13 - Connor

We needed tents, food, sleeping mats, and so much more.

Destiny said she could make more tents, but you could tell her mind was elsewhere. She continuously paced around. She would take breaks, open her chest, look around, then close it and keep pacing.

Everyone else had jobs. Rain and Marial were hunting, David, Chester, and Oliver were out to find a water source, (Even though we had Destiny, and she could make water with magic, or whatever you call it). So that left us two.

"What's wrong?" I asked.

"I can't find the dagger that we need to get into the temple. Marial was supposed to get it from the spot I put it in, but with the fire, I guess something happened and she couldn't." Destiny said.

"We can go find it if you want." I said.

"No. If it was in the fire it melted by now. It is magic, but it's not guaranteed to last forever." Destiny said.

"Then let's get your mind off things." I said, opening the chest. I grabbed the sword that Destiny had used when we first met, and tossed it to her. She caught it, and I pulled mine out.

"Are you trying to kill me?" She asked, but she lifted it and pointed it to me anyway.

"No, just see how good you are with a blade." I said, and struck her sword. She smiled and started fighting.

That's what we did for what felt like hours. She drew first blood, so she technically won, but we kept fighting anyway.

It was sunset when everyone came back. Destiny hurriedly made mats out of leaves, and things from her bag. I watched as she sewed the leaves together using magic thread. When she tied the knot, the string disappeared and the leaves were one large blanket.

"I wish I had magic like yours." I said, sitting down next to her. We had all decided to make a very, very small fire. The glow illuminated Destiny's face, making her Pink eyes sparkle.

"Everyone has magic, it just might show up ina different form." She said.

"Do- Did all Sorceresses and Sorceres have pink eyes?" I asked.

"No, it's a family thing. My brother and I had pink eyes, but our cousins had blue, thanks to my aunts."

"Did they have anything else like that?" Connor asked.

"Well, once you become a 'master of your craft,' or, basically, when you come of age, you would have an elder family member perform a ritual and you would start growing horns." Destiny said.

"Oh, that's neat." I said.

"Yea." She said, smiling.

"Hey, I was thinking," I said, "Maybe we could find a way into the temple without the Dagger."

"What do you propose?" She asked. I whispered my idea, and she nodded.

"We can go in a few days, after I find what we need." 
