~Chapter Six~

It was an early Saturday morning and the weather outside was dreadful, with cloudy sky and wind whistling by my window. The hotel suite was absolutely freezing and I was in a need of a warm tea, or anything for that matter as long as I can warm up. So, quietly, I tip toed to the kitchen area, making sure not to wake the boys as I did so.

I have been officially living together with them for two days and it has been absolutely fantastic. Like I said before, I felt like I had finally found my family, even if it did consist of four immature boys. Everything seems to be perfect, I get along with them all and there are no more awkward conversations, I try to be as truthful as possible even if it is that small proportion. But the best thing is that Paul and I have grown really close to each other, ever since that night, we're practically inseparable, but I know that he wants something more out of this friendship. However, the question is, am I ready for that something? A mystery and secrets seem to be embracing him, as I feel that he is not beeing thruthful with me, but it is not my place to complain. Hopefully, he'll come around.

Swiftly I made myself some tea, grabbed a chocolate bar, feeling in a mood for a treat, and settled down by the table, the warmth of the cup already making me feel, somewhat, less cold. As I was quietly sitting there, sipping my tea, my eyes focused on the newspaper, which was carelessly left on the wooden table, it's front page gaining my attention. In curiosity, I picked it up and unfolded it, in order to see it clearer, my eyes scanning the paper and focusing on the title which, in big bold letters, shouted in my face 'Do The Beatles Have a Secret?'. This sparked my interest and without hesitation I jumped right into the task of reading the article, that had deserved a place on the front page.

To say that I was confused and mad would be an understatement, for the article was talking about me. I couldn't believe in the things that have been said, as they described me being a girl who is just befriending The Beatles for their fame and how I don't dress as a woman should, considering that they have only seen me once, and that was the day Paul and I had taken that crazy walk. They had even added a picture of me and Paul, once we had arrived at the hotel the following morning, I was still wearing men's clothes and Paul had his hand wrapped around my elbow.

"Good morning, luv." a voice interrupted my thoughts and I looked up to see Paul in a dark robe, his hair were sat atop his head in a messy manner and his eyes were slightly closed, looking as if he had just rolled out of his bed. I didn't reply, for my head was still trying to embrace the text I had just read, a light scowl set on my face. I guess, the lack of an answer, and my deep sigh of annoyance, gained Paul's attention, as his eyes were set on my sitting form. "Hey, you okay? You look like you'll murder someone in a second." he laughed at the small joke he had made, as he sat his body next to mine and nudged my shoulder. "Oi, talk to me, Anna, what's wrong?" he pleaded and waved his hand in front of my face, snapping me out of my internal rant.

I looked at the man but didn't reply to him, instead I stuck the newspaper in his face and pointed at the article, hoping that he would understand my gesture. And soon enough his eyes were scanning the newspaper, his hazel orbs moving around the article and his fingers gripping the corners of the page. A distressed look was set on his face and a sigh escaped his lips, his hazel orbs now focusing on me. 'You okay, luv?" the oh-so-familiar pressure of his hand was now sat on my own, still, freezing hand, as his eyes were showing just how concerned he was about all of this.

"Why? Why would they write something like that? They don't even know me." I whispered, not wanting to express my anger in front of Paul, an emberassing feeling emerging in chest. What if the boys really thought that I was after their fame? But how could I? I hadn't heard of them until a few days ago.

"They don't know what they're talkin' about, luv. Don't mind 'em."

"But it's out there!" I shouted, a tad bit too loud for my liking, and buried my face in my hands from frustration. All I wanted is to have friends who would not leave me, is this really the price I have to pay? To be humiliated in front of entire Liverpool's population?

"No one believes that crap anyway, it's a load of bullocks and everyone knows that. Don't stress over it too much, Anna." Paul sat next to me, his hand still holding my own, as his hazel eyes sparkled in the light, pulling me in its spell. He can make me feel that way, like everything's fine around him and I am safe in his presence.

"Oi! What's with all the shouting this early in the bloody mornin'. My head's pounding as it is!" A hungover John appeared in the doorway of the kitchen area, his body clad in a light robe and his small eyes half open, making him look like he's sleepwalking. Instantly, the warmth and pressure of Paul's hand disappeared from my own, leaving a cold feeling on my skin. However, this didn't go unnoticed by John, as his eyes penetrated the back of Paul's head, who was looking out of the window, as if he had committed a crime. Like I said, Paul is surrounded by mystery. "McCartney, you deaf? What's happenin'?" John exclaimed, slightly irritated. The previous night he had a little bit too much to drink, as he was, and I quote, 'in a mood for some pointless celebration' for God know's what. John is an odd character, I can say that much.

"Oh! The bloody buggers have published an article about Anna, some nasty stuff." Paul threw the newspaper at John, hitting him stright in the face, as his hangover wasn't helping his poor sight, and for some reason John refused to wear his Buddy Holly glasses.

"Fucker." John rubbed his face and picked up the newspaper from where it had landed, bringing it close to his face and trying to read what it says.

"Need some help there, Lennon?" Paul chuckled, referring to his struggle to read the article, making John glare at the younger lad. Whilst this was happening, I was fiddling with my hands, trying to think of any solution, after all I knew some people, and, for a fact, I knew that they probably have read the article and are talking foul things of me.

It took a while, but soon John was done reading the article, and a long breath came over his small lips. "I can't believe that you kissed Anna, McCartney!" John exclaimed with amused look on his face and wicked grin gracing his small lips. A wave of worry came over my body. Does he know about the kiss we shared at my apartment? But how?

"Shut it, Lennon! I didn't kiss her!" Paul exclaimed, making me feel somewhat hurt, had I imagined it or something?

"But it says it right here! 'Some fans have seen the pair sneaking off around the corner to share a kiss, as said by a girl who has been camping out by the hotel for a week.'" John recited the line, making me blush, as I could never imagine myself being the sneaky type.

"It's a lie. Y'know, how they are, exaggerating everything and stuff, we didn't do anything." Paul, remained calm, whilst my heart was beating in an abnormal speed, I felt like it will soon jump out of my chest.

"Sure, Paulie! Anyway, don't be too upset about this, luv, no one believes this stuff." John waved the newspaper in the air.

"I guess..." I dragged out, feeling my chest clench in nervousness, somewhat, not believing John at all. After all, I have always believed everything that had been written on the newspaper myslef.

"You guess?" Paul asked.

"I just don't want to be viewed that way... I'm not after your fame, y'know, and I don't want anyone to think that I am."

"We know, luv." Paul smiled in reassurence, attempting to make me smile, but failing miserably.

"What would you say if I had an idea? A bloody brilliant idea, may I say." John piped in, instantly gaining my full attention.

"What idea?" I said, as Paul, suspiciously, questioned: "What you're up to, John?"

"Don't get yer panties in a twist, bloody hell! It's nothing bad, just a way of clearing Anna's name."

"And how would that work?" Paul kept questioning, still looking rather suspicious of his friend.

"Let's say, how about we take Anna to an interview with us? You know, the one after the show tonight!" a grin spread across John's face, and I found myself being intrigued by this idea. It certainly didn't seem to be a bad one, but it did sound crazy. However, I was really in a need to clear my name. After all, I am not the day tripper that the article is describing me as, and if I don't do something about it I will never be able to walk in public without peoples' whispers and judging looks, and that I did not want.

"Are you daft?" Suddenly, Paul exclaimed, and I snapped my attention to him. "That is a bloody horrendous idea! You know how they are, asking stupid questions and invading our lives. So, how could that be a good idea?" Paul asked, looking agitated.

"She'll be able to tell them off, for Christ's sakes. Everyone by now is, probably, thinking she's a day tripper." John replied, not bothering to look at Paul, as he was fumbling around to make some coffee.

"I'm not a day tripper." I stated, but that went unheard, for the two men kept arguing like small children.

"We would be sending her to her death." Paul kept repeating how I wouldn't be able to handle it and I felt like they were referring to me as a small child, not a woman that I am. It made me apear to be uncapable of handling my life without the help of others, and I wasn't fine with that.

"Y'know, I'm still here..." I tried to gain their attention by waving my hands in the air.

"Yeah, Paul, she's here. So, why don't we ask her?" as John said so, he took a seat by the table a steaming cup of coffee in his hand. "What da'ya think, luv?" He raised his eyebrow in my direction.

"I think it's a good idea, but what if it doesn't work?" I questioned, whilst biting my lip, a nervous habit of mine.

"What if, what if... What's with all the negativity, people?" John asked calmly.

I wasn't able to reply, for another character joined to our little meeting in the kitchen, looking the same as the other two, a sleepy mess.

"What's with all the the noise? You woke me up... Can't ya tone it down?" Ringo stood in the doorway, his big blue eyes moving from me to the two men in questioning manner, as he tried to make sense of what's happening.

"Oh, sorry Rings, we just got carried away." John waved his hand in the air and motioned toward Paul and I, a scowl was set on Paul's face, showing that he still was sulking over the small argument.

"With what?" Ringo asked and leaned against the door, his head resting against the dark wood and hair falling in his eyes.

"Who are you, Sherlock Holmes? You're being awfully curious this mornin' Rings." John laughed at his own joke, whilst Paul just rolled his doe eyes and threw the newspaper at John. "That hurt!"

"Good." I couldn't help but laugh, I can't believe that those two are friends, they act like small high school boys who would do anything to anger each other. "John wants Anna to come to our show and then join our interview." annoyance could be clearly heard in Paul's voice, as he scratched his head.

"That's a brilliant idea!" the blue eyed man exclaimed with a grin on his face. "Ahh, I have to tell George, he wanted to take her to studio last week. He'll be happy!" Ringo was about to leave the kitchen and head to Goerge's but Paul's voice stopped him dead in his tracks.

"Am I the only one who is seeing the issue here!?" he shouted, clearly agitated that no one had not paid him any mind. I didn't know what to say, for all I wanted is just to hold his hand and say that everything will be okay, but judging by his previous actions he wouldn't appreciate me doing that in front of John.

"I don't see any issue here. Do yer Rings?"

"No, why would there be an issue?" the both men looked at Paul in anticipation to hear his reasoning.

"Because!" Paul exclaimed. "You know how the reporters are! Asking stupid questions and judging everyone in their stories. Never mind the crazy birds out there, they'll be going bonkers after the interview." John and Ringo looked disinterested, as John was inspecting his nails and Ringo was quietly sneaking out his way of the kitchen, as for me, I was just standing there, not able to say anything.

"I don't see yer point, Paul." John said and stood up from his seat, heading out of the kitchen to follow Ringo, whilst Paul was looking at the man with his jaw clenched. I could feel the tension in the air and the fact that it was caused by me was unnerving. "Oh, Anna? You should head to your room to do all of the 'girly stuff', so you are ready for tonight. If ya need, anything just shout."

"What girly stuff?" I asked dumbfounded, for I was not understanding his reference. I was never one to dwell too much on my looks.

"Y'know! Picking dress and doing your nails, and all that stuff." the fact that John was saying all of this whilst imitating a girl's voice made me break out in hysterics, as he finished his statement with one of his wicked smiles.

"I'll be sure to do that!" I managed to fit it in between my laughter.

"Good, Now I shall go and accompany Ringo, one shall know that a waking George is a dangerous George." and with that John left the room, well, actually, he ran out of the kitchen whilst imitating an evil laugh, for some reason, making me laugh once again. God, John is something.

After I had calmed down, I noticed that Paul was sitting still in the place next to me, a distressed look covering his face. Now, that Ringo and John were gone, I was able to put my hand on his, in reassurance that everything will be okay, like he had done it for me so many times this week. "Paul, everything will be okay." I gently said, hoping to chase that look away from his handsome face.

"I just don't want you to get hurt, y'know." Paul quietly mumbled under his breath, and my heart beat picked up on its pace whilst my cheeks grew hot. No one had said anything so sweet to me.

"I'm not gonna." I squeezed his hand. "I should go and pick out dress and, y'know, do all the 'girly stuff', or whatever it may be." I smiled and stood up, heading toward my room.

"You're stunning, Anna. You shouldn't be be listening to what they say. You're amazing as you are." Paul's voice made me stop and I saw Paul holding the newspaper, his eyes focused on the article. I didn't say anything, instead I walked over to Paul and gently kissed his cheek, not even caring if anyone sees it. What is this boy doing to me?

With burning cheeks and a silly grin, plastered on my face, I left the kitchen. Imagining the many ways of how this night could turn out. I couldn't believe that I will see them play tonight!

Hopefully, everything will be okay.


Hello, there! I have updated! Wow, I can't believe that it's been been almost two weeks! I'm reaalllyyy sorry for that, but college is a pain. I have to revise for my January exams, which is not doing so great, so I, kind of, forgot that the book isn't writing by itself. lol I can't make any promises as to when the next chapter will be up, cause the past 2 weeks have been stressful and the next 2 weeks will be even worse for me, so yeah.... It's baaaad

Anyhow, hopefully this chapter is good enough for the wait, I'm sorry if there are any mistakes or if it's bad :/

But, yeah! Thank you all so much for the lovely comments, they always make my day and are really motivating me to continue with the book!

Remember, if you have any, non-offensive, criticism, please share it with me! It will help me for the long run!

Meh! I'll see ya in the next chapter!

~Luna_Is_Beatlemaniac :3
