Chapter 7

"Loki?" You called out his name as you walked down the hall of the dungeon.

You had gotten Frigga to get you permission to see him. Odin probably thought you were no threat, since you had no powers or anything, so he let you go. Only problem was that you didn't know which cell he was in.

You flinched away each time one of the creatures in a cell came forward, smiling creepily at you.

"Loki?!" You called out again.

"Y/n?" You breathed a sigh of relief as you heard his voice, running to it.

You stopped at the last cell, and spotted Loki on the other side of the golden barrier.

"What are you doing here?" Loki hissed. "Odin will put you here as well if you're caught."

"It's okay, I got permission from him to visit you," you assured him.


You shrugged. "Your mother convinced him. My guess is that he sees me as no threat, since I have no powers, nor training of any sort."

Loki nodded, and you asked. "Are you alright?"

"Why wouldn't I be?"

"Because you don't always have to be okay."

"Loki..." He wouldn't meet your eyes, keeping his gaze on the floor. "Just hold on a little longer. I promise you'll get out of here."

"Are you just saying that or does it really happen?"

"It happens," you promised.


Frigga pulled you and Jane along as she took a sword from a guard, "Listen to me now. I need you two to do everything I ask, no questions."

"Yes, ma'am," Jane nodded.

"It is honorable to give you your last wishes," you hinted, and she nodded at you. You knew she understood what you said, even if Jane didn't. She was about to die, and she understood that.

Frigga pulled the two of you along with her to a room, and you stood silently behind her.


The door opened and Malekith walked in, "Stand down creature, and you may still survive this." Frigga threatened.

"I have survived worse, woman," he sneered.

"Who are you?" Frigga questioned.

"I am Malekith. And I would have what is mine," he threatened.

Frigga gave a nod to you and Jane, and she slashed Malekith in the face as you and Jane stood back.

Malekith brought out his own sword and the two started fighting. Frigga was incredibly graceful, and it seemed she would win—only you knew better.

Just as she got Malekith in a spot where she could kill him, his second in command walked in, and Frigga wasn't quick enough to defend herself.

The second in command held Frigga up, choking her, as Malekith walked towards Jane, "You have taken something, child. Give it back."

Malekith put his hand on her neck, or started to, only for her to dissolve—as well as your illusion.

Malekith turned to Frigga, "Witch! Where is the Aether?"

"I'll never tell you," Frigga said.

"I believe you." As if on cue, the second in command struck his sword into her, and Frigga was killed.


"Jane, calm down." Jane paced around the room, trying to figure out a way out. "Thor will get us out soon."

"You don't know that, though!" She protested, and you sighed.

"Jane, I have already told you that I do, in fact, know it."

Jane sat down beside you, "Then tell me something."

"If I can," you agreed.

"What happens to Thor and me?" She asked.

"After we defeat Malekith, you go your separate ways, and we never see you again."

Jane gasped, and you quickly rephrased it. "No no! You don't die, you just go about your own life on Earth as a scientist. Although you're in his next movie, I think, although that hasn't come out yet."

She calmed down after that, "We do defeat him then?"

You nodded, and she asked, "Are we all okay?"

"Well...sort of. That's something I can't spoil, I apologize," you said, and she nodded, clearly sad but accepting it.


"Thor. After all this time and now you come to visit me," Loki sneered. "Why? Have you come to gloat? To mock?"

"Loki, enough," Thor said.

"Loki..." you came out from behind the shadows, approaching his cell. "Before Thor has to say it...please drop the illusion that I know is there."

Loki sighed, bending his head down and dropping the illusion. It was even worse than seeing it in the movie. His hair was knotted, and his clothes torn. All of the furniture were in pieces around the room. You could also see broken glass littered about the floor.

"Now you see me," Loki sneered.

Thor ignored him, and you followed him to the other window of the cell, "Did she suffer?"

"I did not come here to share our grief. Instead I offer you the chance of a far richer sacrament." Thor said.

Loki looked intrigued, "Go on."

"We're going to face Malekith. Thor is offering you a chance at vengeance for Frigga," you interrupted what Thor was about to say.

"You don't get to say her name!" Loki shouted, and you flinched back. "You could have saved her. I know that. And you didn't! For what?"

"Loki, I tried, believe me," you pleaded with him to understand.

"I don't, though."

"I warned her. I tried to stop her, but she didn't want to listen," you tried to explain. "She accepted that she was supposed to die. Loki, I didn't want her to die any more than you."

"If only I could believe your lies."

Thor pushed you behind him, in a protective stance, as you tried to hold in tears. You didn't want this to happen—you didn't want Loki to hate you. It only made you feel even worse about Frigga's death, because he's right, you could have stopped it. But you didn't, and you foolishly listened to her.

"This is not Lady Y/n's fault. It is the fault of Malekith, and I am offering you a chance at vengeance. Accept the offer or not," Thor said.

"You must be truly desperate to come to me for help," Thor nodded his head, and started to walk away, when Loki spoke again. "What makes you think you can trust me?"

"I don't." Thor said firmly. "Mother did. As does Y/n. She suggested this idea to me."

Loki didn't even spare a glance to you. "But you should know that when we fought each other in the past, I did so with a glimmer of hope that my brother was still in there somewhere. That hope no longer exists to protect you. You betray me, and I will kill you."

You sighed as you thought about what would happen at the end of this. It was almost ironic Thor would say that.

Loki smirked, "When do we start?"
