Stuff Yall

Bonjour yall👌👌

Shout outs gotta take place. People gotta be mentioned. Love has to be thrown.

Shout out time!!!

1. Shout out to PikachuPlays for following me

2. Shout out to JazzMan070804 for adding my book to their reading list

3. Shout out to holic for the votes and the comments

4. Shout out to Skittl3sy for adding my book to their reading list

5. Shout out to KalonDragon for adding my book to their reading list

6. Shout out to WhisperingEclipse15 for adding my book to their reading list

7. Shout out to -chan for the comments and votes and jazz. I might have already shouted her out but she deserves 2❤❤

If any of you followed me or commented on my book or voted and I didn't shout you out im sorry and put ur name in the comments and what you did and I'll shout you out👍

Yall. Yall. YALL!!! We have 478 reads and 37 votes oh my glob. Thank yall sm<3<2<1

Thank you everyone for all the love. I love yall. And now what to expect to come up in the book without spoilers👍

So what yall can expect in the up coming chapters...

There will be a lot of angst between Keith and Ryan and. There will be angst between Keith and Lance. There might be angst between Ryan and Lance cuz Ryan is overprotective. There is a love triangle between Lance Keith and Ryan cuz I love muself a good love triangle.

There will be more Space and Earth Daddy talks. Adam. Adam will play a big role in the love triangle is all I'm saying.

Comment, vote, follow love yall<3<2<1 Minnie out✌
