They go to her house. Sarah and Melina has been calling her phone but as soon as she's about to answer Becky snatch her phone from her and slide it in her pocket. They open the door and nattie is sitting in the living room sipping on herbal tea with a disgusting look on her face.

Nattie: I'm gonna make this simple, you're not ready for a child but I'am and since this is my husband's child it makes the situation better. Now I will be helping you out until you give birth to my baby.

Thea: um..I-I'm sorry your baby?

Nattie: (smirks) yes MY baby, I will be taking that baby off your hands. Now I'll tell my husband I'm pregnant and to make it look real I will be wearing the fake bellies I bought for each stage of the pregnancy. And for you I will make sure you get paid incredibly good for your trouble and don't worry about your parents I'll let them know you're pregnant and that you signed the papers deciding to give me the baby.

Becky: (smiles) see? You'll be free to continue your life without worry about a baby you will not have time for.

Thea: (stands there speechless)

Nattie: (stands and walk over to her) now here are the documents, read them over carefully and sign on the dotted line.

She look them over and throw them on the floor.

Thea: n-no.

Becky&nattie: no?

Thea: no..I..I wanna keep my baby. (gently hold her stomach) I love my baby and I will make sure he or she has everything they need and I will stay out of your way. I'm just gonna raise my baby and do college, I have amazing parents and I know after the anger is over they will help me with their grandchild.


Nattie: (pulls Becky and back) Becky it's okay, she just needs time that's all right honey?

Thea: no, I meant what I said I'm gonna raise my baby without daddy yankee and ya'll can continue your lives and married bliss.

Nattie: (takes a deep breath) then you leave me no choice, I have to destroy your career before it even really begins. You know I have the power to have you black balled in this industry right? I'm nattie Natasha and people have so much respect for me and my husband in this world. We're basically the Latin version of Beyoncé and jay z. I mean come on how will it look for an 18 year old who is pregnant by a married man? My fans and his fans will destroy you as well so much to the point where you would probably wanna commit suicide from allll the hate you will get. I'm trying to save you from this all this, now granted I don't like the fact that you slept with my husband and you better believe I'm gonna punish him as well. But I'm also looking at the big picture here, I will finally be a mother and he'll finally be a father, it's what he always wanted to carry out his legacy and mine as well. He will NEVER be with you not after finding out his wife is pregnant.

Thea: so..you're trying to take my baby so you can use them to hang on to your husband? You guys are having problems like he told me.

Nattie: (laughs in anger) we do not have problems, we're fine. And I don't give a damn what he told you cuz that was a lie, he lied so he can sleep with you doll. He knows how young and dumb you are so you'll listen to anything he says and you fell for it. Now I have a meeting to get to but like I said signing those papers is your only way out and you have 24 hrs to decide, it's your baby or your life cuz I can guarantee you that your life will be over and you won't be able to do anything but maybe flip burgers. You wouldn't even be able to go to college, I'll take that away as well. Now ask yourself is that baby really worth a miserable life?

And with that she left for her meeting and Becky drop that off at home.
