Chapter 2

"Look kid, I don't know who you are, or how you got in here, and I don't particularly care, but you need to leave now." You turned around to find Samuel L Jackson.

"Who are you anyway?" Turning around once more, you looked at Chris Evans.

"I'm Y/n L/n." You answered, then muttered to yourself. "Why am I even answering? This is a hallucination."

Chris Hemsworth held out his hand, and Mjolnir came flying into his hand, "Does this look like a hallucination?"

You tilted your head to one side, "Well...yeah. That's how they work. You imagine fake things usually."

RDJ sighed, "How do we prove this isn't a hallucination?"

You paused, thinking for a moment, before answering. "Tell me something no one knows, that I could never imagine."

The Avengers actors all shrugged, and Samuel answered instead, clearly wanting this to end. "I can't eat toast if it's cut diagonally."

"I already know that. Something else."

Samuel's mouth dropped open. "What? How? There's only one person that knows that."

"It's in the movies. Doesn't matter," you turned back, and RDJ asked, "Movies? He has a movie?"

Your eyes narrowed, "Why would you ask that if you're a hallucination?"

He rolled his eyes, "Because I'm obviously not."

Your eyes widened, finally understanding, "Holy really are Tony Stark... How the hell am I here than?"

"Tony, she doesn't exist in this world. There's no record of her anywhere." Everyone turned to look at Bruce, hunched over a computer.

"Did...did I just switch dimensions?" You asked.

"Where are you from?" Fury asked you, and you were a little more scared of him, now that you knew who he was.

"I'm from Earth. But on my're all fake. You're just characters from movies." You answered, and everyone gasped.

"We have movies about our lives?" Tony asked.

"You have three."

"Do I have any?" Thor asked you.

"Yeah, you have 3 too, and a fourth is supposed to come out soon. Although the first three I just watch for Loki," you shrugged, then clapped your hands over your mouth. "Ah shit. Do you guys even know who Loki is?"

"My brother is quarantined in his own floor," said Thor. "His magic is bound until we figure out what to do with him."

"Oh wow. You guys are nowhere." You laughed.

"Wait, so this means you know our future?" Steve asked you, and you nodded.

"So tell us what happens so we can stop things." Tony insisted.

"She can't do that. That could mess up the entire future and even worse things could happen," Bruce answered for you.

"How do we even know you're telling the truth?" Fury narrowed his eyes.

"What do you want me to do? Say a secret about each of you now?"

Tony spoke up with a grin before anyone else could, "Definitely—that. Expose some secrets."

No one opposed that, though Fury looked tempted to. Pointing to Steve, you simply said, "Bucky Barnes."

Steve gaped silently, looking like he had no idea how to even begin to respond to that.

You smiled, and turned to Thor, "Jane is extremely mad at you. And I know about Jotunheim."

"She speaks the truth," Thor realized with a pale face.

"I don't believe it. What do you know about me?" Fury, of course, had to ruin it.

"Goose," was all you uttered and his eyes widened.

Fury's eyes widened. "You tell no one."

You chuckled. "Your secret is safe with me. Do you believe me now?"

Fury nodded, then turned to the Avengers who were there, "Keep an eye on her, and figure out a way to get her back."

You opened your mouth to argue—why would you ever want to go back to your hellhole of a universe?—but Fury stopped you.

"Stop." He held up a finger. "I don't care what you have to say. This is what's happening and that's final."

Fury turned to Tony. "You and Bruce are going to work on this and she is on lockdown in this building until we figure it out."

Tony gave a mock salute and they dispersed back to whatever they had been doing before you arrived, leaving you alone.

Heading to the elevator to find something to do in the meantime, you called out to the room, "Hey, uh...Jarvis?"

"How may I help you?" The AI responded.

You grinned, still barely believing you were in the world you had spent hours watching to escape your own world. "Is there a library?"

There was a happy sounding bing, and the elevator started to move. You glanced up at the number up top, and watched it slowly climb up, eventually stopping at floor 27 and opening the door.

You thanked Jarvis, and walked out of the elevator, going into library. You stared open mouthed at it. If there was any question about Tony stark being rich, there wasn't anymore. The library was huge.

You grinned, and starting looking through the rows of books for something to read. He had to have something that you would like to read.

Thankfully, even in this universe, Harry Potter existed, so you took book one.

You squeaked and dropped the book, as you heard a voice behind you, "And who are you?"

You turned around, and made eye contact with Loki, who was sitting on a couch with his own book. You wondered how you even missed him. "I'm Y/n L/n. I'm from a different dimension. I uh, just got here."

"A different dimension, you say?" Loki's icy voice was eerie.

You gulped nervously. It wasn't that you were afraid of Loki per say, but just the situation. You had a bad feeling about this interaction.
