Chapter 15

"I call for a round of Truth or Dare," Clint said.

"This game never ends well," Bruce muttered.

The party was pretty much over now, so it was just the Avengers and a few others on the couches.

"That's why it's fun," Maria chuckled.

"We gonna let the kid play?" Tony asked, gesturing at you.

"Hey!" You complained.

"Why not?" Natasha said, and you were glad she did as everyone else agreed after that.

"Clint, I dare you to throw Cap's shield at that bottle on the counter," Sam dared him.

Clint sighed and put his bottle down before picking up the shield. He took a few seconds to get a grip on it and learn how to use the shield before throwing it at the bottle, and missing hilariously.

Everyone laughed and Clint grumbled as he sat down.

"The shield isn't for everyone," Steve commented.

"Whatever," Clint muttered. "Y/n. I dare you to tell us who dies next," he said with surprising casualty.

You say back. "And no one is dying on my watch. I'll...I'll figure out a way to save you. A few of you will be harder than others, but I'll figure it out."

"I'm betting I'm the last one standing since I am the only one with any self preservation," Tony chuckled.

"Ironically, no," you grinned. "I have an idea for you though."

"How could you guys let me die?!" Tony gasped, faking a mad face.

"You probably did something dumb," Rhodey commented.

"I probably saved the world," Tony grinned, and you chuckled—if only he knew.

"Why don't we play lift Thor's hammer?" You volunteered.

"But it's fake!" Clint said, starting to spin a drumstick.

"No, no, it's much more than that," Thor said.

" 'Ah, whosever be here worthy shall haveth the power'," Clint mocked. "Whatever man, it's a trick!"

Thor extended his hand to where his hammer was on the table. "Please, be my guest."

"Oh this is gonna be beautiful," Rhodey commented as Clint stood up.

"Clint, you've had a tough week. We won't hold it against you if you can't hold it up," Tony chuckled.

"It doesn't even budge," you whispered to Natasha who laughed.

"You know I've seen this before, right?" Clint said, then he put his hand around the hammer and pulled with all his might, not even getting it to move an inch.

"Smell the silent judgment?" Tony said.

"Please, Stark, by all means," Clint extends his hand to Tony and sits down as Tony gets up.

"Never one to shrink from an honest challenge," Tony said. "It's physics."

"Right, so, if I lift it, I then rule Asgard?" Tony checked.

"Yes, of course." Thor didn't seem the least bit concerned.

"I will be reinsituting prima nocta." Tony adjusted his hand around the handle before pulling, and grunting as it didn't move.

He took his hand off of it before muttering, "I'll be right back."

He came back a few moments later with his glove from the suit, and tried pulling the hammer with it, to no avail.

Rhodey joined him, at one point, and even the two together with the iron gloves didn't get it to budge.

Next was Bruce's turn, who growled when he didn't get it, then blushed in embarrassment as everyone laughed.

"Go ahead, Steve. No pressure," Tony said as Steve stood up and stood by the hammer.

He tried pulling it, to which it only budged an inch. That inch was a little, though, and you noticed Thor's nervous look, before he chuckled good naturally when Steve gave up.

Bruce gestured to Natasha as Steve sat down. "So, widow?"

"Oh, no, no. That's not a question I need answered." Natasha laughed. "Y/n?"

"If I am, it's more exciting to find out in a life or death situation," you said and the group chuckled in agreement.

"I just say it's rigged," Tony sighed.

"You bet your ass," Clint chuckled.

"Steve, he said a bad language word!" Maria joked.

"Did you tell everyone about that?" Steve sighed.

"The handle is imprinted, right? Like a security code?" Tony ignored Steve and turned to Thor. " 'Whosever is carrying Thor's fingerprints' is, I think, the literal translation."

"Yes. It's a very, very interesting theory. I have a simpler one," Thor stood up and picked up his hammer. "You're all not worthy."

Everyone groaned, then clutched their ears as a high pitched ringing tone was heard.

"Worth-hyyyy." Everyone turned to the sound to see a half broken bot tangled in strings speak. "No. How could you be worthy? You're all killers."

"Great," you say, and a few heads turn to look at you. "Avengers 2."
