24 - Connor

Well I was in a bucket load of trouble.

The one chance I had at even being friends with Destiny, let alone more than that, was gone.

And the worst part was I never did anything.

But I could see it in Destiny's eyes. She had lost everything, and she wouldn't be convinced otherwise. She lost Her parents, her brother, aunts, uncles, cousins, friends, mentors, and tribe.

And now she turned away someone she probably had genuinely trusted. And I lost one of my only friends.

I don't remember where I came from. But my earliest memories were training as a toddler. Soldiers had taken me in as an experiment. Our previous captain wanted to see if soldiers would be stronger if they were trained as kids. So I was the lucky orphan that no one liked.

Their experiment worked. But they stopped it right after the captain died when I was 14. So they brought in a teen prodigy, the magic soldier. The only one as strong as me. 14 year old David.

When he became our leader, I never wanted to leave. We had an immediate friendship. We would spend hours training together.

No one ever burnt down any forests.

No one hated magic.

We kept walking. The sun was coming up, but it only cleared the details of everyone's gloomy faces and Destiny's tears.

I felt like running back and crying too.

We reached the burnt village, and I could see why Destiny was so mad. Every tree was scorched, at the least, and the only houses left were up in the trees. Ash and soot stains were already attacking everyone.

Everywhere smelled like dead bodies, fire, and overheated anything.

"Rain, Chester, you can set up sleeping arrangements, on the ground, and Winne and Oliver can start a fire," Destiny said, "Marial, you can go hunt, and Connor and David, dont ruin anything else."

That left a mark.

"I'm going to find all the bodies I can, and maybe if I recognize them, I can properly bury them. But the burns you gave them might make it harder." Destiny said, storming off. Chester followed her, and Rain gave him a weird look.

David put a hand on my shoulder, before saying, "We'll find proof and show them that it's not us."

"I dont think it's you." Marial said, and Oilver nodded, grabbing wrapped wood from Marials bags.

"Well, whoever it is, we'll figure it out," David said, "And I think we need to start looking as soon as we can before Destiny adds our bodies to the graves she's digging." 
