~Chapter One~

Frantic whispers and loud shuffling was what woke me up from my peaceful slumber, making me curse whoever was the source of the noise. The absence of a body beside mine felt strange and for the first time in years I felt lonely. However, the thought of it made me shake my head in amusement. I'm not alone, not anymore.

With one swift movement, I pushed my body out of the soft bed, feeling my limbs scream in protest, begging me to return to the comfort of the warm duvet. But a sound of something hitting a hard surface snapped me out of my inner conflict and quietly I tip toed my way to the wooden door of my bedroom. A battle between fear and curiosity, in my head, was holding me back from just opening the damn door.

Shaking any concerns out of my head, I reached for the door. "James, are-", I never finished that sentence, Instead I was faced with a view that made my heart shatter in million pieces. James, possibly the love of my life, had his arms wrapped around a blonde girl, whom I had not seen before. A smile was lighting up his face, as his green eyes were shamelessly ogling her body. I couldn't believe it, James, the same guy I gave my everything just last night, has already found himself another.

"James?" I asked in a trembling voice, cursing myself for sounding so pitiful. That seemed to snap the dark haired man out of the daze he was in, as his green eyes turned toward my still form. Shock was clearly written across his handsome face, and James's muscular arms untangled themselves from the blonde girl's embrace.

"Anna, I-I can explain!" his husky voice echoed against the light walls of my living room, where he was getting up from the small love seat. Anger replaced the pitiful feeling within me and I took a step toward the man I, now, hate.

"Can you really explain? I think it's pretty obvious and no explanation is needed!" I quickly blurted out and was shocked by the confidence in my voice, I was never a courageous person.

"It's not like that, baby! You don't understand!" James exclaimed and waved his hands frantically in the air.

"How could you, after everything that happened yesterday? Do you really have no respect at all?" fury replaced the pain in my chest and, with new found strength, I walked up to James's shocked form. "I loved you James, I really did. You can't imagine how mad and hurt I am. But, I guess, I deserve it, for believing in love in the first place. But overall, you can't imagine how sorry I feel for you, you don't know what love feels like and that's a pity." I turned my back on the man I loved, feeling my heart clench painfully with every step that I took away from James. "I want you out of my house... now. And that blonde bimbo of yours too."

"But... I can't... I love you, Anna! You don't understand!" I heard him say, almost convincing me to believe him. Almost.

"You're a good actor, I can give you that. You are a swine, James Preston, and I want you out of my life.Goodbye, James." with that said I closed the door of my bedroom and waited for them to leave my apartment, which happened almost instantly.  Suddenly, the realization of the situation slapped me in the face. Hard.

I am alone. The person I loved cheated on me and I am alone. I wasn't enough. With these thoughts in my head I wept for hours, drowning in self-pity. I felt pathetic and useless.

Not knowing what to do with myself, and not wanting to stay in the room full of memories about him, I decided that I'll go out and have a drink to mend by broken heart. After all, I'm only 20, I have my whole life in front of me and I shouldn't be spending it to cry over some swine.

With this thought in my head, I dressed my body in my favourite blue dress and combed my pitch black hair, finally looking more like a human than a zombie. With a sigh I applied some make-up, just to hide the bags under my eyes and lifelessness of my skin, and threw on a jacket, considering that it was late September and slightly chilly. Slipping on my black heels, I ran out of my apartment, not wanting to stay there any longer, into the crisp air of September.

The walk to the nearest pub took only 10 minutes and I could feel the fresh air curing my broken heart, however the temptation for a strong liquor was much too strong, making me power walk the rest of the way. The crowd of people within the pub was enormous and, kind of, comforting. A smile lit up my face with every 'hello', that was sent my way from the people there, and I didn't feel alone, instead I felt empty.

"How can I help you, miss?" The bartender, in his late 40's and with deep voice, asked as I sat my body down by the bar.

"Give me your strongest." my quiet voice replied and the bartender nodded, not asking any questions, of which I was glad. Minutes later, a glass filled with brown liquid was placed in front of me. I looked at the man and drowned it. "Another one." and that is how I spent my night.

"Hey! Henry, your beard... It looks so soft and... funny! Where did you get it? Can I get one!?" The voice escaping from my lips was mine, though it didn't sound like it belonged to me. I slurred every sentence in a very high pitched voice, as the alcohol showed its effects on my mind. I was drunk and that was not bound to end well. "Henryyyyyy, give me another oneeee, pleaasee?" My whiny voice dragged every word in the sentence, as I pouted, longing for the brown liquid to burn my worries away.

"I think you've had enough, girl. You should head home." The bearded bartender stated, confusing my intoxicated mind.

"Noooooo, I don't want to go home! ... Where is home?" I slurred and almost fell of the stool, from the tantrum that I was causing, but something cached me and I wasn't flying anymore.

"What's with all the noise, Henry? Everything's alright?" a husky voice questioned by my ear, as my body was sat upright on the stool, by two strong arms. I tried to turn around and see the owner of the voice, but to no avail, as the two arms kept holding me in place.

"Everything's alright, lad. I'm just trying to find out where the lady lives, so I could send her home. I think she has had enough for tonight." the bearded man pointed his pointy fingers my way, making me struggle against the hands that were restraining me.

"Noooo, I want to staay. I don't want to go home, I can't go home." I kept repeating in desperation, hoping that someone would understand me.

"I got this, mate. Yer customers are waiting." The old man nodded at the person behind me and left to take orders from other customers, leaving me alone with the man behind me, who was breathing in my ear.

"Henryyy, don't leaavee!" I whined when the old man was long gone.

"Shhhhh, luv." The soothing voice, of the stranger, whispered in my ear, as the stool I was sitting on was turned around and I was met with two hazel orbs. The man's lips moved, as if he was saying something, but all my attention was focused on his eyes and face. He was a handsome man, even more handsome than James was, and I found my intoxicated-self being attracted to the mystery man. "Hey, yer hear me?" His voice, which was, weirdly, as handsome and nice as his face, snapped me out of my daze.

"Huh?" was all that came over my lips.

"Where do you live, love?" the man asked, his eyes filled with amusement.

"I- uhhhhhh... I-uhhh... I dunno!" I giggled and shrugged like a child, making the mystery man chuckle at my behaviour.

"Okay... errrmmm...' the man scratched his head and my eyes travelled to his hair, making me laugh like a maniac.

"You have really funny hair, mister! It looks like a helmet!" My hand reached up to brush it out of his fascinating hazel eyes.

"Thanks, luv. It's actually a very popular haircut, if I can add." his gorgeous face smiled and winked.

"Anna." I said and the man looked at me, confused. "My name, it's Anna."

A laugh escaped through his lips, making me grin like a child. "Ello, Anna. I'm Paul." Finally, I learned the mystery man's name.

"Paul, I'm tired." I yawned and slumped down my shoulders to prove my point. This received a laugh from Paul.

"Go to sleep, luv. I'll get you home." Paul smiled and soon my eyes dropped closed, as I felt two arms holding my body. However, before I lost myself to the land of dreams, I felt the emptiness resurface in my chest.

So, the first chapter is ready! Do you like it!? If so, drop a comment or a vote, it would not take up all your time!

Oh!  What do ya think about the cover, pretty neat, eh? :D

Anyhow! Peace out and love The Beatles!

~Luna_Is_Crazy, your Beatle maniac.
