chapter 23

word count: 1038
published date: 04.12.17
edit date: 04.12.17

jungkook's pov

i was hanging out with dana but she had to leave because her parents needed her back home. that sucks. i saw hoseok hyung grinding against yejin. were they really trying to make me jealous? i saw him whispering something in his ear which got her attention. she just put her hand on his head so they would be closer. hoseok hyung really had the nerve to out his lips on the crook of her neck, making her head roll back and her mouth forming a perfect "o." i continued looking at them until he grabbed her hand and took her somewhere else. guess i have to find some fun someplace else.

i text yejin saying, "are you trying to make me jealous? because it's definitely working." i hope that gets her to come to me. i go into the kitchen and sit down on the counter while eating a cupcake. why are there cupcakes at this party? piggy seokjin hyung probably brought it, pfft. "hey kookie," a girl, that was invited by jimin, walked up to me. i look up from my phone and grin at her, "hey." she just smiles and grabs a cupcake while sitting on the counter next to me. she bites into the cupcake and looks down at her feet dangling in the air. i notice that part of the frosting missed her mouth and instead landed on the corner of her lips. i found it cute. i continued to look at her until she started to speak up. "do you follow me on twitter?" she asks as she holds up my twitter profile. i shake my head and go on the twitter app on my phone. "what's your user?" i ask as i throw away the cupcake paper away. she licks the frosting off of the corner of her lip and says, "hongtaehee." i nod my head as i type her name into the search bar. i tap on her profile and immediately sexual pictures popped up in my feed. a little snicker comes out of my mouth, causing her to look at me with a glare. "these all you?" i ask as i show her my phone. it was a picture of her at the pool with her bent over the edge. she blushes and nods, "yeah, that's me. but that was so long ago, i was fat back then." i shake my head and put my arm around her shoulder, "you're still the same, i hope you know that."

she nods and pulls me off of the counter. "let's go dance." i follow behind her as she leads my hands to her body to the music. "you got good hands," she giggles as she leads my right hand down to where her little area was. i scoff and grab her hips as i slowly started to dry hump her. but this doesn't feel right. i shook the thought off and admired taehee slowly, with lust. the sound of feet stomping on the stairs got my attention. it was hoseok hyung carrying yejin on his back with the rest of the boys following. jimin hyung caught my eye and waved me over to him. i nodded and apologized to taehee before following behind him. "what's she doing on hyung's back?" i ask jimin hyung. jimin sighs before shaking his head, "she sorta passed out while playing spin the bottle." i felt my veins starting to become visible on my forearm. "who did it land on?" i ask. "it landed on yoongi hyung," he answers as we open jimin's bedroom door. hoseok gently lays her down and tucks her in the blanket. "you do know that she's going to be really uncomfortable when she wakes up?" namjoon asks. seokjin nods and whips the blanket off of her, "i'll undress her, you guys go out and have fun. i'll look out for her tonight." the boys look at each other with a weird look, "why you? why can't it be me?" jimin asks. "she's practically like my little sister, she's used to it. she even said so before we came here," jin answers as he picks out a pair of basketball shorts from jimin's closet. 

they nod and leave the room, leaving me, seokjin, and yejin alone. "jungkook, leave." he takes her jacket off and sets it on the desk chair. "why? it's not like i haven't seen her ass," i ask as i sit down on the bean bag chair in the corner of the room. "get out and i don't care. go have fun with a girl or something," he sighs as he pushes me out of the room. i put my feet down and glare at him. "let's have a deal. i stay in this room while you're changing her and i get to watch. if i watch without getting turned on then that means that i can stay in here with her and you but if i get turned on then i leave and i don't contact her at all for a week," i smirk and stick out my hand for him to shake. hyung chuckles and shakes my hand, "you're going to lose."

i sit back down on the chair as i stare at seokjin's hands do his thing. he took off her jeans and folded it and set it on the desk chair as well. "fuck, i forgot she was wearing a body suit," seokjin curses as he puts his hands on his hips. "so?" i ask. "i have to strip it off of her like a one piece, this is too much," he laughs as he grabs one of jimin's stussy hoodies from the hook. 

seokjin hyung slowly peels off the straps off of her shoulders and glides the black bodysuit down her body until it got down to her hips. "fuck," i whisper to myself as i think of her in my bed. "are you losing yet?" he asks as he takes it off completely and immediately puts the basketball shorts on her. i shake my head and watch him take her bra off then put the hoodie on her. 

"kay, i watched and nothing happened. i'm staying in here."
