18 - Chester Phoenix

I stared at Destiny. Her pink eyes danced in the sunset colors. She was with Winne, showing her magic. A pink glowy-misty cloud surrounded her hands.

I watched the magic, amazed by it, and also ready to snatch it at any moment.

"I need to talk to you." Rain said, interrupting my train of thought. I stood up and she led me away from camp.

She led me deep into the woods, and we sat in the grass.

"Two things," Rain said, "One. Oliver's family was killed around the same time as Destinys. Coincidence? What if it was by the mental men? Who are the 'Metal Men'?" Rain asked.

"I don't know." I said, but I had a pretty good idea.

"Two. I feel like Oliver is lying about where he is from." Rain said without explanation.

"I think we should focus on the first one." I said. Rain nodded.

Later that night, I sat next to Destiny and she smiled at me.

"Can you describe the metal men?" I asked her.

"Sure." She said. She waved her hand and a misty portrait like an image of a knight showed up. He had a tight suit of armor, and a huge helmet and sword.

My theory was true. These weren't giants, or actual metal people. These were the nights that had been in the back of my head since one single dreadful day.

I knew who these people were.

"That's them." Destiny said.

"Destiny, those are just regular people in armor." I pointed out. She frowned.

"Well they still killed everyone I ever knew and cared about." She huffed.

"Good point." I said. She smiled, and got up. But I stayed and thought.

She can never know.
