TM(Thea mom): Thea! It's time for school!

Thea: ( pull the covers over her head)

TM: (go to her room and open the door) didn't you hear me young lady?

Thea: (whines) pero mama, Todavía tengo sueño... (but mom I'm still sleepy)

TM: (snatches the cover) ahora mi hija! (Now my daughter)

Thea: (sighs and sit up) fine, I'll be down in twenty minutes.

TM: (smiles and kiss her head) that's my babygirl.

Thea gets up, take her shower, and got dressed.

Thea: (comes down stairs) bueno Dias.

TD: (Thea dad): buenos Dias cariño.

Thea: (kiss his cheek) morning papa, what's for breakfast?

TM: pancakes and sausages.

Thea: ooo my fav... (answer her phone) hello? Hey que pasa chica...just got up eating breakfast....girl stop lying...really?.....OH MY GOD!

TM: Girl, what the hell is wrong with you?

Thea: okay bye, mom Sarah said she just scored two front row tickets to see DADDY YANKEEE!!!!

TD: who the hell is daddy yankee? And what kind of name is that?

Thea: (glares at him) dad daddy yankee is the best artist alive, and I love him soooo much!

TD: ohhh that's the guy all over your room.

Thea: yeah and we're going to that concert tonight.

TM: (clears her throat) Um excuse you but did you ask me or your father can you go?

Thea: but I'm seventeen mom, I can make my own decision and plus I have my own car.

TD: but you STILL didn't ask us, we don't care how old you get you're still under our house so what we say still goes.

Thea: (sighs) okay okay, can I please go?

TD&TM: yes

Thea: ( smiles and hug them) ahh thank you thank you, I love you guys!

She finish eating and left for school.
