~Chapter Eight~

I was a bit nervous when the coppers started guiding us into the venue as they surrounded me and the lads in a tight circle. However, a pressure was soon placed on the small of my back as I looked at Paul who was grinning with confidence, whilst sharing a laugh with the copper by his side. I guess, the freaked out look on my face wasn't as unnoticeable as I hoped that it would be and I could feel my face heating up from the embarrassment.

We were lead through a long hall in which several pictures of artists were proudly smiling at our walking forms. The walls of it looked run down as the beige colouring was peeling off in some places, showing just how old this building was but it still stood proudly in the centre of Liverpool, inviting the people to see amazing shows. I felt excited to see how preparing for the show happened, for I always have been in the audience, and a full blown grin stretched across my face.

"Well, don't you look excited!" I felt someone's elbow nudging my side and looked to my left to see a grinning George, a cigarette was hanging from his lips as he walked by my side.

"Well, aren't you?" I asked the man, letting my eyes wander around the walls of the hall, the grin still plastered on my face.

"Not really." George's response caught me by surprise as I stared at him in confusion. "I mean, it's not the same, y'know. The very first shows were gear and I remember that lads and I couldn't stop giggling like little school girls but now it's a bit repetitive." I heard George's voice close to my ear as the halls were getting noisier and noisier with ringing sound of girls' screams and shouts. I looked at him with a puzzled expression, not understanding at all what he meant. Some people would do anything to live such life, to be able to travel places and see different faces.

"Oh." escaped from my mouth voicing my puzzled thoughts and George's laugh filled the hall, along with the noise of the other lads having conversations with the coppers. This made my puzzled thoughts run wildly within my head as I tried to understand what was so funny.

"Don't get me wrong, Anna. I love it, I really do. Meeting new people and seeing new places, that's probably my favourite part of being a Beatle. To be able to meet the fans and see smiles on their faces. Yeah, I love it." he chuckled at my expression which showed a wide grin on my face. The chuckle was accompanied by another nudge of his elbow as he grinned and continued talking. "I can assure you, thou, Anna. Once the new stuff will be ready to go, we'll be giggling like little school birds, again. You'll see."

A laugh escaped through my lips as I couldn't help but imagine the four Beatles sharing a giggle together. Oh, how I wish to see that.

"Oh, Eppy, you swine!" suddenly John's voice filled the hallway as everyone turned to look at the man who was standing by a door, at the very end of the hall. I have come to learn that John and Brian have a really strange relationship, more so from John's side than from Brian's. Paul had let me in on a secret and had said that Brian is not interested in girls and it is the main reason why John likes to tease him. That poor man, it must be hard to manage the group and, to top it off, deal with John's constant teasing.

"John, you're late." was the reply that the well dressed man gave to John, as his ageing face was pulled in an annoyed grimace. It was strange to see Brian so moody, for he has always been the cheery manager of the Beatles whenever I had met him. I must have not been the only one to notice Brian's change in mood as every conversation stopped.

"Nonsense, you're too early, Eppy!" John exclaimed, not really noticing the annoyed look on Brian's face.

"Now is not the time for your jokes, John. The audience has just been let in, giving you 10 minutes to get ready. Before you go on stage, the girls are waiting to apply some powder in the dressing room, so hurry up!" Brian gestured for us to go through the door behind him and motioned for coppers to leave now. Never have I ever seen Brian so bossy.

I was the last one to go trough the door as the boys seemed to be busy. Paul and John were leading everyone to what I assumed was a dressing room whilst being consumed in a conversation about their song set list for tonight and in what order they should play the songs. Meanwhile, George and Ringo were just tagging along, looking really relaxed as they hummed one of Little Richard's songs.

"Anna." I heard a voice behind me say my name as Brian in quick strides came to stand next to me. "Do you want me to show you to your seat?" Brian questioned and motioned me to follow him. I found myself hesitating for Paul and others hadn't even noticed that I'm not fallowing anymore.

"Shouldn't we tell Paul and the others?" I questioned, not really wanting for them to get worried that I might have ran away. I couldn't run away, they have become too dear for me to just simply let go. Brian gave me a slightly strange look when I mentioned Paul but soon it was gone, leaving me wondering what was that all about.

"Don't worry about that. They have to go on stage soon so let's make sure that you get to your seat quickly." with that said Brian strode back to the door we had just gone through and hurriedly I followed him, not wanting to be left alone.

We didn't really say anything after that. Brian was walking through several halls in a very fast pace, leading me to my seat so I could enjoy the concert, and I was almost running after him. Sadly, I wasn't able to look around the theatre, as I was planning to, and all I saw was the dark carpet that lead us to the venue and the red, soft chair that was my seat for tonight.

As I let my gaze look around at the audience, that mostly consisted of teenage girls with ridiculous amount of make up caked on their faces, I noticed that some of the girls were giving me strange and, dare I say, hateful looks, making me feel very uncomfortable in their gazes.

"Brian!" I whispered and grabbed his arm before he managed to leave me on my own. "Why is everyone looking at me!?" I threw a pointed look at a blonde girl who wasn't even trying to hide her hateful glares, she looked to be about 16 but, who knows, she could be only a thirteen year old beneath all of that make up and stuffed bra.

"Oh, I forgot to mention. A lot of fans have been showing a negative response to the article about Paul and you. Don't worry, they can't do anything." Brian gave me a tight smile and patted my shoulder in reassurance. Soon the pressure of his hand was gone and he turned his back to me to leave the noisy venue.

"Wait! You are leaving me!?" I turned around in my seat and shouted after Brian, desperation was laced in my voice as I was scared to stay alone with all of these girls. Even though I might be older, there's nothing that I could do about them.

"Of course! I have to make sure that everything goes as planned! I'll see you after the show, Anna!" with that Brian hurriedly left the venue and I was left alone. Great.

I slumped in my seat, very unlady like may I say, and waited for the concert to finally begin.

"Isn't that the drag from the newspaper?"

"Oh yes! I think it is! Oh gosh, she looks so plain and hideous!"

"I know!"

Giggles and laughter followed the exchange as I could feel my eyes stinging with unshed tears. As much as I didn't want to admit it, their words did hurt me and I couldn't wait for the concert to be over and get out of their sight.

Suddenly the whole venue was filled with ear-piercing screams as everyone jumped up from their seats to have a better view of the stage. I had to cover my ears to drown the sound that was making me feel slightly dizzy and soon I was standing up in order to see what was the whole screaming about. Of course, I didn't have to think twice as I saw my four friends on the stage with their instruments, ready to go.

I could see Paul smiling at everyone as his eyes roamed over the crowd in search for something, or someone. When our eyes met his grin widened and he lifted his hand to his lips and kissed his fingers, making me blush as I realised that he was sending me a kiss. I guess, he noticed my flaming cheeks and winked, making my heart race faster in my chest. I knew that I wasn't the only one who noticed Paul's gesture toward me as I could feel heated glares being directed at my standing form. But all that was forgotten when the music filled the venue and a wide grin spread across my face when I caught glances from the boys.

This was the best night ever.

Owkay! So, I don't even know where to start from.

I am so, so, so sorry that I haven't updated for ages. Sadly, I had a writer's block and I am not actually happy about this chapter.. I think I'm gonna rewrite it when I have the inspiration, but for now it could be a filler

I am sorry, again.. The past few weeks have been so hectic because of college and exams.. *sighs* I just want summer to come faster.

So in these next 2 weeks I am planning to update as much as possible, so hopefully you will stick around for the future chapters :3

Anyways, sorry about the crazy chapter and I will see you next time

~Luna_Is_Beatlemaniac :3
