22 - Destiny Wood

"Want to do a lesson on magic? We can walk through the forest." I whisper-asked Winne. She nodded happily, and we excuse ourselves to scout out the forest before walking.

She sighed in relief when we were out of sight. She spun around, lava forming around her like a water fountain.

"You've got it down pretty good. I don't think you need teaching." I said.

"Oliver just has temper issues." Winne said, and I laughed. She smiled and we kept walking.

"Can I tell you this idea I have? It's for a book I'm writing." Winne said.

"You write books?"

"Lots of them. I don't have any paper scraps with me, so it's all in my head right now." Winne said, tucking a piece of her blonde hair behind her ear.

"You'll have to tell me about the story first." I said, and Winne beamed.

Deep down inside, we all had something that tied us to our inner child, whether that child was happy, sad, or vengeful, even. Storytelling and making was what tied Winne to the roots of herself.

Winne talked for what felt like hours, and I memorized parts of the forest.

But the further into the forest we walked, the more things began to look familiar.

Childhood memories seeped into my mind.

"I'm gonna get you!" Chase shouted, us two running through the woods.

"Never!" I said, laughing and running. I was 4, and he was about 7 or 8.

"Gotcha!" Chase said, pulling me back by the hip. We both tumbled to the ground, giggling.

"I love you." Chase said. I hugged him.

"I love you too."

I faded back into reality, and realized where we were. Why hadn't I recognized it before!?

I began running faster, and Winne shouted at me to stop. I didn't care that I had cut her story off.

I kept running until I knew for sure where I was. Tears formed in my eyes as I looked around the place I once called home.

"Destiny! I-" Winne said, then realized where we were. Burnt trees, houses, huts, and a scorched gathering area.

"Is this-" she started, but I walked to a ladder that led to a tree house. I climbed up, and opened the door.

"Run!" Memories of Chase said. Burning wood, screaming people, "Get to the old cottage!"

"What about you?" I had asked.

"I'll meet you there, just find an invisibility potion and go!" He said.

I traced my hand along the burnt wood. I opened the cupboard and traced the cups my mother had used every day.

I fell on my knees, memories flooding my head like the tears falling down my face.

"Destiny!" Winne shouted, but I didn't care.

We were in my old village. Surrounded, possibly, by dead bodies and evidence to whoever sent my village into eternal rest.

And I found the perfect clue.
