~Chapter Four~

The deserted streets of Liverpool were illuminated by the faint street lights, bright stars filled the night sky and the air was fresh to my senses, a light wind blowing through my black hair. Heavy footsteps and breathless gasps broke the silence that had fell upon the empty streets, our bodies casting shadows on the wet pavement.

I was tired, my muscles were aching and my lungs were screaming for air, but I kept running, kept moving forward. As I was doing so, my thoughts scrutinized the situation I was in. How did I end up in the middle of Liverpool, wearing men's cloths and a fake mustache, with Paul by my side, looking the same as I? I looked at Paul who's hazel orbs were hidden beneath the dark shades, noticing his rosy cheeks and how his dark hair were gliding through the air. It was, somewhat, a breathtaking view, for I could have never, in thousand years, imagine myself being with a man as nice as Paul and not worrying about what will happen next.

"So, this is your perfect plan?" my breathless voice echoed against the walls of the Liverpool's run down houses, as our bodies kept moving forward. The silence, after I voiced my question, made me wonder whether the man beside me had heard me at all. It wouldn't be surprising if he hadn't, for my heaving breaths could be heard all around us and it muffled my voice, it's moments like this when I curse my lack of physical exercise.

But soon a "Yeah." was breathed out, through Paul's lips, as he nodded his head, violently, with a silly grin plastered on his face. I laughed, even though the situation at hand was not one to be laughed about.

"Well, it is a bloody 'orrendeous plan!" I exclaimed through my laughter, but soon my giggles were drowned out, as the ground beneath us begun thundering. High pitched screams and echoes of booming footsteps filled the air, and I knew that we need get off the streets if we want to get out of this alive.

"We need ter bail, Anna!" I could hear Paul's voice, just faintly, exclaim above the noise and a pressure could be felt against my palm when the man grabbed my hand and dragged me down a dark alley, away from the crazed fans.

I questioned myself, once again. How did I get myself in a situation like this?

Soon my mind recalled today's events, as the warmth of Paul's hand guided me through the dark.

*                                *              *

The last two days had been uneventful, as the boys were busy writing their new album, so I didn't see much of them. George and John had popped in a few times, in the room that I was given by Paul, to keep me company and give up-to-date information of the work they had done. To be honest, I missed their presence and the annoying bickering that came with it, but, in someway, I was glad that they were not around, for I didn't want to face Paul just yet.

I had been avoiding him for two days now, and have been successful in doing so, as I feared that he'll ask questions. Questions to which I could not give answers to, because I'm afraid of saying them out loud and facing the bitter reality of my life. I know that my behaviour was rather childish and unreasonable, but I believe there's a reason behind everything that we do, and that something good, or maybe bad, will come out of this.

A loud and squealing sound of the kettle, declaring that the water was ready, snapped me out of my deep thought and I swiftly I made myself some tea, just for the purpose of doing something. It had been quiet all day, due to me being all alone in the enormous hotel suite, and I was bored out of my mind, trying to find something to do that would kill the time until the lads would arrive. Brian had come this morning, saying that the boys were needed at the recording studio, and escorted them out, from the hotel, with the help of dozens of police officers, as it was still crowded outside. As they were getting ready I had joked about how they would get mugged if they wouldn't be careful enough, and now I was worried, hoping that I didn't provoke the faith and that they all were okay. It was funny how they had found a place in my heart in such short time.

With a sigh, I plopped down my weight on the comfy sofa and looked out, through the window, to face the the dark September night, wishing for someone to be here with me, as the surrounding silence was bugging me. I wouldn't even mind facing Paul right now or hearing John's perverted jokes, as long as I have someone to talk with and not have this miserable feeling nagging at my head. I sat there, for what seemed like hours, but was just only minutes, staring at the clock hanging from the wall and soon I heard voices and a smile graced my lips.

The door, behind me, opened and in came the lads who were chatting away and having a laugh. "I still can't believe it! She wuz undressin' you with her eyes! The least you could'uv done wuz to take 'er to backstage!" John's voice filled the room, as the four bodies shuffled next to the door leading out of the suite. I found myself being intrigued by the conversation that was taking place between the boys and was waiting to hear more, my curiosity getting the best of me.

"Graft over it, won't you? I don't see a reason why I should've taken 'er anyway, she looked like a drag." annoyance could be clearly heard in Paul's voice and the four boys soon were in my set of vision, as they took the surrounding seats. They all seemed to be tired, their suits being all scrunched up and hair laying atop of their heads in a messy manner. I saw George dosing off on Ringo's shoulder, once their bodies had droped on the love seat. Ringo didn't seem to take any notice of it, for he was out of it himself.

"She ain't here. Live a little, won't yer?" John replied and plopped on the couch, his attention now fully focused on me. "Ello, Anna. Missed me?" a cheeky smile was plastered on his face and I could hear Paul muttering curses, as he left the room and entered the kitchen area, leaving me with John, Ringo and a sleeping George. My mind was still embracing the conversation that the two were having as questions erupted in my mind. One particular question standing out from the others, who is 'she'?

"I sure did! How was the visit at the studio?" my voice sounded extremely cheery, reflecting how desperate I was for having someone to talk to. To this John just shrugged and pulled out a cigarette, lighting it up and drawing a lengthy drag.

"It was sound, just the usual. We went to have a couple o' drinks after, to loosen up a bit, yer know. Georgie got wasted, thou." the male smiled and pointed his lit cigarette at the sleeping George, whilst Ringo chuckled in response, his eyes drooping slightly from the sleepiness.

"What's wrong with Paul?" I could't help but ask, hoping that I would get some answers to the questions burning deep inside of me. That's when I realized how wrong it all actually was, here I am not answering honestly to any of  the questions I have been asked and hoping that they would give me, a total stranger, information about themselves.

"Oh, don't mind him, he just got his panties in ah twist, the lads and I were a blind bit blaggin'." a laugh escaped through John's cracked lips and it had me wondering what had annoyed Paul so much. "Well, I'm bloody tired. I'll go off to the flock now, have to get some beauty sleep, ya know." this earned a laugh from me. "Ey, George! Get your lazy arse off from that couch and go to your room!" John's loud voice startled George, making him bolt up from his comfortable position and rub his cheek. With no words said the man lazily got up from the love seat and dragged his body to the bedroom, mumbling a 'goodnight' and closing the door. "Alright, I'll see yer in the morning, luv." as John said so he woke up Ringo and both men quietly made their way to their bedrooms.

As much as I wanted to get this day over with my tireless mind wouldn't have it and I was feeling more than awake, so I decided to get over with the whole Paul issue and face whatever will come my way. I grabbed the mug, in which my tea had long gone cold, and made my way to the small kitchen, from where no sound could be heard. The lights in the kitchen were shining faintly, casting large shadows on the wooden floor and I saw Paul sitting by the table with a cigarette in his hand and a coffee mug in front of him, he seemed to be deep in thought. 

 I went to place my mug on the counter, thinking of what to say, the awkward feeling surrounding my still form.

"Can't sleep?" my voice came out higher than usual and I hoped that Paul had not picked up on it, it would be rather embarrassing if he would question my nervousness around him. It wasn't a the best way of how to start a conversation, but I could see him looking at me in surprise, probably wondering why I'm not avoiding him no more.

"I'm just not tired, that's all. What about you, can't sleep either?" he replied calmly and took a sip from his coffee. I felt stupid just standing there and I took a seat opposite him, by the table.

"Yeah. You know, I still haven't thanked you for not leaving me at the pub. Thank you." I smiled at the man hoping that he would see how thankful I was for what he had done.

"Yer welcome, luv. What's bothering ya, anyways? You look all conflicted like." Paul asked and leaned over the table as if inspecting my face, his hazel orbs looking at me intensively, searching for an answer.

"I, uhh... I should say...  Paul I haven't been true to all of you and its bothering me, 'cause you all have been so nice to me." I blurted out and directed my glance away from those hazel orbs, waiting for whatever response that the man will give to my confession.

"I know, luv." I heard Paul's voice and shuffling, as his body was up from the seat by the table. I glanced upwards at him, surprised of how honest he is, not sugar coating or anything. He was looking at me a small smile graced his lips.

"You know?" was all that I could think of, but I wasn't surprised that he knew, in fact I was, somewhat, glad that he did, for I would not need to feel more awful that I did already.

"I do, but I'm glad that you told me." I smiled, so glad that he wasn't mad. I had no clue why I cared of how this man thinks of me, but there was something about him. He had a good heart.

"I'm so sorry, Paul. I didn't mean to, it's just..." I didn't know what to say. 'It's just, I got dumped and I am an orphan' wouldn't explain it, for it had more to it. 

"It's alright, we all have our reasons. Hey, do yer wanna go for a walk?"

"For a walk? But how? There are still people outside, you know." I questioned, curious as to what he will say next. This man is full of surprises, no reason for doubting that.

"I have a perfect plan." a mischievous grin graced Paul's lips, as his eyes were sparkling in the kitchen's light. All I did was nod, as Paul jumped to the opportunity of explaining me his perfect plan, of how we would dress in a disguise and would sneak out of the hotel. He was so proud of his plan and so sure that we would not be recognized, making him look like a small kid.

And that is how we ended up in the middle of Liverpool. Paul's plan had failed miserably, as the fans had recognized him instantly. I guess, his fake accent gave him away when he tried to reassure the girls that he wasn't a member of The Beatles and was just a staying in the hotel for the night, for soon the hotel was embraced with loud screams and everyone tried to have a hold of the poor, defenseless Paul. So we ran, as that was all we could do in that situation, considering that there were far more girls and we were outnumbered. In some way, it was a silly thing to do, for the fans were chasing after us and we had no where to go or hide, and as an outcome we were just running aimlessly around the city, disturbing people's sleep and cracking jokes about it.

When Paul had pulled us down that small alley, I instantly recognized the place, as I had walked down this way countless times, not at night though. It was a short cut which I used after I visited my parents, and I knew that it lead straight to a place where we could hide.

"Follow me." I pulled Paul's hand, which still was interlocked with mine, and pulled him further down the alley, knowing that soon a brick building would appear in our sight and that we will be able to rest and end this crazy adventure. I noticed that the shouts and thundering footsteps were just faint and sighed in relief, for we must've lost them by taking this route.

"Where are we going?" Paul whispered and tugged my hand, yanking me backwards and closer to him. I could hear his breathing in my ear and feel his warmth embracing my body, he made me feel nervous and I hoped that I would not make a fool of myself by tripping.

"I live near by, we could stay there for the night. To hide away from your fans and the cold, you know." my voice came out breathless, as his hold on my hand tightened. It was beyond me to understand why this boy had such an affect on me.

"Okay, lead the way, luv." and lead the way I did. Minutes later we were standing in my apartment. It wasn't much, considering that half of the belongings, which belonged to James, were gone, but it still was my home and it felt good to be back.

"Welcome to my home." I said and gestured for Paul to sit down on the comfy love seat, hoping that this wasn't a mistake and that tonight would end well.

I don't know what to say about this chapter. Hopefully it is good, if not, I'm sorry. I think, I have rewritten it, at least, 3 times, because I had no idea what to write, since I have planned out the story and this is just a filler chapter.

But anyways, I hope you are enjoying this story and that you can't wait to read more! I can't make any promises as to when the next chapter will be up 'cause I am ill and now-a-days everything seems to be too much of a effort, so yeahhhh... Ahh that makes me sound so lazy :D

Hope you had a very lovely and warm Christmas and have a lovely New Year! I will see you next time xD

~Luna_Is_Beatlemaniac :3
