Chapter 13

"Bye Happy." He just gave you a grunt in reply as you went out of the car, and he drove off.

You went through the school building, stopping quickly at your locker to get your books for the day.

"Hey Y/n." You closed your locker door and turned around to face Peter.

"Oh hi," you smiled at him.

"What do you have first?" He asked.

"I have Language," you said as you slung your backpack on your shoulder. "What about you?"

"I have Spanish." He answered.

You nodded, and started walking to your first class, gesturing for Peter to follow, which he did. "Ah, nice. I didn't pick that class. I chose to learn Russian."

"I'll see you later, Y/n." Peter said as you approached your classroom.

"Bye." You smiled at him as he left, and you entered the room.

Russian class wasn't horrible, but it was also hard. It's a whole new alphabet to learn. But you had fun, and you were starting to get the hang of it. You couldn't wait to surprise Natasha or Bucky—if you managed to meet him—by joining their conversation in Russian.


You joined MJ in math, and sat down next to her just before the teacher walked in. To your surprise, instead of starting the class, the teacher turned to you.

"Miss Stark, your father is waiting for you outside," the teacher announced.

Tony was taking you out of school? What? Did he finish the machine? He couldn't have! Loki said he would make sure Tony never finished.

You packed up your stuff and went outside, where the car was waiting with Happy inside it.

"Why is Tony picking me up early?" You asked as you sat down in the passenger seat.

"No idea. My job is just to pick you up," he replied.

The ride back to the tower was in a heavy silence. Sadly enough, you and Happy didn't seem to get along. You assumed it was because you were an "annoying kid" in his eyes, but oh well, not much you can do about that.

As Happy pulled into the driveway, you noticed Natasha, Pepper, and Clint. You couldn't even try to imagine what was awaiting you.

"Happy! Hi, bye—thanks for the car." Natasha pretty much kicked him out, and went in the driver's seat while Pepper and Clint sat in the back.

"Natasha? What? What's going on?" You asked. "I thought Tony needed me."

"No, I got him to dismiss you to go shopping with me and Pepper," she explained as she started taking the car out of the driveway.


"Threatened him that I would expose one of his secrets."

"Of course you did." That actually made sense in a weird way. "And Clint?"

"He's going to help carry bags," Natasha grinned while Clint sighed.

"She knows secrets from everyone," Pepper explained.

"Ah." Were you a little nervous about that? Maybe. But you didn't think you had any really bad secrets. "Why are we going shopping anyway?"

"Tony's throwing a party tonight and you need something to wear that isn't a hoodie and jeans," Natasha answered.

"They're comfy," you grumbled. "And why is Tony throwing a party? Did I miss something important?"

It's not Age of Ultron already, is it? No. It can't be. It would be amazing to meet Wanda and Pietro though. Ah shit. Pietro—you had to figure out a way to keep him alive. Maybe he was fast enough to catch bullets? You'd have to find out.

"Does Tony really need a reason to throw a party?" Clint countered, bringing you back to reality.

"I guess not," you replied. "It'll be cool to go to one of his parties though. I haven't seen many, but they all end up with either Tony drunk, or someone comes to try and kill him."

"That's pretty accurate," Natasha chuckled.

"Oh boy, Y/n—get ready for a very tiring rest of your day," Clint said as Natasha parked at a mall.

"Wait, hours?" How long did it take to find an outfit?

"Yep. Don't worry, it'll be so much fun," Natasha grinned. "For me, at least."

Clint was right, the four of you were there for five hours. Between dresses, shoes, and jewelry, it was exhausting.

In the dress store, all three of you needed a new dress, but Natasha and Pepper seemed determined to make you try on every dress in the store. You felt horrible for the person working there.

After trying on dozens of dresses, you ended up with three that you couldn't decide between. You tried asking the girls, with you, what they thought, but they said it was up to you—very unhelpful.

One of them was a sleeveless purple dress that went down to your knees. The neckline was down to your collar bone with a silver hemline.

The second was also sleeveless, but it was red, and it went down to your ankles. There was a string inside the dress around your waist that could be tied in the back as a bow. The neckline went all the way up to your neck, but it was V shaped, so it went a little low.

The last, and you were thinking your favorite, was a green and golden dress that went down to the floor—although would hopefully be fine if you wore heels—in a silky fabric. The skirt part was green, and the top was gold. The top part of the only had one sleeve which had some intricate design on it.

In the end you chose the green one. Definitely not in memory of a certain raven haired god.

Natasha found a red dress. You couldn't believe she was going to a party in it. It hardly moved at all. How was she planning on walking?

Pepper got a plain blue dress that went in between her knees and ankles. It had a tight waist, but the bottom was wavy. You could imagine Tony's reaction when he saw her. It may have been plain, but she wore it like a goddess.

Shoes were pretty quick. Natasha got a gold slip on pair, and Pepper got a silver pair of high heels. Yours was gold—like Natasha—but it was a pair of high heels that wrapped all the way up to your knees.

Natasha and Pepper found lots of earrings, necklaces, and bracelets in the jewelry store while you found a small hair piece that could be woven into your hair later.

Poor Clint had to carry all the bags through all the stores they went though, since they didn't always find something they liked in the same store. The saddest thing was that he acted like it was such a normal thing.

After paying everything, which you had a feeling that you did not want to know the prices for, you headed home. You were quickly pushed into the shower and wrapped in a robe so your hair and makeup could be started on.
