she needed when she truly needed to focus or think about something. she believed everyone needed some silence every once in awhile.

her feet led her to the right section and the right books. she pulled them off the shelf and found herself a nice, lonely table. she placed her stuff softly on top of it before sitting down.

lila's mind always seemed to wonder at the most random times. she would think so hard about the most ridiculous things; even when she had important things happening. she hated it sometimes but it would actually calm her nerves.

her mind wandered to harry, she wondered why his mind moved too fast for his mouth, making him talk slow. she wondered why she hasn't seen him without a hat or beanie on yet. and she wondered where he was at this moment, what was he doing? what was that beautiful mind of his thinking up at this moment?

but either way she liked how slow he talked, and she liked how he looked in a hat or a beanie. she was actually starting to really, really like harry.

it had been almost a month since they started dating and lila actually loved everyday of it. she had grown extremely attached to having the beautiful boy in her life. they started officially dating after lila had that talk with charlie about her feelings and her fear of it.

lila smiled lightly to herself, because she really was happy with him. she was slowly getting over her fear of falling in love because she started to realize that she maybe slowly falling in love with him. but she didn't want to believe it because it was way too early, but you can't always hold back love. just like you can't push love. it comes when it comes and if it stays then it's meant to be.

she stopped her thoughts so she can focus on her studying.

it was quite hard to focus but she managed to get enough information embedded in her mind. she put the book back and gathered her stuff because the library was about to close.

she opened the door, the cold air hitting her face and the loud sounds of the town came back. she smiled at the scenery, as usual, before heading home.


she got home to a dark, lonesome apartment. she was surprised that it was warm because she didn't remember leaving the heater on.

she took off her coat and grabbed some pajamas from the clean hamper in the laundry area. she made a mental note to remember to fold them tomorrow.

she went into the bathroom and changed, throwing her hair into a messy bun before finishing her nighttime routine.

after everything she made her way to her bedroom when she noticed the light was on in there.

she opened the door and jumped because harry was laying in her bed.

"hey babe." harry said with a cheeky smile.

"what are you doing here?" lila smiled.

"just got bored and wanted to see you but you were gone so i just waited for you to come back."

lila nodded and climbed into bed with him.

"how was your day?"

"a bit stressful but i managed. how about you lovely?" lila said, looking up at him.

"pretty boring, but since i'm here with you now it's great." he smiled and kissed her temple.

"harry, can i ask you something?"

"of course darling." he smiled and look at lila, waiting for her question.

"why do you always wear hats and beanies? i don't think i have ever seen you without one." she chuckled a bit. she knew it was a silly question but she really was curious.

"well it's cold outside and i like how i look with them on."

"understandable." lila laughed as well as harry.

they laid there in bed, not talking but it wasn't awkward. it was a nice, beautiful silence. the type of silence that was calming, that you wouldn't mind being in.

she kissed harry's clothed chest before falling asleep with a smile on her face.

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this is late and has yet to be edited so if there is any spelling errors I apologize.

i love you all so much.

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