25 - Chester Phoenix

How to play this? I wondered.

Destiny was pissed, and had finally found out that it was knights from a different country that destroyed her homeland.

I mean, it was pretty obvious. I thought. Metal men, psh. Literally armored knights.

Anyways, she was pissed at Connor and David now.

Wait- I can use this to my advantage. I realized.

That evening after setting up camp again, in the ashes of her town, we ate an awkward dinner.

And after that, I finally got a moment alone with Destiny.

You'd be surprised how difficult she is to track down. I mean everyone always calls her aloof, but I feel like she's never too far when I need her.

A part of me hopes that I'm special in this way. That she favors spending time with me over the others.

However, Connor shared the same sentiment, and now she's ignoring him. (And David too, but they weren't that close in the first place.)

Did I like Destiny?

I'm not sure.

I suppose I can admit that there is a small part of me that finds her beautiful.

A fraction of my mind that she occupies consistently.

Interaction with her may raise my nerves ever so slightly and her laugh may send endorphins through that stupid teenage part of my mind.

That stupid part was likely what led me to my actions that evening.

I sat down on a log next to her.

Everyone had gone to bed, or at least said they were.

She started at the campfire and flinched when it crackled.

Must be ptsd. I noted.

I slowly slid next to her and waited for a moment.

When she seemed unphased I gently draped my arm over her shoulders and held on to her.

Destiny sighed and leaned her head on my shoulder.

I smiled.

Whether I like her or not, I decided, this is nice.

We sat there like that for a little while, neither of us saying anything.

Until at last she spoke.

"Chester, have you ever found out that someone close to you was one of the ones behind all your pain?" she asked, somewhat rhetorically. "Have you ever had your trust betrayed like that?" she asked, more seriously.

"I doubt to the extent that you're referring to," I started, "But yes, I have."

She looked up at me, her eyes rimmed with red, undoubtedly from crying.

"Really?" she asked.

I smiled in memory, "Politics is a merciless battle ground," I noted, biting down the millions of examples that tried to pop into my mind. Not worrying about that right now.

"Does it get better?" she asked, her voice soft and vulnerable.

I smiled bitterly.

"It does if you have someone," I told her. "Someone you always know you can trust, despite everything."

She frowned a little, "Like who?" she asked.

I smiled, "Everyone with trust issues needs an anchor," I explained. "Mine is my sister," I told her, "No matter what happens, what people call me, how they threaten us, I know for certain that she's always going to be on my side."

Destiny frowned, "What if my anchor isn't around anymore?" she asked, "what if my only family is gone?"

I paused, "Your anchor doesn't have to be family," I offered. "It's just someone you can trust, and who you know won't let you down,"

She looked, deep in thought, clearly thinking it over.

Then she looked up, her gause unguarded, and her expression soft.

"Can you be my anchor?" she asked.

I hesitated.

"You don't have to if you don't want to, I was just-" she started to take it back, but I cut her off.

"Of course," I told her, resting my head on top of hers. "I'd love to," I said, lifting my head and gently turning her cheek to face me.

The motion seemed to catch her off guard but she seemed to let the hormones take over as she slowly closed her eyes and leaned into my touch.

I touched my nose to hers, and forehead, just as my sister would when we were young. (I suppose sorceresses don't have the same familial gesture.)

She leaned in further and our faces collided.

Alright, I finally admitted to myself. I think I just might be falling for this sorceress. I thought. And even though it didn't sit right with me, that I was kissing one of the monsters who killed my mom, I couldn't force myself to pull away. No matter the damages.

We both gasped for air, only to go at it again.

One day - maybe even tomorrow - we will wake up. I thought, We'll wake up and realize that this won't work out. Not once in a million years.

This wasn't my opinion, this was a fact. One that I knew was the truth.

But right now...

Right now... isn't tomorrow. I decided, and kissed her until the break of dawn. 
