Becky came over to her sister's home to talk.

Nattie: (opens the door and smiles) oye hermanita, ¿qué te trae por aquí? (Hey little sister, what Brings you here?)

Becky: (smiles a little and hugs her) bueno, terminé mi grabación y pensé que debería pasar el rato con mi hermana mayor. ¿como has estado? (well i finished my recording and thought i should hang out with my older sister. how have you been?)

Nattie: He estado bien, um ... pensé que estaba embarazada la semana pasada pero ... resulta que no lo estaba. ( I've been fine, um ... I thought I was pregnant last week but ... it turns out I wasn't.)

Becky: (frowns and hold her hand)  usted y ràmon todavía lo han intentado? ( have you and ràmon still tried?)

Nattie: (nods and sniff as tears fall) Becky, sabes que lo hemos intentado durante años y ... parece que nunca seré madre. ( Becky, you know we've been trying for years and ... it seems like I'll never be a mother.)

Becky grab a napkin and gently wipes her sister's face.

Becky: No digas eso más Natalia, eres una mujer maravillosa y serás madre algún día. nunca te rindas en ese sueño. ( Do not say that anymore Natalia, you are a wonderful woman and you will be a mother someday. never give up on that dream.)

Nattie: (sniffs and wipes her face) Supongo que sí, pero ahora tengo 33 años, Becky. El reloj está corriendo. ( I guess so, but I'm 33 now, Becky. The clock is ticking.)

She nods and hug her while gently rubbing her back calming  her down.

Four months later after the summer tour with daddy yankee the girls head over to Melina's home for a girls weekend.

Melina: now that tour was freaking awesome!

Sarah: I know right? Did you hear the crowd? Man they was so alive.

Thea: hell yeah they was, best summer ever.

Melina's mom comes in with snacks and as soon as the smell hit Thea she suddenly as the urge to puke. She quickly run to the bathroom and lock the door behind her. Once she finishes she comes back in as Melina and Sarah stare at her.

Sarah: you okay honey?

Thea: yeah sorry the smell of the cookies made me sick.

Melina: but...my mom's cookies never made you sick before.

Sarah: yeah, you sure you're okay you look pale.

Thea: (rub her face) I do?

She walks over to Melina's vanity and examine her face.

Melina: (look at her phone) ugh my cycle is almost here.

Sarah: mine was last week.

Thea listens to them and quickly grabs her phone. Her hearts starts to race and pound hard as she realize she's late.

Thea: oh my god!

Girls: what?

Thea: I-I'm late!

Melina: what!

Sarah: oh god, you're pregnant aren't you? That's why smelling those cookies made you sick.

Melina: but wait when did you even have sex? And you didn't tell us?

Thea: no I'm not...I can't be. Oh god could I be pregnant?
