chapter 50

word count: 2666
published date: 170716
edited date: 170707

yejin's pov

"good morning graduates!" yejin smiles as dana walks in the front door with a suitcase. "thank you unnie," dana smiles as we sit down at the dining table. it was currently 3:30 am and we have two hours to get ready. "i can't believe you guys are graduating then leaving right after," dad sighs as gives us our breakfast. pancakes with roses, water with flower ice cubes, and chocolate cake. "are you trying to get us fat?" i laugh as i eat the pancakes, "oh and our flight changed. we'll be leaving twenty-four hours away from now. they found out that we're graduating so they realized they should give us some time before we leave. oh, and did i mention dana's dad will be coming with us? he needs to do something to the house or something." dad nods as he goes back to his bedroom, "i'm going back to sleep but wake me up when you guys are leaving."

"a few days ago... did i say a small house in new york?" dana asks. i nod my head as i drink the rosewater. "well... i meant an average size house. it's just smaller than the one here so i said small. anyway, there's three bedrooms and a big yard. it's like an average american house. when we get there, my dad's gonna buy us furniture and stuff since we cleared it out. so don't feel guilty for spending so much money, he's been saving up for this." i nod and go back to eating. "i need to take a shower so after i'm done eating i'll take it. you already took a shower at your house though, right?" i ask. dana puts her plates away and nods, "yeah. i just need to dry my hair and curl it.

i gather my things and step into the shower. now this is where i have my deep thoughts. i mean, who doesn't?

"jungkook, i can't do this anymore." no, that doesn't work. i can clearly do the relationship with him but i'm choosing not to. "i'm not good enough for you." no, that'll make him convince me that i am. "i'm leaving you for new york." no, that'll tell him where i'll be so that will cause questions to be asked.

why not just do something simple. like an "i'm breaking up with you, i hope you can understand. this was just a fling, a lover from high school. i never saw us getting serious." oh, that works. i'll use that.

i finish up washing and step out of the bathroom. dana was drying her hair while watching a korean drama on her phone. "woah, i just realized you cut your hair," i gasped. normally, dana would have long hair but now she has short hair. "you just noticed? oh wait, i got it cut yesterday..." she smiles as she sits me down in front of her. i decide to go through pictures that she took. knowing dana, she would take as many selcas if anything changed.

"did you just take this?" i laugh as i notice she was wearing the same tank top. she nods her head and starts blow drying my hair. "after you do your makeup, you better take a picture. you always look so pretty i'm jealous," dana snickers. "what do you mean? you're the one that was featured on some ulzzang page." she shakes her head, "that's because i look like an ulzzang that's well known."

as i start to curl the ends and bangs of my hair even though the curls will be out by the time the thing ends. but dana gets started on her makeup again. "you already did you make up, why are you doing it again?" i ask. she shakes her head, "that was makeup i slept with." i gasp and throw a pillow at her foot, "disgusting!" i laugh.

as thirty minutes pass, my eyeliner was on both eyes and i was looking okay for once. i grab my phone and open the front facing camera and take a quick selca. "you look amazing," dana mumbles as she applies her lipstick. "you too."

"here, i grabbed the shirt from your closet while you were taking your shower," dana says as she hands me a white bandeau top. "thanks, where's yours?" i ask. she points to the bed and her outfit was laid out next to my pants, "right there."

"it's already 4:30?" dana gasps as she checks her phone. i take off my pajama shorts and put on my pants, "i guess it is." dana stands up from the vanity and takes off her jacket which revealed nothing but her bare boobs. "you came to my house like this?!" i gasp. she nods as she puts on her top, "rebellious, i know." she winks at me as she takes off her sweatpants and puts on her black flared pants.

"do i look okay?" she asks as she ties up her top. i nod my head as she adjusts her pants. my oversized shirt comes off in and instance and suddenly a bandeau top is on me. "are you going to wear a jacket over that?" she asks. my head shakes as i put on my cartier bracelets, "the graduation gown will act as my jacket until it's over."

dana stands in front of the mirror and looks at herself as i gather my things into my small purse. "are you ready?" i ask her as i grab my phone, wallet, and makeup. she nods and grabs her clutch as we go to my dad's bedroom. "dad, we're leaving," i say as i shake him. his eyes open and widens at our outfits, "ya, your outfits are cute and all but aren't they a bit too revealing?" he asks. we shrug our shoulders as he pushes out of his room so he could get dressed.

"you guys look amazing!" yejin squeals as she comes out of the balcony. dana bows to her and smiles as i just nod. "here, come out to the balcony. i'll take some pictures."

dana hands yejin her phone while dana positions herself against the wall.

"that looks cute. i'll take mine when we leave," i say as dad comes out with his car keys and a hoodie. "let's go. i have to drop you off at the jeons, correct?" he asks as he waves us over. "i'll see you at the school!" yejin yells from the balcony. "yejin-ah," dad says as he hands me a long tan vest, "wear this. it used to be your mom's but she wanted to give it to you when you graduated." i nod my head and put it on to make her happy, i hope she is.

we take the elevator to go outside and wait for dad to get his car. "ooh, pretend you're walking. it'll look really good like that if the picture is taken right now." i hand dana my phone and walk back to the entrance back out to her. my black clutch was in my right hand while my left was in the pocket.

"you better give me picture creds," dana smiles as we get into my dad's car.

the drive to the jeons wasn't that long but it felt long. dad wouldn't stop nagging and comparing graduation now to how it was back in "his day."

"i'll see you two at the school, love you both!" he smiles as he drives off. as soon as we get out of the car, jimin and taehyung are walking closer to us. "oh hey!" jimin smiles as him and taehyung jog over. they were both wearing the same thing, white button up and black dress pants. "good morning," dana waves as we both hug them. "you two look great," taehyung gasps as he rings the doorbell.

the front gate unlocks and the front door revealed a smiling namjoon, "your hair!" dana nods and pulls him into a hug. i walk in the house and there were balloons all over the floor. "you look... amazing," seokjin mumbles as he kisses my forehead and hugs me. at the top of the staircase, jungkook waved me over with his finger while he fixed his tie. i excuse myself and go up the stairs to go talk to him.

"listen, i'm sorry about last night. it was a bitchy move, i hope you forgive me." jungkook pecks my lips and smiles, "you forgive me right?" i roll my eyes and nod, "of course i do." jungkook takes his phone out of his pocket and takes a quick picture of me, "you look hot. but didn't you say you have something to tell me today?" he asks. "uh... yes i do. but that can wait until everything is over. but right now, let's join everybody downstairs."

i go down the stairs and the jeons were standing in front of me. "ah, i remember when your mother bought this. she asked me what adult yejin would wear so i helped her pick this out for you. i hope you like it, she would've been so happy," mrs. jeon smiles weakly as she pulls me into a hug. "i love it." i also hug mr. jeon who was smiling brightly, "congratulations. i hope you're not too busy afterward. we wanted to treat everybody to dinner." junghyun pushes his dad out of the way and pulls me into a tight hug, "it's my turn to hug her now... dad you were taking too long." mr. jeon laughs and walks off to jimin and taehyung. "i know we haven't really gotten closer but i hope we do. i'm sorry for talking to yerin more than you. but anyways... congratulations. i love you, little maknae," junghyun smiles as he pets my head. "thank you, oppa. i love you too," was all that could come out of my mouth.

"we have to get to the school by seven. right now it's 5:30 but getting there would take an hour or so because we would have to get flowers and stuff," mrs. jeon says as she puts on her necklace, "let's leave in fifteen minutes."

"hoseok oppa, yoongi oppa!" i smile as they both walk in the door. "you look amazing, my sister would be so jealous that i know someone prettier than her," hoseok laughs as he gives me a tight hug, "that reminds me, she said she wants to see you." yoongi smiles at me and gives me a tight hug as well, "you look wonderful. jungkook is very lucky to have you." jungkook comes down the stairs and nods, "i am lucky to have her."

we all sit down in the living room and talk about what we're doing afterward but dana and i keep silent. "why aren't the two ladies talking?" hoseok asks. dana and i look at each other and shrug, "we're just tired. we woke up really early to get ready." jungkook rolls his eyes and grips my thigh, "they're just saying that because what they're doing is top secret." i slap his hand away and glared at him, "just because i'm going on vacation with my family doesn't mean it's top secret."

"you guys ready?" mr. jeon asks. we nod as we go to the garage. "who wants to go in the tesla? there are seven seats in there and there are four seats in the maybach. i don't know if junghyun is taking his bmw but if he does he's picking up yejin's sister then going," mrs. jeon says as junghyun comes down the stairs.

"i can take yejin and jungkook if you want me to. unless they want to ride in dad's maybach then i can take jiminie and taetae," junghyun says as he puts on his jacket. "i want to ride with junghyun hyung!" taehyung and jimin screams as they both jump on him. "i'll ride in aobeoji's car," i say as i follow mr. jeon. jungkook nods as the rest of the boys go with mrs. jeon, "i'll go with dad." we all get into our designated cars and drive to the school. "your mother will be picking up the flowers so we may get there earlier."

"are you going somewhere after japan?" mr. jeon asks. i shrug my shoulders and look out the window to ignore jungkook's eyes. "i may be studying the whole time, or finishing mom's charity work," i say as jungkook holds my hand. "dad, can we stop by the market? i want to buy chocolate," jungkook smiles as we park near the market. his dad sighs as jungkook run out the door. "do you love jungkook?" he asks. i nod my head and smile at him, "there were ups and downs but i love him." mr. jeon smiles at me, "you're like a daughter to me, yejin. i love you as much as jungkook, remember that. if you're in any trouble you come to me, okay?" i gladly nod although i won't be needing his help.

we get to the school and the school was packed already. "c'mon! we have to go to homeroom to get our diplomas!" dana squeals as we run up the stairs. as we open the door, everybody was seated and talking away. some were crying as well. "now since all students are here, we will begin handing out diplomas in alphabetical order."

after everybody received their diplomas, we were now seated in the gym and waiting for the ceremony to begin. "you excited?" taehyung asks as he leans in from his seat. a big smile was plastered on my face for him to see. "can you tell?" i giggle as the lights dim.

after a few names were called, mine was next. for some reason, they decided to announce what you're doing after graduation. "choi yejin. class of 2017. his will take her to v-" i shake my head at my homeroom teacher, "secretive. say secretive." she nods and continues, "choi yejin. class of 2017. this will take her to a secret?" the crowd laughs as jungkook sighs, along with seokjin.

a few hours passed and now everybody was outside, taking pictures. "kids! come together!" dad yells as we all gather in one group. i was standing between seokjin and jungkook in the middle of the group, "say kimchi!" yerin smiles as we all smile big. "now let's have the families take pictures," taehyung's parents smiled.

dad and yerin hand me bouquets of flowers while junghyun takes pictures of us. "appa, can you take a picture of me and unnie together?" i ask. he nods as he takes a few pictures of us, "what the hell is that pose?" he gasps as yejin and i squat down on the floor, "i'm over it. yerin-ah, take pictures of me and my daughter, will you?" yerin laughs as dad and i smile brightly, "you guys are adorable."

while we take more and more pictures, dana and her family walks to my family. "hope you don't mind not seeing your daughter for a few years," dana's dad laughs as he hugs my dad. "well, one more kid not to take care of. am i correct?" dana's dad laughs along with mine while i play with her little brother. "did you break up with him yet?" i ask dana. she shakes her head, "you wanna break our boyfriends' hearts right now?" she asks. my head nods as we walk to the group of good looking boys. "jeon jungkook, i need to talk to you." "i need to borrow namjoon."

jungkook smiles and pulls me to the very back, where there was no one. "what's up?" he asks as he pulls me into a tight hug.

"i'm breaking up with you, i hope you can understand. this was just a fling, a lover from high school. i never saw us getting serious."
