Three weeks later the girls wake up bright and early in their homes and get dressed to leave.

They get to the airport and meet DY there.

DY: (smiles and hug them) ladies ya'll look very beautiful.

When he goes to hug Thea he hug her a little more tighter and take a whiff of her perfume on her neck, he close his eyes and slowly let her go. He open his eyes and smirk a little as he thinks to himself how amazing she smells, he quickly shake his head and mentally scold himself and open the door for the girls as they climb in the limo.

They get on the plane and sarah and Melina purposely sit by each other so Thea can sit next to daddy yankee. She looks at him and take a whiff of his cologne biting her lip while talking in her mind saying 'god this man smells soooo good, I wish he was with me but he's married and he probably wouldn't want a kid though.

DY: (looks at Thea and smile) so Thea, tell me about yourself.

Thea: (smiles a little) well, my name is thea Megan Trinidad. I'm 17, a straight A student and I'm Puerto Rican.

DY: (smiles and nod) nice, well you know I'm Puerto Rican as well and I'm sure you know a lot about me as a star.

Thea: (smiles while nodding) yeah, but I wanna get to Ramón cuz I already know pretty much everything about daddy yankee.

DY: okay, what you wanna know?

Thea: well for starters tell me what's Ramón like?

DY: well Ramón is a very kind person just like daddy yankee, he loves his friends and family and especially his fans.

Thea: (nods) that's nice, how's private life with your kids and wife?

DY: it's good Natalia is amazing and uh..we don't have any kids. (Frowns a little) we've for years now tried to have a family but it seems that's not possible cuz she was pregnant twice and we lost both babies.

Thea: (frowns) I'm so sorry to hear that, I can only imagine how Natti feels.

DY: (smiles a little) thank you, yeah we was both pretty devastated but thank god for our music careers cuz it helped us cope.

Thea: (nods and smile) I'm happy for ya'll.
