Natalia: (hug and kiss him) hey babe, sorry I'm late. Some fans seen me and wanted my autograph.

Melina: oh my god, nattie Natasha is his wife!?

Sarah: holy shit! (Runs up to her) hi miss Natasha, I'm your biggest fan may I have your autograph?

Natalia: (smiles) of course, who are ya'll and why are you back here?

Melina: we got to come back here as vip guests.

Natalia: honey I thought you was supposed to choose one.

DY: I was gonna but I seen these three beautiful ladies and I couldn't.

Natalia: (nods) so what are ya'll names?

Sarah: I'm Sarah, and this is Melina, and Thea.

Natalia: (smiles) well it's nice to meet you ladies, ya'll look very young how old are you?

Sarah: we're 17...

Melina: but I'm going on 18 soon.

Natalia: oh okay, are you guys from here in California?

Melina: yes we are, we have dreams of being singers and dancers.

Natalia: oh cool, can ya'll sing?

Sarah: of course, check it out.

They sit together and clear their throats and started singing.

[There should be a GIF or video here. Update the app now to see it.]

Natalia look in amazement as she listens to them. Daddy yankee comes behind her and kiss her cheek as he listens.

Once they finish they clapped and cheer for them.

Natalia: wow, that was amazing you girls are very talented.

Girls: thank you

DY whispers in her ear as she smiles and look back at them.

Natalia: hey listen I have a concert of my own coming up in three weeks and I could use some back up singers, do ya'll speak Spanish fluently?

Girls: SI!!!

Natalia: (laughs) okay awesome. You guys give me your addresses and I'll be sure to come to your homes and ask your parents permission for you three to come with me to New York.

The girls sequel in excitement as they quickly hug them then head home to tell their parents the good news.
