~ Chapter Nine ~

"Clear the exit! Please, clear the exit!" a police officer's voice was shouting above the hysterical screams that echoed in the big venue, in his arms was an unconscious girl who had just fainted, probably, from lack of oxygen since I could have heard her screams from the other side of the venue. She wasn't the first girl to be carried out by police men to get checked out by medical support, and surely she wasn't going to be last.

The boys set had just ended and with not a lot of hesitation, from their side, they ran off the stage, so that they wouldn't be suffocated by all the screaming girls who tried to crawl up the stage. However, none of the hysterical fans didn't seem to be ready to leave without the force of police.

I was standing and observing the chaos from the sidelines, seeing the police men struggling against the crowd, dragging out kicking and screaming girls. Beatlemania, that's the word everyone uses when they refer to this chaos. At least that's what I have read on the newspapers that Paul or Ringo had left on the table every morning.

"Miss, I have to ask you to leave. The concert is over and we have to clear out the venue." a rough voice and a pressure on my shoulder pulled me out of my thoughts as I looked up to see a policeman with graying hair and thick 'tache beneath his nose. He was smiling but it was forced. Poor man, he's probably is struggling to not to lash out on the rebellious fans who don't understand that it's the end and that The Beatles have done with their set.

I smiled, kindly. "I'm a close friend of The Beatles, they asked me to stay and wait for them." I didn't know if it was the stone look in his eyes or the annoyed sigh that came from his mouth, but the harshness of his voice told me that he didn't believe a word I had said.

"Not another one." He groaned under his breath."Look, miss, we have not been informed of any 'close friend' that will be waiting for the performers and, quite frankly, you're not the first 'close friend' to say this. So, I'm asking you once again, please leave the premises." It, clearly, wasn't a question but a demand and I found myself skimming the room to see if I can find any traces of the boys or Brian. I didn't care that there were girls who claimed to be their friend because I was their friend, and I wasn't lying and sure as hell I wouldn't let anyone accuse of doing so.

I felt the policeman tug on the material of my coat and quickly I snapped my attention back to him. "Excuse me. I'm not lying, I really am their friend." I said in a calm tone, not letting annoyance seep in my voice. With one large tug I freed my coat from the man's grip and crossed my arms across my chest.

He must have still thought that I was lying as he huffed in annoyance and sarcastically mumbled. "And I'm a friend of fucking Elvis Presley. C'mon miss, I don't have time for this."

Panic rose in my chest as I realised that he is kicking me out of the venue and that the boys will think that I had ditched them once they'll realise that I'm not here. I didn't even know where the hotel was, as it was located in the area I had never been before knowing them, so I couldn't even walk to the hotel.

"No, please! Don't you recognise me? I am the girl from the newspaper! The girl who was with Paul McCartney!" I exclaimed, not seeing any other way of how to convince the policeman to let me stay.

Either he hadn't heard me or he chose to ignore me as he grabbed my arm and forcefully pulled me towards the exit. I knew that I wouldn't be able to break free from his tight grip and even if I did I would, probably, be carried out like all the other rebellious fans.

Just when I had lost all my hope of convincing the man to let me go, I caught a sight of Brian and didn't hesitate to get his attention.

"Brian! Brian!" My voice carried out in the big venue as I trashed against the policeman's grip. Confused, Brian started to let his sight trail across the venue searching for the source of the voice that had screamed his name. Our eyes locked and I sighed in relief when with quick strides he came towards my still trashing form, stil fighting against the policeman.

Brian nodded towards the policeman "It's okay, she is allowed to stay." A soon as these words were said the grip from my arm disappeared and I took a step away from the policeman, relieved that Brian had, literally, saved me from being dragged out.

"Oh, I'm sorry Mr. Epstein. I wasn't aware of this." I wanted to point out that I had said that to him more than once already but held back and rubbed the spot on my arm where he had so forcefully grabbed me.

"It's okay, she's a friend of the boys. Anyways, I will leave you to your work." with that said Brian motioned me to follow him as I heard the policeman apologizing for the misunderstanding.

"The boys are just getting ready to leave so I'll lead you to the backroom where they will join you when they will be ready." I nodded, not really caring where I'm being led to as long as it is away from the noisy venue.

The backroom was a small rundown room with three soft couches, a TV and a small coffee table. Nothing impressive compared to the rest of the building.

"I'll leave you here, I need to meet the owner and sort out some details, the boys will be here soon." in a quick hurry Brian left the room not even staying to hear my response of 'okay'.

The small black couch looked comfortable, sitting in the corner of the room and quickly I let my weight fall down on it as I longed to go home and curl up onto my bed. Today had been exhausting and I found myself slowly drifting to sleep, not realising that the boys could be back any second.

A knock on the door and the sound of it opening was what woke me from my short nap on the couch. With my hand covering my yawn, I looked up to see three boys in the doorway their eyes looking around the rundown room. I didn't recognise them and quickly jumped to my feet.

"Can I help you?" my still sleepy voice carried throughout the room, the boys looked at me, did a once-over with their eyes and grinned. They were teddy boys, dressed in leather with gelled  quiffs.

"No worries, wrong room." the boy with the biggest grin replied. I nodded but the teddy boys didn't leave as I expected, thinking that they would leave in search for the right room, now that they have realised their mistake.

The boy at the back suddenly jabbed his elbow in to the ribs of the boy who had spoken as a smirk played across his lips.

"Oi, isn't that the bird who shagged that bassist, Paul McCartney?" his thickly accented voice dragged out from his lips.

"Oh shit, mate! You're right! Here waiting for yer boyfriend, ey?" The question directed at me caught me off guards as I still stumbled over the words that have been spoken between the two.

I shook my head. "He isn't my boyfriend and I did not, by any means, have sex with Paul. He's my friend." that was when I realised that something about the way my chest clenched was wrong. Weirdly, I wasn't offended by the fact that they were considering that I was sleeping around. No. It was the word 'friend' that made my chest tighten in slight agony. Why? I couldn't really comprehend myself.

"Whatever you say, luv'. Well, see yer around." with that the three boys disappeared and all I could hear was shuffling of feet and laughter. I stood there for a moment lost in my own thoughts about this strange feeling but, as always, my mind was pulled back from my thoughts by voices. Familiar voices.

"Oi, what were those sods doing in our backroom!?" I heard John's voice before I saw him, which didn't surprise me as I have always told him that he needs to lower his volume. His response would always be something along the lines of 'I'm not a fucking radio that could be turned down'. To which all the lads would respond: 'You're a tool all the same, Lennon'. It was a friendly kind of bickering amongst the four friends.

"John, shut it, I have a bloody headache and you ain't helping."

"Well, Macca, if you hadn't pulled your lady tricks on the audience then maybe they would have screamed their lungs out much more quieter. Safe to say, your headache is your own bloody fault." There was a slight pause as the footsteps rounded the corner and everyone walked into the room. The boys looked good, they were all set to go. The only evidence of their performance were the slight sweat beads on their faces and a slight pink tint to their cheeks from the heat. "Anna, luv! There you are!" I heard John's voice exclaim loudly. Way too loudly. I suspected that it was just a way to annoy Paul and I shook my head, a grin appearing on my lips.

"Guys! You were amazing!" I exclaimed the words that I have been chanting in my head all evening. Honestly, I didn't expect them to be this great, so it was a shocker.

"She liked it!" George grinned as he fist pumped the air like a small kid who was told that he could get ice cream for dessert and instantly I found myself holding back a giggle.

Paul groaned. "George, shut it, will yer?" He stood behind everyone else, his left hand massaging his temple, a pained look on his face. Flash of worry appeared in my chest as my face twisted in a concerned look.

"Paul?" I asked quietly, not really knowing what I was planning on doing or saying. The hazel eyes, that I had been searching for, instantly were set on me and a shiver went down my spine from their intense look.

Slowly, I made my way through the boys to Paul and set a hand on his shoulder, an action that felt so natural.

"Paul? Are you okay?" I asked softly, keeping the volume down, making sure not to irritate his headache.

A soft smile played on his lips, despite the pain, as his eyes glanced at my hand on his shoulder. I knew that my cheeks were coloured scarlet by now but funnily enough I didn't care. I wanted to know if Paul was alright.

Faintly, I could hear talking all around us, as John said something and bolted out of the room but I couldn't hear a word he said. My mind was too consumed by hazel.

"I'm fine, luv, just a headache. Don't worry, Anna." I didn't notice that Paul had somehow removed my hand from his shoulder and was gently holding it with his right hand, his thumb stroking gently across the knuckles.

"Are you sure? Do you want to go home? We could do the interview another time." my voice was laced with concern but I didn't hide it. It was just me and Paul.

"No, I'll be fine." hesitantly I let my gaze wonder around the room. It was empty. We hadn't even noticed that everyone had left and a blush erupted on my cheeks. What must have the others thought about Paul and I? Both too busy, too consumed, with each other to notice that everyone had left.

"Everyone's gone." I whispered. I had no idea why I was whispering as it was just the two of us but it felt right and it was enough for me.

"They must be waiting for us in the car." he whispered back.

"We should probably head to the car then." I replied in the same whispery tone, a silly smile playing on the corners of my lips.

Paul nodded and squeezed my hand gently. "We should." I nodded and was about to retrieve my hand when Paul's whispery voice filled the room again. "Walk with me?" he asked, his thumb, once again, stroking the skin of my knuckles.

I smiled and squeezed his hand. "Of course." my heart was beating fast and it felt like my chest was expanding with this full feeling.

With this indescribable feeling.

For once, I felt right, I felt like this was right.

With my mind full of thoughts, my heart beating hard and Paul's hand locked with mine, we left for the car in silence. We didn't speak but there was a shy smile on both of our faces. It didn't surprise Paul or I when we released each other's hand before getting in the line of sight of the boys because we both were unsure.

Unsure of what was happening.

Hai!  :3

Long time no see! Basically, I know where this story is going but I seem to not be able to get it in words. So, hang in there. I'll try to doo my best :3

Comments are very much appreciated :3

Thank you

With love,

~Luna_Is_Beatlemaniac :3
