chapter 45

word count: 1843
published date: 170712
edited date: 170703
yejin's pov

"wake up, baby," jungkook whines as he shakes my body. my eyes open to a pouting baby boy with big doll eyes. i nod my head and sit up on the bed, "what time is it?" jungkook shows me his phone, "7:50 pm." my mind groans but i get up from the bed but suddenly i'm on my knees. "yejin!" jungkook gasps as he rushes over to my side. i shake my head and use his hand to get back up, "why am i falling?" i cry as he sets me down on the couch we have. he kisses the top of my head and holds me until i fall back to sleep.

- day five -

"are you feeling better?" jungkook asks as he walks in the bedroom with two cups of green tea. i nod my head as i take a sip and lie back down. jungkook was already dressed, but where is he going? "i'll be back, baby. i'm just going to an old friend's house and i'll be back before sunset." he leaves the bedroom with a sloppy kiss on my lips and a small wave.

i get out of the bed and see everybody eating breakfast. "sleeping beauty is finally awake!" hoseok jokes as he gets up and waits for me at the end of the stairs. i roll my eyes and hug him as he carries me to the living room. "what was even going on yesterday?" i yawn. dana sits next to me and has my head lean on her shoulder, "you kept falling and you fell in a really deep sleep. seokjin oppa thought he had to take you to the hospital." my eyebrows raise but i shrug my shoulders. this has happened before, i just need to sleep in order for it to go away. "i haven't been to the beach yet. shall we go?" i ask. dana nods and makes me take her to my room. i tie my hair up and put on my pink and white striped bikini along with a white romper. my toe was packed with beach necessities and enough polaroid films.

"you ready?" dana asks as she looks at herself once more in the mirror. turns out she already had her swimsuit on under her hoodie. i nod my head and we go down the stairs, "we'll be back," we say quickly.

dana and i cross the street to the beach and see umbrellas up already. "you brought your polaroid, right?" she asks as she gets her go pro camera ready. i take out my white polaroid camera and hand her the film. she turns it on and takes a candid of me, gross. "stop," i giggle as i set my bag down on the chair. dana shrugs me and shows the developing picture, "c'mon, you look pretty so shut up."

as we walked closer to the water, the more comments were made on us. "aren't they ulzzangs?" "they're both so pretty." "damn, i would ask her out if i wasn't dating you." "make a move on them!" dana and i try to hide our giggles and splash each other in the water.

a buff, tan man approaches us with his hair wet and his torso covered in droplets of water. he takes off his sunglasses and takes his hand out, "hello, i'm dean." dana and i were sitting on the damp sand and i shake his hand. "hello there," dana grins as she looks at the small toddlers playing with floaties. "i just wanted to say you two are just... beautiful and perfect," he smirks. i cover the sun's glare with my hand to get a closer look on his face. he didn't look that bad. "thank you, but may i ask if that is all you're going to say?" dana asks. he shakes his head and sits down next to us. "i was wondering if my friend and i can take you out for drinks," he smirks. dana and i both shake our heads, "we have boyfriends." dean's face softens and nods, "well... take my number anyway. i know a modeling agency looking for models like you." he gives us two cards with the label "YGK+" on it.

dana gasps and runs back to our chairs and puts the card away. "he's from ygk+?!" dana screams. i shrug my shoulders and return my undivided attention to the ocean. "how long do you want to stay here for?" i ask her as i get up to wash. she points to the ground and mouths "now" so we go to the nearest shower station and wash our sandy bottoms.

we dry our bodies off and pack our things before going to the nearest shopping mall. apparently, they have lush, some brand that dana loved while she was in america. "ooh lush!" she squeals as she drags me to the black and nude colored store. as we entered, the smell of different herbs filled my nose immediately. "hurry up and pick out three bath bombs. i'll pick out the bubble bars and shower jelly," dana grins as she hands me a small shopping basket.

from the middle counter, there were endless piles of bath bombs or bath fizzies. i immediately pick out the ones that made my eyes pop out at them. dana and i meet back at the register and she gasps, "why did you pick out so many bath bombs!" i look down at my basket and notice i grabbed ten bath bombs. i take my wallet out and pay for the bath bombs while she pays for the shower jelly and bubble bars.

we leave the store with full hands and walk back to the house. "guess what we bought!" dana squeals as she waves the lush bag around. namjoon's and taehyung's attention turns to us while the others were taking a nap. "we'll be taking a bath with our new goodies so don't disturb us unless the world is ending. thank you!" dana giggles as we go to my room since i have the largest bathtub in the house. it can fit about three people. "turn the water on and wait for me to come back with my speaker," i say as i leave the bathroom to get my bluetooth speaker. "you ready for the bath bombs?" dana asks as she takes out the experimenter, twilight, and butterball. i nod my head as i get the camera on my phone ready on my phone. "that's so pretty!" i whisper as the water of the bathtub changes colors.

as the bombs start to dissolve, dana crushes up the jelly and waves the bubble bar around in the bath, making a huge fluffy bubble cloud. on my speaker, i turn on offonoff and some underground r&b artists. "yejin? you in there?" jungkook's voice faintly asks from the other side of the door. dana turns down the music and covers herself with a towel as i open the bathroom door. "yes?" i ask as i close the door but open it enough for him to see my face. "what are you doing?" he asks. i open the door wider and show him the bathroom, thankfully dana had her swimsuit on. he nods and kisses my head as he goes back downstairs.

i lock the bathroom door and step in the bath tub and my body immediately starts to ease. "one of the best days ever," i moan as my body starts to bob up and down. dana giggles as she blows a handful of bubbles, "agreed."

the rest of the night consisted me and dana to play with the endless bubbles and listen to relaxing kpop. "i'm gonna wash the glitter off of my body and go to sleep. i'm not that hungry honestly," i yawn as i get out of the bath tub and step into the shower. dana nods and drains the tub before she joins me.

we step out of the bathroom with a towel around our body and she goes downstairs to her room. i put my things back where they were and i dry myself off and put on an oversized shirt and some pajama pants. "can i come in?" taehyung knocks on the door. "yes, come in." taehyung walks in the bedroom with a big smile and pushes me down the bed and hugs me, "my girlfriend dumped me. through text." i gasp and pet his hair as he starts to cry on my shoulder, "oh, poor oppa." he nods and wraps his arms around my waist tighter. "the boys were right. she was going to dump me sooner or later."

after a few hours of talking, taehyung fell asleep on the bed while jungkook was using the bathroom. "what's with hyung?" jungkook asks as he lies down on the bed. i bring my index finger to my lips and run my fingers through his hair. "can he sleep here tonight?" i ask as i pull him up the bed. jungkook nods his head and hugs taehyung as i move to the couch. i was going to plan on listening to stand up comedy before i sleep but jungkook doesn't like that so thank god i went to the couch.

- the day they go back to seoul -

the rest of the week passed quickly. for the last two days we went to clubs and went to the pool a lot. "i'll see you guys on monday then," i wave goodbye as jimin drops me off home first. jungkook kisses me on the lips before they drive away.

i unlock the door of my apartment and see dad on the couch, reading the newspaper. "appa, i'm back," i smile as i set my bags down next to my bedroom door. he turns his head and smiles but something was off. he pats the seat next to him, which i take, and he hugs me. "your mother... she is not doing well." i feel my body tense and i hug him back, "but unnie called a few days ago and said she was doing fine."

dad shakes his head and sighs, "her spine injury got worse. she had surgery but she barely made it. she's still talking fine but the doctors said that she may not even last this week. i went by your school today and told them that you won't be attending next week because we'll be at the hospital the whole time. i want you to not talk to anybody but dana since dana is like family. okay? we'll be going to the hospital in an hour to talk about your mom's will." i sigh and nod as my dad kisses my cheek and lets me go to my room. i unpack my bags, sort them out, and put them all in the wash. so i guess what my dad is telling to do is to ignore everybody trying to contact me besides dana.

i just hope my mom's okay.
